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Joe Biden’s Brother Frank Biden Says “I Will Enjoy Whatever Time We Have Left”

Joe Biden’s brother, Frank Biden, has offered new details on what led to his brother Joe dropping out of the 2024 presidential race.

In a recent interview with CBS, Frank Biden was asked if his brother Joe’s health played a role in his recent decision to drop out of the 2024 race.

In response, Frank shared, ‘In my humble opinion, absolutely.’

Frank Biden later stated, “Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left.”

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Here’s what The Daily Mail reported:

President Joe Biden’s youngest brother said Sunday that he believed the 81-year-old was bowing out of the race due to health concerns.

Frank Biden made comments to both CBS and ABC News, telling CBS ‘in my humble opinion absolutely’ the president’s health was part of Biden’s decision to announce that he wouldn’t run for reelection – endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris in the process.

‘Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we has left,’ Frank Biden told CBS.

Per Newsmax:

President Joe Biden’s brother Frank told CBS News on Sunday evening he is “selfishly” happy his brother dropped out of the presidential race.

“I’m incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly, I will be glad to have him back for whatever time we have left,” he said. “He is a genuine hero. Country over self. It sounds corny and in our cynical political environment but he nor I am cynical,” he said.

Granddaughter Naomi Biden, the eldest daughter of Hunter Biden and Kathleen Buhle, shared support for her grandfather on X, saying “I’m nothing but proud today of my Pop … who has served our country with every bit of his soul and with unmatched distinction.”


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