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Kamala Harris’ Ex-Lover Former Mayor Willie Brown Calls For Biden To Step Down

Kamala Harris’ ex-lover, the former mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, is calling for Joe Biden to step down as president and allow Harris to take over the Oval Office.

Brown, the former Democrat mayor of San Francisco, told the press that Harris’s chances of getting elected are better if she’s the sitting president.

The former mayor stated, “Her chances go up if he would at this moment say not only am I no longer the candidate.”

Brown added making Kamala the president would also “silence all of this nonsense about how best to select some new nominee.”

Here’s what The New York Post reported:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ former lover, the ex mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown, thinks President Biden should step down from the presidency and give Harris the reins.

Brown, a Democrat who dated Harris in the mid-1990s, told reporters her chance of beating Trump be much better if she was running as the sitting president.

“Her chances go up if he would at this moment say not only am I no longer the candidate, I’m no longer the president — she is,” Brown said, according to the San Francisco Standard.

Brown also said it would clear up the turmoil that the party has been tossed into since Biden withdrew from the election Sunday — saying such a move would “silence all of this nonsense about how best to select some new nominee.”

Per SF Standard:

Brown, who dated Harris when she was an Alameda County prosecutor in the mid-1990s, said he learned of Biden’s decision “35, 40 minutes, maybe an hour ago,” along with the general public. He urged Democrats who had been pushing for Biden to step aside to rally behind Harris.

“I hope all those Democrats who’ve been pushing Biden to quit will now show up and ring doorbells with me,” he said.
The former mayor, nattily dressed as ever in a pink Isaia blazer, gray slacks and hat and white tennis shoes, drew parallels to Lyndon B. Johnson’s 1968 decision not to seek reelection, noting that Johnson had also endorsed his vice president.

“Since last January, he has been a candidate that all the Democrats embraced,” Brown said of Biden. “To come at the eleventh hour with an exit, it has to be health-related, not age.”

The Mayor for Life said he’d like to see an all-female presidential ticket with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer running as the vice presidential nominee. | Source: George Kelly/The Standard

Brown dismissed the idea of a “mini primary” to select a new nominee.

“Biden has the nomination if he wishes. I think he has indicated he doesn’t wish it,” Brown said. “He wishes the country to be better off and he wishes us to beat Trump. The best way to do that is with Kamala Harris.”

Brown suggested that Biden should resign immediately to allow Harris to assume the presidency, arguing this would “silence all of this nonsense about how best to select some new nominee. … Her chances go up if he would at this moment say not only am I no longer the candidate, I’m no longer the president — she is.”


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