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Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Requests to Meet With President Trump

Following the hectic turn of events for the Democrat party that we’ve seen these past few days, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyanhu has reportedly asked to meet with Donald Trump.

Netanyahu originally planned to visit Washington, D.C. this week to meet with Biden, Kamala Harris, and lawmakers in the Capitol.

But, the Israeli PM has recently also requested a meeting with Trump, potentially in Florida. It looks like Bibi knows where things are headed…

Trump has neither confirmed or denied his meeting request yet.

Check it out:

Politico reported:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has requested an in-person meeting with former President Donald Trump while in the U.S. this week, according to two people familiar with the outreach.

Netanyahu is coming to Washington this week to meet with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and lawmakers on Capitol Hill. He is also slated to give a speech in front of Congress Wednesday.

Netanyahu and Trump’s teams have in recent days discussed the possibility of the two leaders meeting face-to-face, potentially in Florida. Trump has yet to agree to a meeting, but also has not outright rejected the idea, the people said.

One of the people said if the meeting does take place, it will likely be later in the week following Trump’s rally in North Carolina on Thursday.

The Trump campaign and the Israeli embassy in Washington did not respond to requests for comment.

Reuters confirmed:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has requested an in-person meeting with former President Donald Trump while in the U.S. this week, Politico reported on Monday citing people familiar with the outreach.

Netanyahu and Trump’s teams have met in recent days to explore the idea of a meeting but Trump has yet to agree, the report added.

On another note, Bibi just landed in the U.S.

No sign of either Biden or Kamala to greet him…

Where is Joe anyway?…


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