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U.S. Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle CONFRONTED: “You Failed Cheatle in Assassinating Trump! You Failed!”

Remember when Q told us there would come a time when they wouldn’t be able to walk down the streets?

I think we’re very close to arriving at those days.

Because this is exactly how I envisioned that looking….

A man named Joseph Phillip Daniel was waiting for Secret Service Director Cheatle as she arrived to testify at Congress and as she passed by he screamed out, “You failed Cheatle in assassinating Trump! You failed! Satan isn’t all powerful. You’re on the wrong side and reap what you sow. God is good. God is in control, Cheatle!”

Cheatle then proceeded to the Congressional hearing where she refused to answer any important questions.

Watch here:

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Daniels says in his post: “/The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth sent me to be outside of the Rayburn building here in Washington, D.C. today to rebuke U.S. Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle/”

He also says she looked extremely demonic:

Do you agree?

Why hasn’t she been fired yet?

Maybe because she followed her orders perfectly?



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