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Kamala Harris The ‘Presumptive’ Democratic Presidential Nominee? Secures Enough Delegate Support

Democrats have rapidly thrown their support behind Kamala Harris for the party’s presidential nomination after Joe Biden withdrew from the election.

Harris gained enough delegates to secure the Democratic presidential nomination.

Harris issued a late-night statement on “becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.”

“Tonight, I am proud to have earned the support needed to become our party’s nominee. Over the next few months, I’ll be traveling across the country talking to Americans about everything on the line. I fully intend to unite our party and our nation, and defeat Donald Trump,” Harris said.

A closer look:


Per CBS News:

Vice President Kamala Harris is heading to the key battleground state of Wisconsin Tuesday, hitting the campaign trail for the first time since becoming the likely Democratic presidential nominee. She’s scheduled to make a mid-day speech in Milwaukee.

The campaign says it’s taken in more than $100 million between Sunday afternoon, when President Biden announced he’s bowing out of the race, and Monday evening.

Democrats moved Monday moved to consolidate behind Harris for the party’s nomination, capping a dramatic 24 hours after Mr. Biden’s shocking announcement that he was exiting the race and, a short time later, endorsing Harris for the nomination.

CBS News estimates Harris has received the endorsement of a majority of Democratic delegates. If the total holds, she would become the Democratic nominee for president after the virtual roll-call vote expected in early August.

“An Associated Press survey finds Kamala Harris has secured the support of enough Democratic delegates to become her party’s nominee against Donald Trump. The survey is an unofficial tally, as delegates may vote for the candidate of their choice when the party picks its new nominee. Under current party rules, a candidate will need the support of 1,976 delegates on the first ballot of that vote to win the nomination,” the Associated Press writes.

From the Associated Press:

Several state delegations met late Monday to confirm their support for Harris, including Texas and her home state of California. By Monday night, Harris had the support of well more than the 1,976 delegates she’ll need to win on a first ballot, according to the AP tally. No other candidate was named by a delegate contacted by the AP.

California state Democratic Chairman Rusty Hicks said 75% to 80% of the state’s delegation were on a call Tuesday and they unanimously supported Harris.

“I’ve not heard anyone mentioning or calling for any other candidate,” Hicks said. “Tonight’s vote was a momentous one.”

Still, the AP is not calling Harris the new presumptive nominee. That’s because the convention delegates are still free to vote for the candidate of their choice at the convention in August or if Democrats go through with a virtual roll call ahead of that gathering in Chicago.

Harris, in a statement, responded to the AP tally, saying she is “grateful to President Biden and everyone in the Democratic Party who has already put their faith in me, and I look forward to taking our case directly to the American people.”


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