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INSIDE JOB? Director Cheatle ADMITS The Secret Service No Longer Has Radio Comms From July 13th


Were we supposed to keep the recordings of the radio communications from the assassination attempt on President Trump?

Gee, I really wish I would have known that, we deleted those!


That’s my paraphrase of the testimony Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle just gave to Congress.

If you thought we would eventually get to hear the radio communications records, you can flush that hope down the drain because they no longer exist.

Right, because why would you preserve evidence from one of the most infamous Presidential assassinations in our Country’s history?

Full video player here:

People not only need to be fired but I think they need to go to prison.

How much more do we need to see before we all admit this looks like an intentional, attempted assassination of the Presidential Candidate LEADING in the race by far!?

Who all was in on it?

What is the penalty for attempting to assassinate a President?

Is that treason?

Is it something else?

How much more do we have to put up with?


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