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Glenn Beck Perfectly Explains How Donald Trump Is A “Different Man”

I’ve written a lot about this over the past two weeks, how President Trump looks and feels like a NEW man.

A changed man.

The NY Post even called it “A New Don”.

All accurate.

But I haven’t heard anyone describe it quite as perfectly as Glenn Beck just did.

This is EXACTLY what I am seeing, and Glenn just says it so perfectly here that I had to show you.

Trump is still a fighter, no mistake about that, but the NEED to fight on every single point seems to be gone or greatly reduced.  Replaced with a quite sense of absolute confidence.  Almost as if he knows exactly how this is all going to play out and he doesn’t need to expend unnecessary energy all the time.

Glenn says it even better.


Just watch here:


Glenn Beck:
I’ve been watching the convention this week and it is the best convention I have seen. I think it was better than the Reagan conventions, and those were pretty good. This had everything you needed in the Republican convention. It had all of the right people speaking. I thought all the way through the week, if people spent the time and watched it, actually listened to it, they saw a very different party than what they have ever seen before. At least I did. And last night, a very, very different Donald Trump. I’ve never seen him like this. I’ve never heard him speak this way. I’ve never seen him take the stage the way he did. He was humbled, and I think, you know, he pushed back on the crowd or the crowd pushed back on him halfway through the speech. He said, “I was not supposed to be here tonight. I’m not supposed to be here,” and they started chanting, “Yes, you were! Yes, you were!” And he said, “No, I wasn’t. An assassin wanted me gone, and I wasn’t supposed to address you today, but God saved my life.” It was not a moment of boasting; it was a moment, I thought, of clarity.

Now, there’s something else that happened that I haven’t heard a lot of people talk about. In fact, I haven’t heard anybody talk about this yet, and I think it’s very, very telling. Donald Trump has kind of shifted gears into this zone of, “I know what I know, I know what I feel, and I know who the other side is, and they’re dismissed.” He’s not fighting them like he was before. Now, that doesn’t mean that he’s not fighting. The one thing about Donald Trump is he’s a fighter. But it’s almost as if he feels that the outcome is already there, and he doesn’t need to push the envelope anymore. He just needs to say the truth.

And so he came out quiet, humbled. He did about 30 minutes of just riveting material that he wrote himself. He tore up the speech, wrote this speech himself, which is also not Donald Trump. He usually will ad-lib; he doesn’t usually write his own material. But he wrote the first 20 minutes and probably the last 20 minutes as well. The rest of it was kind of a stump speech, but he came out humbled and told the story of the assassination.

He said at one point Joe Biden’s name, and at one point when he said it, he said, “I’m only going to say this once,” and he talked about telling the story of the assassination and said, “It’s too painful, so I won’t tell the story again. You’ll hear it the first and last time from me tonight.” When he brought up Joe Biden, do you remember the context, Stu, on when he first brought up Joe Biden and then apologized and said, “I’m not going to say his name anymore?”

Yeah, he was talking about the 10 worst Presidents of all time and how all of them added up together wouldn’t get to Joe Biden, and that’s when he said his name.

Glenn Beck:
Right, right. And he said, “You know, I didn’t want it to be unclear who that president was that was worse than the 10 worst combined,” but I’m not going to mention his name anymore. And to me, that may be lowering the temperature a little bit. I think that’s one way to read it, but I think more importantly, I think he strategically is now looking at the fact that Joe Biden’s not going to be the nominee. I just don’t believe he’s going to be the nominee, and it’s only a matter of time. And Donald Trump, why waste his hour of television, or in his case, 90 minutes of television, making a case against a guy who’s not going to be running?

And that’s why he kept saying, “They made these things, this Administration did this,” and did not say Donald Trump or Joe Biden and did not say Kamala Harris. Now, the Kamala Harris thing, I think is because he just doesn’t know if Kamala is the one running, and why look back at the people who are so far behind you at this particular point? But the hopeful side of me says that he didn’t mention Kamala because he knows it’s going to be Michelle Obama. And I only say hopeful because, Stu, will owe me, I think it’s four grand, isn’t it, Stu?

Three. It’s definitely three. It’s 100% three.

Glenn Beck:
Three, and even that with inflation, I don’t even know if we can really count three thou. I think we should probably lower, I don’t know, we’ll talk about that.

Five. It should be five, yeah. Because three just isn’t what it was, you know, 6 months ago when we made this bet.

Glenn Beck:
I will say thank God for Bidenflation, because by the time I pay this bet off, it will be worth nothing. $3,000 will be like, what, a loaf of bread?

Won’t be able to buy a sandwich.

Glenn Beck:
No, we won’t. We won’t. Alright, so there’s a couple of stories here that explain the speech. The first one is the New York Times. In the New York Times, “Trump in RNC speech struggles to turn page on the past.” Well, it’s a little difficult, you know, when the past involved assassination attempts. A little difficult there. Donald J. Trump has been a man long undone by himself. He imperiled his presidency and political campaigns with personal grudges, impulsiveness, and an appetite for authoritarianism. You know, it’s really strange how they keep seeing authoritarianism in Donald Trump when he’s not done anything authoritarian. I mean, he might say, “We should go after the press and take away their license,” until he’s reminded they don’t have a license, and he wasn’t serious in the first place. “Lock her up,” until he wasn’t serious in the first place. I can’t find the authoritarian streak in him myself on anything that he’s actually done.

And then they say also he’s caused himself problems for his casual approach to the rule of law. Now, out of He Who Shall Not Be Named and Donald Trump, which one has the casual approach to the rule of law?

Glenn Beck:
I don’t know, should we go over the latest court to overturn his student loan debacle?


I know, I know. I read that this morning in the New York Times after reading the casual approach to the rule of law, and then the next story is, “Oh, another court said you can’t do that with student loans.” He just keeps trying to go around the law, over and over again. The court overturned his latest attempt at student loans the same day he announced another attempt for, I think it was, $1.5 billion of student loan relief. I mean, he is addicted to giving away money to these people. It’s incredible.

Glenn Beck:
His unwillingness to accept electoral defeat and his actions that have resulted in $83 million in penalties, nearly three dozen felony convictions, and additional legal trouble ahead. I mean, that’s how they start. And I mean, you’ve got to be, I mean, you’re just under the spell of witchcraft if you buy into any of that. But on Thursday night, with his right ear still bandaged 5 days after he was wounded by a would-be assassin’s bullet, okay, can we talk about that for a second, Stu?


Glenn Beck:
The bandage. What they’re trying to say here is he didn’t need the bandage. Do you think he needed the bandage still?

Yes, my guess is that his ear looks pretty funky right now, and he doesn’t necessarily want to walk out on stage that way.

Glenn Beck:
Yeah, I was actually hoping that he would take off the bandage because I think his ear probably looks worse. He lost the top of his ear, and that’s kind of, you know, there’s conspiracies throwing around now. A third of Democrats believe that he set this up with the Secret Service. What, to have his ear blown off? I mean, how delusional do you have to be? First of all, he’s not the guy who’s got the in with the Secret Service and the spy agencies and everything else. The conspiracy doesn’t, it falls apart pretty quickly.

It’s not rational by any means. And this is something, Glenn, you see in polling every single time. If there is a conspiracy theory about your political opponent, about a third of people will believe it, no matter what it is. Now, you can get higher than that. The Democrats, about 50% of them, believed 9/11 was an inside job when George W. Bush was president. You can find numbers that get higher, but the baseline number for a conspiracy theory against your political opponent is about a third. It just is. A lot of people are just taking the position they think hurts their opponent more than them actually believing it, I hope. But there are a lot of people. I mean, Joy Reid is on television every single day talking about this stuff. I mean, they threw Poor Joe Scarborough off the air. What did they think this guy was going to say? I mean, what do they think of Joe Scarborough if they leave Joy Reid on the air?

Glenn Beck:
I never thought of it that way. Amazing. You’re exactly right. So here, let me just switch gears here. Joy Reid posted a video of herself working through a bizarre conspiracy theory suggesting that the Secret Service helped Donald Trump to create the defiant photo image from the shooting. She noted the Biden campaign released a lot of detailed medical information about his condition within minutes of the announcement that he had contracted COVID-19 again. But when it comes to what happened on Saturday with former president Donald Trump, this assassination attempt, we know almost nothing about his medical condition. How come no one has any information about this wound? We still don’t know for sure whether Donald Trump was hit by a bullet or whether he was hit by glass fragments, whether he was hit by shrapnel. We don’t have any of those details.

Glass fragments? Where were the glass fragments from? Was that the teleprompter that they say was hit?

Glenn Beck:
There was an initial report. I don’t remember who reported it, but there was a report that it was glass fragments. And it wasn’t even a liberal reporter. I remember reading it being like, what? What are you talking about? And then about 5 minutes later, you could see pictures of it where both of the teleprompters are still fully intact. I mean, it was a crazy theory that was debunked immediately, but people like Joy Reid, who are impossibly stupid, continue to believe it.


We have a picture, unlike anything I’ve ever seen, a picture of the bullet in flight as it’s about to hit his head. I mean, it’s incredible.

Glenn Beck:
Yeah, I think it’s actually could have been a fly, a really big mosquito, we don’t know.

I don’t know. I think the picture is just after it passes his head, but yes. I mean, it is one of the most incredible photos ever taken, and the photographer who took it has basically the most impossible photo you can take, and it’s still not the iconic photo of the incident, which is kind of, I mean, you caught a bullet in your picture, and still somebody else got the picture of him standing up with his fist up with blood streaming down his face, which is still the iconic photo of that day. But yeah, I mean, it is so stupid. They believe everything. They believe that the bandage is fake, that he didn’t actually get injured. I don’t know. I thought it was glass that hit him, now he didn’t get injured at all, doesn’t need the bandage. I mean, everything they come up with is dumber and dumber. They’re just crazy, really truly crazy about him.

Glenn Beck:
I think they lose all reason. And for Joy Reid to be on the air on MSNBC is remarkable, and not because they should fire her because of her points of view, I don’t believe in that, just because she’s dumb as a box of rocks, man.

Yeah, she’s crazy.

Glenn Beck:
She is crazy. To be fair, I don’t think Joy Reid has lost all reason. She just didn’t have it at any point, so it’s impossible to lose for her.


A NEW DON? President Trump Mocks His “Severe Combover” — “I Apologize For That!”

Do we truly have a “New Don” on our hands?

A new Donald Trump?

Certainly coming within one inch of an assassin’s bullet will change you….when you realize the only reason you are still alive is by the Grace of God (and thanks to that beautiful immigration chart), a reality much bigger than yourself starts to set in.

It’s called a life-changing experience for a reason.

And one of the absolute funniest moments of the Grand Rapids, Michigan Rally tonight was President Trump suddenly catching a live feed of himself on a TV screen and being appalled at how bad his “comb-over” looks!

Absolutely hilarious!

Watch here:

Backup here if needed:

What’s so notable is President Trump has always been notoriously guarded about his hair.


Yes, he’s let Jimmy Fallon run his hands through it in another equally famous moment, but he’s never really liked anyone joking about his hair — let alone calling it a “comb-over”.

But that’s what he just did to himself, and the deprecating humor absolutely won over the crowd!

Way to go, Mr. President….America will absolutely eat this up!

It truly was a hilarious moment.  President Trump is a genuinely funny man!

“I apologize for that!”  What a classic line!

By comparison, check out crusty old Maxine Waters playing with her wig during this entire interview on CNN:

TRUMP > Crusty Old Maxine

It should be noted, however, that the old President Trump is still in there too.

It’s not a replacement, it’s a both/and situation.

The old lion-hearted TIGER of a man is still in there, and just a short while later in the Rally we had this line:

As funny as he was in the first clip, he was deadly serious when he said this.

I believe he truly does hate that too, because I identify very closely with President Trump.

Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not placing myself anywhere near his level, but I do think we have extremely similar personalities and views on life, and being laughed at is something I hate as well.

So we truly now have the best of both worlds.

We have a “New Don” that can poke fun at himself and bring a stadium of 25,000 people to their knees in laughter, but we also didn’t lose the extreme fighter.

I’ll take it!

Hard to believe, but we got an upgrade on an already incredible man.


Man Who Prophesied Trump Shooting 3 Months In Advance Says Trump Will Be Radically Reborn — On FIRE For Jesus!

This is absolutely incredible, and I think you’re going to love this.

If you haven’t seen it yet, Brandon Biggs prophesied back in March 2024 that President Trump would be shot.  Not only that, he said it would be in the ear and he even specified the right ear.

That’s pretty incredible by any account.

More on that here if you haven’t seen it:

INCREDIBLE: Christian Prophet Predicted President Trump Being Shot In The Ear THREE Months Ago!

But now I want to focus on something else he said.

In that prophecy from back in March he said the following:

I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life. This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his eardrum.

I saw him fall to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the Lord. He got radically born again during this time frame. I’m talking people say he’s saved now, but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what I saw coming.

Folks, we have been watching and waiting for this since 2015!

I am absolutely blown away by how this ties into what Kim Clement said, but first let me show you this....

President Trump's exact quote is "It Was God Alone" who saved him and he has also said "I should be dead":

Here he is again admitting this has had an impact and admitting "I should be dead":

Do you think surviving an assassination attempt against all odds would change you?

Draw you closer to God?

I do.

And what happens when President Trump, already a wild man, now becomes a wild man filled with the Holy Spirit?

Folks, this is what I've been telling you was coming for 9 years!!!

Now it's here!

This literally may be the moment -- the very instant -- where President Trump became Born Again:

Now let's go to Kim Clement....

Because a lot of people have doubted this prophecy from Kim Clement.....laughed at the fact Donald Trump would become a "praying President".

I don't think they're laughing anymore.

He says he [Trump] will not be a praying president when he goes in, but God will baptize him with the Holy Spirit.  He continues, saying Trump will become a praying president, not a religious one.  "For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will.’”  He says Trump will go into office whispering the name of God, but after his baptism in the Holy Spirit, he will boldly shout out by the power of the Spirit!

Watch this:

Full video player here:

"There will be a praying president, not a religious one... he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country... Trump shall become a trumpet... they will say he is ungodly... For two terms, God said, do not fear... No more war!"

"I will put at your helm a praying President, but he will not be a praying President when he starts."

"He shall pray like a man who has never prayed in the White House"

— Kim Clement

Look how spot on this is!

He will be a praying President, but not when he starts.


He will pray like a man who has never prayed in the White House.


Collin Rugg notes that he seems to have a new outlook on Life already.  So true!  People are noticing!

Get ready folks, this is going to be incredible!

The next 4 years are going to be BIBLICAL!

Here's more from our original report, in case you missed it (NOTE: the original YouTube link with March time-stamp is included below to confirm the timing):

INCREDIBLE: Christian Prophet Predicted President Trump Being Shot In The Ear THREE Months Ago!

This is absolutely incredible....

I wouldn't be overly impressed by a prophet predicting President Trump would have an assassination attempt on his life.

After all, we've been worried about that and praying against it since 2015.

The only surprise, quite honestly, is that it didn't happen sooner.

But when I see a man say on video THREE MONTHS ago that he had a vision where he was President Trump being shot in the ear -- and even pointing to the right ear -- that makes me pay attention.

That man is Brandon Biggs.

This is absolutely stunning, please watch here:

Full video player here:

Full transcript (Brandon Biggs speaking):

I just saw a great acceleration of things from even from Passover to Rashah going into the fall and that there would be through the United States.

And then I saw, that's I see, I saw you Pastor Steve. The Lord said he was opening up major doors for you more than what you realize, and that you were called more into the political arena than whatever you expected.

That this would be a season of great promotion with open doors and that you would go and you would start speaking at churches and you would have an anointing on you like the old Patriots.

You said you saw me as an old guy. Yeah, but it was not necessarily an old guy. It was like a mantle of telling people in these old churches, like trying to reform America again, bringing back America.

Cuz the Lord told me, he said I am not done with America. Amen. He said there's going to be a new wave of patriotism coming out. And that's whenever I saw Trump.

I saw a red wave coming out of Michigan and then I saw Oklahoma. There were embers of people and they were all on these torches all throughout Oklahoma.

They were raising up these torches that looked like fire and they were bringing forth a new patriotism upon the nation. It was coming, it was being birthed, and it just kept spreading like fire all throughout America.

I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life. This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his eardrum.

I saw him fall to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the Lord. He got radically born again during this time frame. I'm talking people say he's saved now, but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what I saw coming.

I saw people interceding when he... and I see him, I saw him winning the presidency through great persecution. The Lord showed me it would go clear into the summer.

Great persecution would come on him through the judges and through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff, but there would be a stop to it.

Things would start to break free come toward the fall. And then I saw him winning the election through the Patriots coming out and voting.

Then there will be a great economy crash. I saw they had a great economy plan, a crash worse than the Great Depression.

The Lord warned me about this. It would be a great dark time, but I saw paddles coming upon America's soil like a shocking of the soil.

I saw Donald Trump praying in the Oval Office and he was weeping before the Lord with his hands on his head like this. He was weeping and there were ministers and people, I don't know if they were senators or congress people or whatever.

I just saw them pacing back and forth inside of the White House. I'm sorry, the Oval Office. They were interceding all inside there and I could feel the presence of the Lord so strong on this.

I could see that darkness, that heaviness upon America with the financial crisis of what I saw coming. It started to lift above the trees and I saw the blue and the green times and good times coming back again.

But the Lord said it would be a time of a season of shaking and it would be a shaking to awaken. In this, there would be a great revival coming.

It's not all doom and gloom. That's what he said, the sky's not falling. It's a time of, it's like people would say this is judgment. The Lord said do not call this judgment, it's not my judgment, it's a correction. There's correction coming.

The clip above is from Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries and was first posted on March 14, 2024.

Here is the full video if you'd like to watch:


Meanwhile, President Trump has given credit for the miracle to "God Alone".

Full statement here:

Full transcript:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin.


Prayer Chain For President Trump -- Will You Please Join Us?

Nothing seems more important right now than praying for President Trump.

There is power in prayer.

BIG LEAGUE, you might say!

From time to time, we've called for our audience of 5 million monthly readers to take a moment and pray for President Trump.

Spoiler alert: it's working!

But I don't want to let up...

Just as we're starting to turn the corner and gather up some big wins, let's keep the prayers going!

Let's add prayers of thankfulness and celebration and let's also continue praying for our President!

For wisdom...

For strength...

For continued courage...

For safety!


So will you please join us?

Keep the Prayer Chain going?

PRAYER CHAIN: Can We Get One Million People Praying for Trump?

I also promise to update the list as we go and keep building a MASSIVE Prayer Chain!

Please enjoy these and then it's not too late to add more if you want -- ADD MORE PRAYERS HERE:

Linda May the Lord bless, protect and watch over President Trump.
gary GOD Speed President Trump
Lori May God protect him and bestow upon him great strength to deliver this nation to God's hands.
Joy Heavenly Father, we pray for President Trump and his family, for wisdom, discernment, protection, and strength which can only come from You.  We pray you bless him and be with him through these unjust trials and accusations.  We‚Äôre asking for a major breakthrough that can only be recognized that it came from You. And may he preside with Your wisdom and authority and power of the Holy Spirit.  May he seek Your face for decisions He must make.   May You be glorified in Jesus‚Äô Name. Amen
Deborah President Trump Our God is a Mighty God. He has All of this heavy stuff so to speak, he has it All under control. If you could imagine a suite case in front of you.  Open it up and start putting All that Burdens you. Close it up and take to the alter and leave it there.  God knows everything that you‚Äôre going through. He will start slaying the enemy one by one. You are a child of God and He is Merciful. So Thank You Heavenly Father for All you are getting ready to do. Amen
Mary Lena God Almighty please keep Donald J. Trump and his family safe from harm.  If it is your will, please help us to have him win the 2024 Presidential  election.  This I pray in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.  Thank you Father Almighty.  Amen and Amen.
Stephen I pray for President Trump and his safety as well as his family and I pray he can heal this nation. That's in terrible turmoil because of evil. please father give him strength and dignity and courage. in Jesus name. I pray Amen
Carole Lord, please keep President Trump and his entire family safe from the harm others would do to them and please give him wisdom and discernment in what you would have him to do for America.  I know You,Lord are in control of everything that takes place on this earth and I trust You completely with everything that happens.
Susan Dear Father Jehovah please protect & surround President Trump, his family and his team with your white light of the Holy Spirit, AMEN!
Kathy Dear Lord, bless your servant, your "David", Donald, as he walks his trying path.  Bring him peace as he faces the squabbles, conflicts and condemnation of those who would overthrow this magnificent country.  Help him stay ever-mindful of Your loving presence and your absolute reign over everything we know and don't know.  Bless him with your strength to keep him resolute and bouyant in the troubled seas of condemnation.  And lift his heart in the knowledge that he is leading the physical world in saving a nation that was built on faith in You, oh God.  In your holy name we pray.  Amen.
Sally I pray that our Father in Heaven will keep President Donald Trump safe and that President Trump will be elected as our 47th President in 2024, if not sooner.
Bonnie GOD BLESS PRESIDENT Trump and his family. Send YOUR Angels to watch over them. Keep them HEALTHY. Keep them SAFE and PROTECT them from HARM. And most importantly, PROTECT them from evil which surrounds them from all sides. Help President Trump through these difficult days. Give him the STRENGTH he needs to continue and YOUR LOVE to find PEACE. Amen.
Joe Lord we ask that you continue to protect President Trump from this unjust persecution, guide and direct your Angel's to defeat this demonic evil force against him, we ask that you lift him up in Jesus  name. Amen
Catherine Lord, hear our prayer. This country needs the honest leadership of President Trump. Lord the cheaters and liars have had their day but I pray they will fall away. They have done so much destruction and told so many lies but you have helped the true leader stay strong in their midst. Lord, bring them to justice so President Trump can rebuild our nation and be victorious.
Linda Dear God, please help our President Trump and please help our United States of America!
Chris In Jesus Name we agree with You Lord for Your grace and Holy Spirit to guide protect and wield and provide an election full of Your glory and unimpeded by fraud and wickedness, to President Trump, wielding him his team and Your adopted redeemed  people as Your servant friend and instrument of Your plans and purposes for salvation and friendship relationship with You for all people and nations of humanity
Nancy Father God, I ask for your protection for the entire Trump family. Keep them all safe through this time of upheaval in the world. Give Pres. Trump these next four years to bring America and the world back to where it should be. Give Pres. Trump the knowledge, courage, and health to know what YOU would have him do. Keep him close to You, Lord. Open doors that only You can open and close those that need to be closed. Help him clean up our government quickly and thoroughly to bring America back to what it was intended to be. We give God the glory always. We ask this in the precious name of Jesus. AMEN!
Cynthia Cynthia
James Heavenly Father, Bless and Protect President Trump, from the Enemies attack. Greater are you, than he how is in the world. Let all of this Legal Prosecution evaporate into  a vapor, in Jesus Name  I Pray. Amen
Maureen Lord we pray your blessing, protection and direction for President Trump.  Give him Divine wisdom in Jesus Mighty Name!
Veronika God bless President Trump and protect him from our enemies.  We the People need him more than ever. Amen
Jim Lord keep Donald John Trump and his family shielded from evil
Bonniw I have been praying for him every night for months.
Lorraine Heavenly Father, we thank you for all You do in our lives and we ask that you put a wall of protection around President Trump.  Guard him in all he does and let any evil that comes his way, boomerang back to the sender.  We ask that all the frivolous lawsuits against him be seen for the fraud they are and be dismissed.  We ask that You guide him in all he does and give him the strength and courage to continue speaking the truth and exposing all the corruption of our government.  Bless Donald J Trump in all he does, as he works to bring America back to greatness with Your presence front and center.  Give him the words to convict the hearts of the unbeliever, so their eyes will be open to know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior who gave of His life for our salvation.  Father, let there be a great awakening to bring people to the cross in this country.  In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.
Dyann God bless you President Trump and God bless your family. We are praying for you & know the truth will come out & you will win in 2024. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Karen Please Lord, protect your son Donald. He is surrounded by the devil and his minions at every turn, but still he fights tirelessly for the people.
Please keep him safe as he attempts to shine light on the darkest corners of our world -the trafficking of children. The forces of evil are so strong and so imbedded in every facit of government world wide. Please keep Donald and his family safe as he crushes the establishment, in all their debauchery; and restors a path for this nation, who's constitution was written by human hands- writing your words. Please keep safe the man who would restore our cotton one of power through peace and bring back stability for the world.
Janice hope and pray everyday for your safety President Trump so that we can reelect you and once again, Make America Great Again!"
Donna MayGod raise youonce again to lead our country back to a God fearing country. We cancel evil plans against you and ask His almighty Hand for protection from enemies foreign and domestic. Deliver us from evil and confound all the  evil plans the enemy has for Christians. In Jesus name, Amen
Esther I pray for President Trump daily. For protection and wisdom.
Chuck Father God, we lift up President Trump, asking You to give Him strength and courage to continue the battles he is facing.  May he draw close to You that he may know You.  Open Your Word to him that he may know that You are the answer to all the problems our country faces.  Give him Your wisdom in the daily challenges that he confronts.  You are all truth, You have a great purpose for our nation and we trust You to fulfill that purpose.  We know that You will not give up on us.  You are with President Trump, You love him.  We pray Your protection and blessings on him and his family.
Cynthia Dear Lord and heavenly father, please watch over and protect Donald J. Trump, his family and faithful friends and followers as we navigate these tumultuous times and enlighten the world to the truth and love you so richly deserve. Amen
Gigi President Trump.  May God be at your side to protect you and the good citizens of our world.  Amen
Lori I pray the blood of Jesus over President Trump and his family. Lord, send Your Heavenly Hosts to surround him, protect him, and keep watch over him. Fill him with peace and understanding so that he will know Your will and act on it. May all the enemy throws at him be blocked and turned back on them 100 fold. In Jesus Holy Name I pray. Amen.
SA I pray that yah send his army of angels to physically protect Donald John Trump and his entire family. Let the evil not prevail. AMEN
angy I pray the piece of God that pass all understanding would fill his mind. may the blessings of Abraham, Issac and Jacob follow him wherever Trump goes. Lord protect Trump and his family and build a hedge around him to protect and keep him safe. In Jesus name amen
Carrie Daniel 6:4
New International Version4 At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.
Patricia Dear God in heaven in the name of Jesus protect President Trump and his family.  May the blood of Jesus surround them.  I pray wisdom and love guide him.  Lord hear my prayer.
Sandy Please God protect President Trump and family from all harm give him and his team direction for this country to turn back to you. Let the media and all officials that are blinded by their hate be confused and the people to see the truth
Jeannette and Coyt Dear Jesus, You are all powerful. Fold Your arms around President Trump. Please comfort and protect him and his family. Please have Your way in the upcoming election. Please stop any election fraud. Draw President Trump close to You, and help his heart to be in tune with You. Please help him and his family to keep You first in their lives. Thank You, Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Cindy Please Lord watch over President Trump, keep him safe and be with him always,
Peg Prayers for your protection and wisdom to lead our country into greatness again.
BARBARA God Bless you, President Trump & God Bless America, Land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the Light from Above. From the mountains, to the valleys, to the oceans, white with foam. God Bless America, my home sweet home. GOD BLESS AMERICA MY HOME SWEET HOME!!!
Patty Please god watch over this man.  Protect him
Marilyn (God place you loving hands over Trump each and every day.
Sarah If God is with us who can be against us.  Godspeed Mister President.
George We Agree In Prayer Declaring The Blood of Jesus Christ Our Redeemer Savior n Lord Over President Donald J Trump with Victory for Long Life Many Years after The Victory in 2024 Presidential Elections Divine Protection for DJT as he Honors Yahweh ABBA Father’s Sovereign Will for Restoring Our Nation In Godly Christian Heritage Healing Our Land In Divine Power to Lead the World In Defending Israel 🇮🇱 and Defeating Every Enemy of of USA 🇺🇸 and Israel 🇮🇱 All In The Blood 🩸 Of Jesus Christ Our Lord Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Victory In Jesus 🎚️🩸
ingrid I pray President Trump will open his heart to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and carry out HIS will.
God Bless USA
Benjamin Lord,
I pray right now for President Trump. I pray over his physical, mental, and spiritual health right now. Give him peace of mind and a vision of clarity for the remainder of his campaign. Bless him Lord. Keep his family safe. Thank You for him. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Mary I pray for protection for President Trump and his family. That no weapon formed against him will prosper and that God would give him wisdom, discernment, and clarity of mind.
Steve I will pray for Donald Trump
Lynne God bless His anointed leader of our nation
Betty Please God, our heavenly father, protect Donald Trump and help him to become the next president of the United States.  Please help us to open the eyes of the people who do not understand the trouble we are in and that Donald Trump is the only person who can help u.
Sarah Lord, we pray for president DJT that you would protect him from all harm and danger.  Help him win all the court cases that the evil one has set up before him.  Also defeat the enemy in the election especially if they are trying to cheat - foil all their evil plans.  We pray in Jesus name he will win the 2024 election to help right this sinking ship and preserve our free nation.
Veronica Heavenly Father we pray for President Donald Trump. Father, we pray for his strength. We pray for his safety. Keep him strong, send angels to protect him . He is your son, we welcome him back in the white house. In Jesus name , amen.
BJ Praying everyday for Pres. Trump and his family
Harriet Jane I pray that President Trump and his family enjoy excellent health in body, mind and spirit.
Barbara I pray that God will keep you, President Trump, and every member of your family SAFE and for the 2024 election to be safe, true, and for you, President Trump, our real president, to be elected fairly and truthfully to once again be our REAL President!!
Wanda I have been praying almost every day that the Lord will protect President Trump and continue to lead him as he fights for our country.
Kathy Almighty God Our Father, with a sincere heart, we ask You, who can do all things, to protect Donald J Trump and his family during this chaotic time in the world. Please stay by President Trump and allow him to be re elected as President of our country. We need a leader to help our country recover from rampant corruption and immorality. Thank you Lord for hearing our humble prayers. Amen
Ken Lord Jesus, in your name I ask for your protection over President Trump. Surround him with your mightiest angles. Give him wisdom beyond Solomon's. Give him supernatural discernment. Give him the strength and energy of a lion. Prepare the way before him and the wisdom to follow it. I pray for the destruction of the main stream media. I ask for the innialilation of the evil deep state players in the FBI, CIA, DIA, congress, senate and other agency's. I ask that all those against Trump, America and your will for this country will end up as Hayman, hung on their own gallows that they prepaired for Trump. I ask all those that have been bringing false charges and court cases against Trump become bankrupt along with those that sponsored the cases. Lord, there are numerous people that love you and your word. Please bring about a revival across all fifty states because America desperately needs it. Thank you for your Son, your Word, our hope, your love, America and Trump. Instill in all your followers the overwhelming desire to pray for this nation and national revival.
In Jesus Name,
Cj Dear Father God, please pray for President Donald Trump. Give him the strength and courage to get through these terrible and false court proceedings.  Keep him in good health and safe from all harm. Please don‚Äôt allow any illegal voting scams keep him out of the White House.  Please Lord if it is your will, which I believe it is, let him win the Presidency in 2024.  Thank you, God the almighty. Amen
Johnye Micah 7:8 “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy:
when I fall, I shall arise;
when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.‚Äù  The Lord watches over
His word to perform it, and He is not a man that He should lie.  So may the Lord watch over this word to perform it in the life of President Trump.  We look forward to your triumph over your enemies, Mr. President!
Pamela Father God, I praise you and thank you for making many of us your children. Lord, I ask that you put a hedge of protection around President Trump. The children of Satan seek to destroy him but we KNOW you are with him! You promised never to leave nor forsake us and we know you won't. Please allow your will to be done & hold back the giant forces of evil surrounding this man who loves our country. Lord you blessed our country since it was founded from Christian, praying people. We ask this in your blessed name Jesus and we thank you and praise you for the answers! Amen üôè
Maria GOD SPEED !!
Anne Lord God, grant protection and justice for President Trump, as he stands bombarded by evil and lies.  You are Sovereign over all the nations.  I believe that Donald Trump has been used and led by Your hand of righteousness in leading our beloved country.  Bolster his spirit through Your Holy Spirit.  Preserve him and propel him once again to lead this America, this country You founded on Christian principles: a great experiment.  Grant mercy and forgiveness of our corporate sins, Father.  Redeem us and guide us with strong leaders with integrity, like Donald Trump, that our country may once more be a beacon of hope and truth and justice.  In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Ruth Father in heaven, please shower your blessings on our President Trump.  I truly believe that you have sent him to save our country from all the evilness in our everyday lives.  My husband and I love him for he without reservation has time and again stood by Americans and our country and our friends who stand up for America.  I pray that President Trump will stand up with Netanyahu and the people of Israel and bring peace.  Father help us all during this time.  I pray in Jesus name.
kristie no weapon formed against Donald Trump will prevail, in the Name of Jesus
Cat God Bless President Trump!!
Gloria I pray Psalm 1 over President Trump. Let him be a "blessed man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers.  But let his delight be in the law of the Lord and on your law he meditates day and night.  He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither, and  whatever he does prospers." In the name of Jesus, I pray.  Amen
Cheryl Lord God, Heavenly Father, I ask that you support President Trump. Don‚Äôt let him be discouraged or disheartened by all the attacks.  Lift him up and give him strength to carry on. Use him to lead our country in the direction You choose. Continue to use him in the future, as you did in the past, in moving our embassy to Jerusalem. Use him to lead our country and the world in coming back to You in repentance and revival. In this, as in all things, let me remember that ‚ÄúThy Will be done‚Äù. Not my will, but Thy will.‚Äù Continue to hold President Trump and our country in the palm of Your hand. I ask this in Jesus‚Äô Holy Name. Amen
Jane God bless  President Trump and keep him and his followers safe
Carol White I pray for CIC Trump and his team for protection and wisdom as they combat evil. Praying for our God given freedom to be returned to us. In Jesus name. Amen
Daniel Father in heaven, I pray that President Trump will be endowed by You with Solomon-level wisdom.
Thank You Heavenly Father
In Jesus Name
Debby May God wrap His protective shield about you and cover you with His wisdom and grace as you obey His Word President Trump.
Elizabeth God, I ask that you keep President Trump and his family safe from all harm and evil.  Also, please protect those who are fighting to restore this great Nation to a Republic once again.  May we have the greatest worldwide revival ever seen!  In Jesus name,  AMEN!
Shyrl Heavenly Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth.  You are our only source of health, wisdom, power, and strength.  We pray that Your mighty hand would rest on President Trump.  That You would bless him with wisdom and power from on high.  That You, Father would guard him from his enemies and from those who seek the destruction of our nation.   Keep him as the apple of Your eye.  Give him what he needs in this hour Father.  Let him not depend upon earthly wisdom but upon You.  For Yours is the kingdom, the power, the honor and the glory.  We ask for Your help in Jesus' name.  Amen
Victoria Father God, I lift President Trump up to you; to guide him, protect him and give him wisdom and discernment as he seeks to lead this country back to a safe country, with our freedoms intact.  Keep him safe from the evil ones who have persecuted him for years for trying to make America strong.  Guide him and have him seek you in all that he does.
Linda God bless Donald J Trump who is our current president. May God keep him safe until his return to the legal presidency
Doris I plead the blood of Jesus from the top of President Trump’s head to the soles of his feet and pray hedges of protection around him. I ask for Godly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Joseph May God protect you and guide you. I pray you’ll be victorious in 2024 and lead this once great nation to greatness again.
Nancy Oh heavenly Father, You sent your Son, Jesus, to redeem us from sin and SO HE DID! Please redeem our nation! I ask that you empower President Trump and his team to bring Your justice and rule back to our country that You once blessed. Remove the evil ones that have over whelmed us. Restore Your power in Your government. Thank You, Father, that this pleases You.
Irene Please God we need to get back to you we have lost our way.  Please watch over President Trump and his family and all the people who are fighting this fight with him.  God we need you!
Eileen Our thoughts, hearts a
Debbie Please dear Lord keep President Trump and his family safe and strong .  We love you
Ann I pray Isaiah 41:9_13 over Donald Trump. God says, I have chosen you, Donald J. Trump. Fear not nor be dismayed, I Am your God. I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Behold ALL those incensed against you shall be ashamed and disgraced: They shall be  as nothing. Those who strive with you shall perish. ...Those who contended with you, who war against you shall be as nothing, as a nonexistent thing. For I, the Lord your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, " Donald, Fear not, I will help you"
mark mark bellamy
Wendy Lee Sobisky-Greive Dear Lord and Heavenly Father: I pray with my heart and soul that you keep President Donald Trump and his family safe and guide him in saving the United States from the evil forces. Through your Son, Jesus Christ to you the Father in Heaven, Amen.
Ramona Father God, I place Pres. Trump into your mighty and righteous hands. I put the full armour of God on him and say boldly that nothing from the enemy's camp can remove this armour. I weave a hedge of protection around him, woven tightly and covered with the Blood of the Lamb. No weapon formed against him shall prosper and any tongue that rises against him shall be shown to be in the wrong. Shelter him and lead him by your Spirit
Nancy Father God, protect and bless President trump! Restore to him the years they have stolen. Help him to walk uprightly before you and to seek you with his whole heart! Use him to glorify your name and to turn this nation back to you. Deliver him from all evil . Remove the enemies from before him . Send truth and light!  In Jesus name . Amen!
Doris Father God, we lift up to You, President Trump and his family. We pray a hedge of protection around them and the Blood of Jesus over them that no weapon formed against them will stand. We ask for godly wisdom and knowledge in every decision that he makes. That he and his family will trust You completely and lean on You and Your promises. Give them comfort and peace as they draw near You. We pray that what men have meant for evil, You make it for Your good. We thank You  for Your love, mercy, and grace. Believing that You are holy and nothing is impossible for You. Amen.
Brenda Lord I come to you in the holy name of Jesus on behalf of President Donald J. Trump.  May your hand rest upon him in a mighty.  May your favor , blessing, and protection over shadow him and all the people who surround him.  Cover his family with divine protection
Steve Heavenly Father please protect President Trump.
Sammy Lord please protect and lead President Donald Trump.
Jennifer Dear Heavenly Father please continue to watch over President Trump and his amazing family.  The evil will never prevail in your presence.  Please continue to guide he and his legal team through all these deceitful traps they have stowed upon him.  Lord I ask that you keep our President healthy throughout his next term as we need him to fix what this administration has destroyed to your beautiful land.  We the people will stand strong with you !  Amen
Nancy We wait on you Lord to heal our nation. Bless President Trump and all the white hats around the world that work behind the scenes to free the children. The victory is yours Lord in the name of our precious Savior, Jesus.
Vivian Father, in Jesus Name I pray Your protection over Donald Trump and his family. I pray You give him wisdom and understanding as to what his assignment is from You. I pray the Holy Spirit lead him and guide him and Your will be done. Amen
Mary Please keep President Trump safe healthy…
Kathy I've asked Heavenly Father to protect President Trump to keep him safe, to encourage him.  I believe you heard my prayer, so now I thank you Father for answering my prayer.  Amen
Rebecca I pray with the blood of Jesus that you lord have your hands on Donald Trump. Give him strength to go on to continue exposing these heathens that want to destroy him lord. I pray lord you allow his family to stand by him and protect them. In Jesus name Amen
Rosalie God bless President Trump and keep him safe. You are the ultimate judge and I pray for exoneration of all the fake charges. We need him back in the White House with your guidance. We ask this in your name Amen
Joyce May God bless our country by restoring the greatest president’s return to the White House.
Carol Praying daily for protection, strength and peace for President Trump and his and support from Spain.
Deborha God, please put your vail of protection over our REAL President, Donald J. Trump, and send him strength, stamina, energy, tenacity, wisdom, good health and rest so he can join with you in protecting our great country America.
Pamela I pray for my president and for this country.  God give him the humbleness he needs to allow You to guide him, every day of his life. In Jesus name.
Colette Heavenly Father, please place protection around President Trump and his family.
Linda Lord Jesus, please give President Trump the exact number of guardian angels that he needs to protect himself and his family, the exact number of warrior angels to fight off all the evil forces that are trying to stop the works that You are having President Trump do, and give him an abundance of your great I AMS!!! Also, make him like a slippery golden eel that slips, slides and glides through every plot and scheme the evildoers have devised; in fact' make the evildoers recipients of their own evil just like Psalm 94 says.
Susan Lord in Jesus‚Äôs name I pray for our President Donald J Trump and those who believe in you, fill us with your shining light of strength, love, and direction to build our unity, country!  Amen
Cole family God bless, love, and protect you and your whole family and business endeavors, and grace you with His Holy Spirit guiding you second by second, with the unity, strength, and joy of Jesus, with God's angels all around lighting your every moment in the loving tasks you do! Thank you! Amen and amen!
Cindy Please Lord, protect President Trump and his family.
Rita Lord you have chosen President Trump as your modern day Cyrus. Your David to lead us back to the nation under God as a republic. No weapon formed against President Trump will prevail.  Amen
Robert God bless and protect President Trump.
Lynn Gracious God, I ask that President Trump will have your Holy Spirit indwelling as his guide and that you will protect him from the evils that are determined to deter his efforts to save America. I would also pray that Americans remember to bless you as you have so many times blessed this great nation.  May President Trump remain humble,  always seeking you and keeping his eyes on the throne.   It is in your name we pray. Amen
Akebono Airth I pray Donald John Trump is the 47th President of the United States; and that he is protected all the days of his life. I pray he is able to accomplish all his goals to make this country a much better place to live; and that he has all the help he needs from honest, loyal people who have integrity. I pray these people are also protected every single day and night in the name of Jesus.
Libby we are sending our thoughts and prayers to the Trump family. That God leads and guides the way for you. God Bless and we Love all of you..
Bless him and be put back in his rightful leadership. Dear Lord, may  all your Angels be  around President Trump, protecting him from harm. Give him wisdom and courage to  withstand Satan and his evil. God
Ann Lord Jesus, thank you for sending us this incredible man who is working tirelessly under such evil to save our country from the forces of evil. Lord, please protect him, protect his family, and please let him be victorious and let our nation be victorious. Amen.
Carol Father God our Creator, I come to You in this moment in pure love and humility. I pray for President Donald Trump, and all of his family, relatives, friends, and loved ones. God, please touch his soul right now and have Donald Trump feel the love flowing throughout the Universe of Your Creation into his heart. Fill him with the pure love and simplicity of our appreciation for what he stands for. God, please show President Trump the love that has no boundaries for which I feel and so many others do. God, I pray for Trump to have absolute peace and joy and love and health and happiness and safety and faith. Dear God, I'm just one woman but I am a Child of God who is absolutely thankful for the entire Trump family. I know You are working through this great family and I'm simply thankful to witness it. God, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, I pray for Your Will to be done. Thank you God for President Trump, Melania, and the entire family! I love them. In Jesus name I pray
Jim May the Lord watch over you.
Charmaine Lord please give Mr. Trump the strength, wisdom and knowledge to battle, overcome and conquer the evil thrown in his path! Amen
James Every day I pray GOD surrounds him and his family with the armor of GOD and the white light of love and protection üôè
Cheyenne May our Heavenly Father give T the strength to complete his mission, and see to it that the world FINALLY  gets the WHOLE TRUTH  of what has been happening in America and beyond, for decades.
I pray that this happens as soon as possible in order for our country to begin the  healing that is so desperately needed.
Barb Father please Send your warring angels to form a hedge of protection over President Trump and I ask that no weapons formed will prosper against him.  Keep him strong and guide his path.  Put him back into the Oval Office Lord so he can finish the job you chose him to do.  Thank you Father.  In Jesus Name I pray.  So be it
Jean Protect him, Lord.  Keep him from the evil people who try to stop him.  Help him discern good from evil.  Let no plot bring him down.  Help him to bring back one nation under God!  Amen
Rose Father God put a hedge of protection around him & him family tightly wrap your arms around him Angels guard over him Eph 6:11 put on the whole armor of  God so that you may b able to stand the wiles of the Devil in Jesus name
Nancy Please put a double hedge of protection around our President, his family and those who work with him. Bind up all forces of darkness and cast them away from him!
Denise I‚Äôve prayed Psalm 89 over President Trump since 2020.  Father God steady him with your hand.  With your powerful arm make him strong.  May his enemies not defeat him, nor the wicked overpower him.  Beat down his enemies before him and destroy those who hate him.  May your faithfulness and unfailing love be with him, and by your authority may he grow in power.  In Jesus name, amen.
Sally GOD Bless this man who loves this country!
Linda Dear Holy Father, please bless and protect President Donald Trump and save America from enemies foreign and domestic. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Nancy Please Heavenly Father, protect this man always. Keep harm away from him. Keep him strong, keep the Angels around him.
Lisa You're as Bold as a Lion! Wise as a serpent and Gentle as a dove!
Tracy Praying for you continued strength and for all of the evil players to fall from their perceived high ground. In Jesus name. Amen.❤️🤍💙🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻❤️🤍💙
Eva God Loves You And Will Never Forsake You..He Is Always With You And Knows All And Everything. Stay Strong..You are Loved..God Bless You Mr. Trump.
Kendra I declare and decree in the blessed name of our Lord Jesus that His guidance, protection and blessings will be granted to our rightful President Donald J. Trump. In His name we give all the glory to our Lord Jesus amen and amen.
Cherie Dear Jesus, I come to You in prayer for President Donald J Trump, and for his family. Please bless them, keep Your protective hands upon them, and please restore President Trump to his rightfully elected position as POTUS. I pray that all those who have attacked him, lied on him, spied on him, that You would bring them to judgment and avenge President Trump. Dear God, bless President Trump and use him for Your glory, and bring America back to You. In Jesus' name. Thank You Lord. Amen.
Joan A godly Leader was born for this very day.
Ruben My wife and I pray for you every day. We always call you are president
Mary Heavenly Father, use your servant Donald J. Trump for your glory. Fortify him with graces to ward off evil, protect him from harm & from all that would try to claim your glory. We ask through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ & with the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Janice In Jesus name I pray, God please protect and guide President Trump to lead this Nation back to one Nation under God.
Matthew Mr. Trump, I ask God to watch over you and keep you safe during these evil times.
Lana Father right now we lift up President Donald J Trump to you, his wife, his children and everything that he is. Father we pray supernatural protection, wisdom, favor, direction and strength upon him. Lord that you would even speak to him in the night hours and show him exactly what to do. Father, be about him as a wall of fire, that no harm or evil will come near him. Pull the wheels off of pharoh"s chariot. Root out the wicked and cut them off. Expose the evil doers and bring them to justice. Let President Trump be steps ahead of the enemy. If they dig a ditch for him let them fall in it themselves. Amen
Rhetta May God bless you and preserve you and your family as you work tirelessly to preserve our nation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Donna God's Blessings Always Be Upon Him!
Marilyn Father, protect this man, your David, from all of the injustice he has received from the Deep State.  Bless him and make the evil ones pay back 7 times what they have stolen from him.  Protect and bless his family.  Bring him back as our president soon, and bring America back to a God -honoring nation, as our founders envisioned.  Thank you, Jesus.  Amen and Amen!
Jim LORD, Please bless and protect President Trump and all his loved ones and AMERICA in Your Name and through Your Blood. In JESUS's Name! Amen!
Ron Lord God, this country is in dire straits. We need President Trump in control under Your watch to put an end to the wicked lawlessness that has plagued our nation. I ask that You restore him as our President in Jesus' name, amen.
Aniela Dear Heavenly Father
I thank you for Your faithfulness to those who know and love You. I ask Lord that you would surround President Donald J Trump and his family with your Devine protection; that You Lord would give him Devine direction and strategy. Lord I ask that you would saturate he and his family with Your peace, strengthen them with Your joy, and anoint them for Your purpose and destiny. Lord I ask that You would fill President Trump and his family with Your courage and Wisdom. Cause them to rest well, always wake refreshed, and keep them in Your perfect health.
Thank You Lord that You listen to us when we pray. Thank You Lord for answering our prayers.
I’m Jesus Name I pray,
Deborah Dear God bless protect and keep this man safe and In the hollow of your hand.  Return him to his appointed position and destroy every plot plan and evil planned against him.  Let him give everything to you and use him and his family to fulfill your calling for such a time as this!  Amen in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Debbie We pray for your protection over President Trump and his family.
Gigi I hold you in my prayers every day
Carolyn God bless and keep President Trump under his wings for protection against all the evil directed at him.  I ask this in the name of my Divine savior, Jesus Christ.
Delores Lord father, thank you for watching over our president and his family during his time as president and I believe he still is our president today.l pray Lord, that you will bring revelation to our president of who you are, and how much you love him.  I declare and decree that you have ordained him to be the United States president for two terms. However you‚Äôre going to do this Lord can only be done by your holy power. Thank you, father I trust that you are in complete control over our United States and over America.
Ilisha God be with you and guide you. May He put a hedge of protection around you your family and those that surround you. May He keep you safe as He leads guides and directs you and may you be receptive to His guidance and the path He leads you. In Christ's name Amen.
Deb Dear God please bless and keep safe Donald J. Trump and his family as they fight to save humanity for We the People of the World.  Please make them successful in their missions.
Sherelyn I pray that President Trump will be protected and safe through this awful trial he has gone through. America needs him back now.
Kathy 109:17-31 6 Help me (Trump), O LORD my God: O save me (Trump) according to thy mercy: 27 That they (Evil government/Democrats) may know that this is thy hand; that thou, LORD, hast done it. 28 Let them curse, but bless thou: when they arise, let them be ashamed; but let thy servant rejoice. 29 Let mine(our) adversaries be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their own confusion, as with a mantle. 30 I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth; yea, I will praise him among the multitude. 31 For he shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those that condemn his soul.


Barb Praying for you and your family.  May God protect you and send MAGA angels to protect you too!!  We üíï you!
Jay Pray for a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family
Christina Father God, I pray that you’ll give President Trump strength and wisdom and put a hedge of protection around him and his family. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
John “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭MEV‬‬
Ivy Bless Donald Trump, cover him with flawless protection.   Envelope him with an army of Angels.  Long live DJT.
Theresa Please Lord give President Trump the common sense to fulfill his promises. And stand by this Republic. It is not a democracy.
Stephen Father please let the Holy Spirit envelope      President trump and guide him to victory. Father please open the eyes of the 10's of millions of evangelicals and give them the unction to get out and vote unlike what happened in 2020
Kelly Heavenly Father, I thank you for President Trump and his fervor to conquer against evil in trying to save America and his resolve. I pray that you protect him from all evil, I pray that You would help him to wins the battles, I pray that You rise him above all this rhetoric, and I pray that You help him to become a conqueror in Christ. Please provide for all He needs  and protect his family and give them joy! In Jesus‚Äô name zi pray, Amen!
Mary Anne Father God, thank you for sending us your servant President Donald Trump, to be a Cyrus at this time. We ask you to bless him with Courage, strength and Holy Spirits discernment of what you are leading him to do. We ask for your full protection that Donald Trump would fulfill his God ordained  purpose and destiny and fulfill all the days ordained for him in Jesus name we pray, Amen!
James God be with us all in these trials and tribulations and these trying times, show us the way and we will follow you because we know you will lead us on the path of righteousness for your name sake we pray and for the salvation of your son Jesus Christ we pray amen.
Bozena Mather of God please help Donald Trump
Vil May God protect you and your family!
Noah Love you!  Stand strong!

PRAYER CHAIN: Can We Get One Million People Praying for Trump?


And then it's not too late to add more if you want -- ADD MORE PRAYERS HERE:

Marilyn Blessings and protection over Pres Trump, in the name of Jesus. Amen
Emma Yes I am praying for President Trump and family, and trusting God to bless them and continue to point him in the right direction.  Prayers and Blessings.
margaret I pray every night for him and his family
Sandy Dear God, please bring our real President to office.  We need President Trump badly to work for You and MAGA.  In Jesus' name Amen.
Tim We pray for president Trump. Keep him safe and energized. Keep him on the path that you have set and defeat all his foes. In Jesus name.
Thomas Dear God, Please guard,protect,and raise President Trump to the Victory that you want him to establish in our Country. Please give him the courage, strength, wisdom, faith, hope ,and answers he needs to take this Country back! In JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN üôè.
Dale My prayer is that President Trump would be filled with the Holy Spirit and would receive God's wisdom, strength and endurance to accomplish all that God wants to accomplish through him for God's glory and the renewal and restoration of our great republic.
Kevin Holy Father we ask you to cover President Trump with your Armor and protect him and his family from the evil in this world. We ask you to guide him on his journey to the 2024 election. We ask this in the name of your holy Son, Jesus. Amen 🙏🏻
Geralyn God, please protect President Trump and his family. And please help him to turn this country back to a truley free and Christian place to live once again. I beg you so our children and grandchildren can know the true happiness of freedom.
rebecca may God be directing you in every move
Mary Heavenly Father, we know you want your people to be not afraid. Bless Donald J. Trump & his family as he selflessly fights thrones & dominions of evil in our stead. Keep him safe from harm, preserve his humor, bless our nation once again, The USA, and bring down our enemies. We ask through Jesus Christ your Son & Our Lord & with the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Barbara Helms Dear Father God and Lord Jesus.. send your army of Angels to surround and protect my President Donald J Trump and his family, keep him surrounded by true patriots who love our country.. Holy Spirit guide President Trump to follow God’s plans to MAGA.. all glory, honor and praise be yours Father God… let your annointed David-President follow his path you set before him in the mighty name of Jesus I pray🙏🏼✝️✝️✝️🙌🙌🙌
Richard Will offer 3complete rosaries
Joanne I pray to God our Father to look over President Trump and keep him safe.
Linda I pray that our government will allow us a fair election.
Macky Watch over President Trump and all his family , staff and supporters.  Help us to remember God is not on our side rather we are on God‚Äôs side. Keep us under your wing and continue your blessings on the USA & Israel. It is Your will, Your battle and Your victory! Amen
Donna Praying for your strength to endure all you're going through to save our country.
Nancy Pray everyday for our President Trump to be safe and soon return to the WhiteHouse. Please Dear Heavenly Father watch over him and keep him from harm.
Sharon You and your family are always in my prayers for your protection, strength, wisdom in your leadership and surrounded with people of truth and faith in Jesus Christ. You are not alone.
Kris Few Jesus Christ, put your circle of love around him. Protect him, and help him when others want to harm him.  He is our future!
Sandra I pray that the Lord will keep you safe and be with you through all the tribulation and trials you are being  put through.
Deborha GOD, please put your vail of protection over our REAL President Donald J. Trump and send him great strength, stamina, energy, wisdom, tenacity, good health and rest, so he can join you in helping to save America!
Brandon I pray for President Trump's safety during these bizarre times and pray he wins all 50 states in 2024, AMEN!
Paul I'm  üôè  for Donald  Trump to be president  again, amen.
Ernestine Father, thank You for the anointing upon President Donald J. Trump. You have anointed him for such a time as this. He may or may not realize it's Your Devine work being done through him, but I know that... "it's not by power, nor by might, but by My Spirit, says the Lord" Zechariah 4:6.
Sandy May God bless you, President Trump in a special way for giving America your very best.
You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
May God grant you the strength to continue until you are again our next President in 2024 ❤️🙏🏼🇺🇸
Dawn Praying our president stays strong. No weapon formed against him will stand
Cathy Father, we ask you to protect President Trump, guide his words and actions, and give him faith!
Sharron Dear.God please keep President Trump safe & help him to get our country back to what you called it to be. May all evil be gone in the name of Jesus!❤️🙏
Sara Heavenly Father please watch over President Trump and his family, he works tirelessly every moment of every day to help the people of America, Raise your hand and wipe out the evil in this country and bring peace and prosperity to us all. I thank you for sending President Trump to us in our hours of need, Watch over him and keep him safe for all our sakes. AMEN üôè üôè üôè
Martha That our God saves America from those who have been destroying America for the last three years.
Mary Mary Franks
Peg I am praying for President Donald Trump!
Michael Dear Lord, I sincerely thank you for President Trump and all he  has done so far! He will go down in American history as one of, if not the best, president we've had. I pray that you will continue to give him the strength and courage to continue his great work, and that you will guide him in all his decisions. It is only through You my Lord that America can be saved from the downward spiral it is in. Please use President Donald Trump as your servant to guide the country and bring America to its senses and lead them straight to You. My wife and I are awake and know a lot of what is going on behind the scenes. We eagerly await what is coming, and we pray it is coming very soon. What we pray most for, is for your guidance for all those who are working toward The Great Awakening, (President Trump, world leaders, and the military around the world) and that Your will be done, and in Your time. Of course, we wanted this to all take place years ago, but we know that good things come to those who wait. Our patience has been tried in a huge way, but we won't give up hope. We know You are in charge Lord, and we eagerly await Your intervention and the ultimate outcome. I pray these things in the precious, loving name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ ... Amen
Kathleen Dear lord, Help and support Donald Trump in his battle to keep his country for the American people.  Please guide his decisions and bless all those who work to support him.  Take care of him and give him peace. Help him place his trust in your word to carry him through to victory over the Democratic deep state. In Jesus name.  Amen
Steve President Trump may the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you and keep you safe!  We need you leading our country now. God bless you. Lord protect our President. Amen.
Pat May God forgive our sins and bring peace to our country by softening hearts in Jesus’s name!
Teri May God watch over you President Trump
Larry Heavenly Father I pray for your protection on President Trump in Jesus name amen
Pearl God bless America
Sheila Dear Lord, Please protect Donald Trump and Bless the United States.  In Jesus name
Christine May the blood of Jesus be a constant protection over DJT and his family.
Gail President Trump and his family are free to serve the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ Amen and Amen
Brenda Praying for God’s guardian angels to surround him in all situations and at all times.
Sandy We love you mr. trump and Jesus loves you. I hope you’re feeling the love of your people.
Elva Dear Hevenly Father,  protect President Trump, and his family, as you prepare him to fix the world.  Your will be done.
Scott Dear Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord,  for loving Donald Trump, and reminding him always of Your Truth. Help him to keep his eyes on You, especially in times of rejection. May he remember that You can use all things for his good and Your glory. Give him a heart of trust, faith and love. Thank You for Your protection, provision, and presence within Donald Trump‚Äôs life! In Jesus‚Äô name, Amen.
suzano Lord, put a hedge of protection around your son, DJT, and protect him with the armor of God as well as keep him strong emotionally/mentally/physically/spiritually as he battles for You and us with the sword of truth! Amen! He is your David, not perfect, but perfect in obedience to you and love for our country!
Emily Please Lord protect President Donald J. Trump against all evil
Margaret May God bless and keep you and give you strength and guidance. In Jesus name we pray
Bob Praying for divine strength , wisdom, protection for our President Trump and his administration and family for the evil that is rampant in this nation and world!
Gladys Dear Lord and Savior we lift up to you President Donald John Trump. Please keep him safe from all harm. I pray all the cases against him will be thrown out. I also pray if it is your will that President Trump will be placed back in the White House as the President of the United States, your will be done. Please keep him and his family safe from all their enemies. God bless them and keep them. Amen
Terri Dear Lord please keep President Trump safe and strong for what he is going through.         Amen üôè
Brenda Dear Lord Jesus, put a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family. Protect them and keep them safe. Bring President Trump back soon! Thank you Lord! Amen
Irene Pray for his safety and strength
Ginger Father God you Are The one and only Great I Am and are worthy of our Praise! Hallelujah To Our Lord for your Mercy! We ask in Your Holy name For Complete Protection over your Son Donald J Trump in this Very crucial time. We pray special Guidance through all the evil that has been thrown at Him and all the World For you Father God have Already  Won every battle & we stand with you AGINST all these satan filled hate filled lieing people. We pray for Hearts to repent and change there ways May you Father God get the Glory!!!!
# God Wins
Bob Dear God‚Ķ.we lift your David, Donald Trump, up in prayer.  Please protect him & his family from all harm.  Please bestow him with great wisdom.   Bless him Lord and when he is back in office may he hit the ground running.   God bless President Trump!  üá∫üá∏üôèüèªüá∫üá∏üôèüèªüá∫üá∏üôèüèªüá∫üá∏üôèüèªüá∫üá∏üôèüèªüá∫üá∏üôèüèª
Donna God's Blessings Always!
Arthur Dear Lord JESUS we pray for President Trump that you will give him the courage and strength and where with all to continue to fight for the well being of our country and that you will bring him back soon .
Mary Father God in Heaven we ask you to protect and anoint Donald Trump!  We ask you to put a hedge of protection around him and his family from the evil of those that are trying to harm him!  Lord we know he is the man of your choice and we praise you! Amen
Sharon Dear Heavenly Father, It is in Jesus' glorious and holy name that I stand at your throne of grace and ask that you give President Trump wisdom, knowledge and strength to continue to stand on your truths. Please provide for and protect him as he battles the deep state, led by the enemy and continues to work for the American people. Keep him free from any pride in himself and let him give you all the glory. Thank you Father for hearing our hearts. We love you, Oh Sovereign God.....AMEN
Lucy Praying for Gods will    Thanking Him for exposure to all the evil that has been taking place for many years
Praying for President Trump and his family
Also praying for God to intervene in all areas of our government
Paul I am praying that keeps his hand of protection upon President Trump and that president Trump will listen for the voice of God to guide him every day and if he truly wants to be back in the White House that’s what it’s going to take that’s what God I feel is waiting on President Trump to do is totally put God first and let him do the leading thing Thom amen
Carol My prayer is for him to learn to be humble and give God the glory always.  I pray for his safety and for his family too.  And I pray for wisdom from on high.   Glory to God in the highest.
Karen Dear God, please protect President Trump and let him be successful in the 2024 election.
Shirley [email protected]
Eva I pray that Jesus cover you in His blood of protections and the any arrows flung at you are repelled and flung back to those who wished you harm.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Marcia Dear Father, bless President Trump and his family. What this nation has done to him is shameful and not deserved. Give him the strength to fight on for the American people.  We need your help Dear Father as the battle is long and full of corruption. It‚Äôs time to put on the Armor of God and fight for what is right our freedoms are in jeopardy.  Please hear our prayers and help us to move forward to rid our beautiful country of this evil. In Jesus, name I pray‚ĶAmen
Rebecca You are so loved, Mr. President, not just by the majority of Americans, but also by our Father in heaven.  May he keep you and your loved ones safe and protected by His army of angelic forces.  May He grant you wisdom and clothe you in the armor of God from head to toe daily.    May you feel the intensity and power of the prayers of all of us on your behalf.  Again, we love you, our President.
Sybil No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17). The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree:  He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.  (Psalm 92:12). We believe and receive the blessings and protection of the LORD that always surround you.  Love you always my brother, Sybil C. Eberhart
Bridie Dear God,  Please surround President Trump, his family and America with Your Angel Virtues and Powers, keep them safe from all enemies, seen and unseen, and we ask this, as we ask all things, "IN JESUS' NAME, AMEN!"
Debbie FATHER GOD, send Your mighty angels to protect President Trump, his family, and inner circle.  Fill him with Your SPIRIT and bestow Your blessings upon him. May he look to You for Wisdom, Knowledge, and Strength.  Vindicate President Trump from all false accusations and return him to his rightful place in the Oval Office.  In JESUS' Name we pray.  AMEN.
Richard Praying for your safety, good health and stamina during these trying times.
Linda Dear Lord, please watch over former  President Donald Trump.  He is being viciously attacked during his campaign for the 2024 Presidency.  Donald  Trump has served this nation before, and the policies  he implemented enhanced the lives of Americans.
Place your hand upon him and watch over him thru his Presidential campaign.  In your name we pray.
Gail May the hand of the Lord be upon you and guide you
Mark Praying for protection & strength for President Trump.
Joe God Bless and Keep Presient Trump and his Family!
Erma Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for the good people we have in our country. I ask you now Father God to put a hedge of protection around President Donald J. Trump from the evil that has been coming his way through the work of lies, deceit and hatred of him by others wishing to destroy him. Lift him up to victory to save our country from the demise and destruction that has been destroying it and dividing us as a nation. In Jesus’s holy name, we submit our prayer and request to you. Amen.
Anna Precious Blood of Jesus Christ protect Donald Trump
Patrick Higgins Lord Jesus I ask that you guide and protect comfort Donald J Trump. That  you give him the strength to lead. That he is given christian knowledge. That all of his family and friends are also given comfort and guidance. That there will be peace thru the world and that your word will be spread. That Donald J Trump receives your blessing and United States of America and all of her people.
Carol Dear Lord, Help Trump stay strong in Faith and remember you, Lord, are our strength, our shield and our song. And Lord ,may Trump's strength equal his days. Amen
Amanda Lord please protect President Trump , his family and all those who surround him. I pray for the world & all the innocent. Thank Lord Jesus for giving us Donald J Trump. AMEN
Lynette I pray for President Trump's protection and health.
Lucinda God in Donald J Trumps dark hour which is thrust upon him by the evil consumed in our government, cast the light of Jesus on him for an armor of protection, giving him strength to endure another day for him to redeem our country. In Jesus's name AMEN
LauWana I pray that the Angel Armies of Heaven will encamp round about President Trump and protect him and his family from every attack of the enemy.  No weapon formed against him will prosper.  Every communication and plan of the enemy will be confused and stymied.  God Almighty, let Your hand of protection and Your favor be a shield over him and his family.   I know that you have raised him up for this time in history.  I know that you appointed him to the position of president to do Your will in this, Your covenant nation.  I declare that your will, will not be overlooked, overtaken, or overruled!   Father, in your Holy word you said that all who curse Israel will be  cursed and all who bless Israel will be blessed.  I pray the same over President Trump.  All who curse him will be cursed and all who bless him will be blessed.  In Jesus Name, Amen!
Paula Lord give President Trump wisdom and strength and divine protection for him and his family!
Tom God bless Mr. Trump
Glenda God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Sprit put your blessings on and around Donald Trump. Protect him from all the evil that surrounds him. Take him to victory in the name of Jesus Christ Amen!
Janet love and blessings to prez Trump and his family
William Father in heaven, I pray for all people around the world, but I ask You to please watch over & protect our true President Donald John Trump and his family. I pray that he’ll soon be returned to the White House of the United States and return this country to the greatness You bestowed upon it and the snakes be driven out that tried to destroy it. In the name of Christ Jesus we pray. Amen 🙏 🇺🇸
Bernard [email protected]
Kay Dear heavenly Father, the chaos currently surrounding us is kidnapping the hearts, minds, & souls of Your children in every age group. We ask You to inspire & encourage us to steadfastly seek You. Place the Godly passion in our heart to aspire to become more Christ-like every day. Inspire our passion to seek first, God’s righteousness. In thankfulness & in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Leila May the blood of Jesus Christ protect you and yours against all harm.
Michele May God be with you all the time President Trump üôèüôèüôè
Teresa Dear Father, we thank You that we are still able to pray publicly and ask that Your, and only Your perfect will be done for President Trump and his family. We believe You still love and have a plan for this country so we ask that we learn to really hate evil and love righteousness. Teach us to seek your perfect will in all matters, personal and national. We love You and are grateful for your deep and undeserved love for us. In Jesus’ name we pray,amen.
Cynthia President Trump I lift you up in prayer that God will give you the wisdom to know His Will for You as he gifts you with the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. Don't forget to pray for humility and take the time to listen for God's Words. I also include your Family for protection and wisdom also.
Brenda I pray that God will continue to protect President Trump from all the haters and evil.  Keep him strong in fighting for our country.  Please God, give him strength and make his faith grow stronger.
Christopher Father, we ask you to guide, strengthen, and protect Donald J Trump and help him to accomplish Your will for America and the world.  Please protect his family and loyal staff members, as well.  In Jesus' name we pray, amen!
Jesse Praying and declaring Isaiah54:17 over him daily
[email protected] All mighty God YHWH we as your servants and airs come before you  humbly knowing you as a prayer hearing God, interested in our petition to You at this time in earth's history asking YOU FOR PROTECTION AND GUIDANCE ON OUR LEADER DONALD JOHN TRUMP, GIVE HIM DEVINE WISDOM AND COMPREHENSIVE KNOWLEDGE FROM YOUR THRONE , TOUCH HIM WITH YOUR  GUIDANCE SO HE KNOWS HE IS IN YOUR HANDS DOING YOUR BIDDING ON THIS EARTH SO AS IN HEAVEN SO ON EARTH, we thank you Lord for the gift of your son to interseed on our behalf to present our petition to you, Amen üôè
Carmen God our Father I ask for a hedge of protection for President Trump and all his family.  We have seen your work through this man.  I prayer that all those that come again him will cease.  I pray you will guide him all the way.  That your Light will shine through him.  Thank you Lord I claim this in your name.  Amen üôè
Corneliu I am praying along with thousands and thousands of people, and ask the Lord to protect Trump and his family, and to give him a huge victory in the coming elections
Linda Father in Heaven I ask that you bless President Trump and his family and keep them safe. Only you can put him back as president and stop this raging democrat war against America and the world.
Mary Kate Dear God, I pray for DT’s health and his focused attention in doing your will. Hold him in the palm of your hand. Thank you God and I love you. Thank you so much for all you have blessed us with. Amen
Daniel Dear Father, I lift President Trump, asking for your protection and that of his loved ones. Asking you give him strength, peace, and wisdom to lead again this nation. Father protect  his state of mind, health, and the finances you have allowed him to administer. Many have tried to humble him but Lord You lift him up, that your name be glorified in him, and the people of this your nation recognize if is you who will again put him in power, I also ask the you permit those who oppose him turn their back against all evil and look toward you. In Jesus name I pray. üôè
Kathy I have been praying for President Trump every day for a long time, for protection for him and his family
Mary Father God thank you for  protecting our President Donald J. Trump and his family and all the people that surround him that love our country. Thank you for removing all the evil ones that are trying to steer him away from you. May he guide our country out of all the turmoil that the Biden has created. In Jesus name we pray, Amen Amen
Mark Father Almighty We are yours to do with as though wilt. Relieve us of the bondage  of self.
That We may Lift up
Donald J Trump that he may better serve Thy Will Amen
Douglas Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind...
Donna God's blessings always for you and your family. Praying for you President Donald Trump.
Jan Lord, our country needs Your "David" now and we need You to have mercy on our country and bring us back to the foundations our forefathers put into place. We ask You to give President Trump wisdom and strengh to govern us again . In the Name of Jesus we ask this. Amen
Büêù Dear God, we see your soldier DJT working nonstop to MAGA! Thank you for sending him to fight for us. Protect him and keep him wrapped in your living arms. He is wearing the full Armor of God. Amen
Carol May our precious Father God keep you, President Trump, and your family in perfect peace this blessed season and always.  We pray for health, wisdom, strength, endurance, and comfort only Jesus our Savior can give you.
Carmen Stay strong President Trump!  We are praying for you!
Brenda Our Father, please protect Donald J. Trump from all the evil, that's against him. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Donna and Wayne I pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for President Trump, that he gets through all these crazy indictments and becomes once again our President of the United States in 2024.
Demetra Lord protect our rightful president,keep him safe from the evil people that wish to destroy him.
Melinda Prayer for the man who will bring peace and order to our country.  Praying for his knowledge to lead our great country and follow Gods plan.
Paulette Lord ,please protect Our President Donald J Trump as he makes his way back to the presidency. Bless him with Your  wisdom and power.
Linda GOD bless Trump.
Linda I PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER YOU, President Trump!!!!!!!
G Prayers for God‚Äôs Guidance for President Trump!!  Please Grant him protection, solidarity, and return to the White House for America‚Äôs Safety!!
Becky In Jesus precious name I pray for protection of President Trump and his family. And may your will be done in our nation. May your angel armies prevail in the unseen battles raging around us. And Father we give you thanks and praise for shining the light on all corruption and fraud in our government and on the local level as well. Amen in Jesus mighty name
Coni Praying for you!
andrew my lord,your will be done please watch over president trump
Lisa Dear Lord God, You are able to do anything. Please protect President Trump as he works to destroy the evil going on in our country and bring You back where you belong and our country back to one nation under Your care. We love you, we thank you and we pray in Jesus most powerful name. Amen
Rick from Paso Heavenly Father, Bless our great President Trump. Keep him and his family safe and protect him from his enemies. Bless him with the wisdom he needs to help save our country. in Jesus' name we pray.
Helen God please protect president Trump America and all his family in Jesus name I prat Amen thank you lord jesus.
Cathy Heavenly father protect our President Donald Trump and his family. Walk with him daily, give him strength and wisdom to go up against those who would destroy him and our country. Take the evil out and bring back the good in our government, In God we trust, for the people,by the people. Unite our people as one again.
Jody May the good LORD guide you and keep you safe during our fight for liberty and justice for all… amen!
Susan Lenhart "Sue" LORD, You who are everything that we need and could hope for, I ask You to bless, protect, guide, and love Donald Trump, his family, and those who are partnering with him in every aspect of his life, his business, and his campaign.  Give him the wisdom of Solomon and the strength of Samson.  Give him an insatiable desire for You; may he seek to become more like You with every passing day.  Let him yield to your Holy Spirit, so he can be filled with Him.  May he never back down from Your truth. Prosper him in everything that attempts, as he presses into You more and more.  Amen!
Debbie 2 Samuel 22:49, "You hold me safe beyond the reach of my enemies; You save me from violent opponents." Thank You Father for Your Divine protection for President Trump and his family.
Susan Dear Lord, Forgive us for our sins. We have failed to keep you in America. We thank you Lord for what you have done for us. You paid the price for our sins. Lord help us to win people back to the Church.  Bless President Trump in everything he does for our Country. Father it is in your mighty hands.  Amen
Tom Lord Jesus, please protect and guide Donald  J Trump to America's Presidency, and please bless America.
Carol We thank you, God Most High for the leader that Trump is. Be his sheild of protection that keeps him safe physically, spiritually, and emotionally as he fights what can look like an impossible fight, But with YOU all things are possible!
Diane God bless and protect you and your family President Trump in Jesus name amen
Dana Father God, please protect and guide President Trump and his family. Fill him with the Holy Spirit and cover him with Your Angel Armies. Amen
Barbara Dear Lord please protect President Trump now and always
judith I pray for you every night
Roberta Heavenly Father, we give President Donald J. Trump
to you and ask that you put a hedge of protection
around him and his family.  We ask you Lord to give
him guidance, strength, wisdom and the desires of you heart to lead this world in the righteous ways
and direction pleasing to you.  We thank you Lord for
all that you do and continue to do.  We give you praise and glory and know you are the King of Kings
and the Lord of Lords.  We love you and we will follow
your righteous ways according to your Word.  Amen!
Martha Father,  We humbly ask that you surround Donald Trump, his family, his attorneys and his loyal advisors with your angels.  May he and they be protected from his enemies, may he learn to trust completely in You, and may Your will be done in his life.
Lori I pray that President Trump is able to be back in the White House soon.  Please, Lord, guide him and keep him safe.  May he continue to serve the Lord our God and help bring this nation back to The Almighty God in heaven.
Christopher DJT is the only hope to save our Republic I paray for his safety and victory
Jane I cover President Trump, his family, friends and loved ones, and all his trusted associates and loyal patriots with the Precious Blood of Jesus from now until the end of their lives. May God's Will be done. Amen.
Rose I join my prayer with my brothers and sisters in Christ for the protection and favor on President Trump. Mathew 18:18
Mary I am thankful for all you have done and are doing for America.  May God reward you with blessings.
Deb Yes, I will continue praying for Trump
Carl Lord, I pray you will keep Pres. Trump and family safe and healthy. Give him wisdom to make proper choices for our country. I pray these in Jesus name, Amen.
Kathleen Dear Heavenly Father... Please bless and protect President Trump and his family and surround them with angels to lift him up and hold him each and every day. Please surround him with an impenetrable wall of protection so that none of his enemies can harm or hurt him. Father, please guide him and give him the strength he needs to fight against satan and his demons as he fights to save our great nation against evil. I pray for your will to be done and your kingdom to be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name, Amen
Kathleen God Almighty keep your hedge of angels protecting and guiding Pres. TRUMP and all his family.
Patsy May God keep a hedge of protection around you, your family, and your staff. God Bless You.
Betty I pray to God day and night that God will step in and make sure that President Trump wins this next Election of 2024 I have faith that he will win with the biggest land side ever Amen
Jim The lord uses individuals & as humans we are all flawed sinners.  I pray that people will know & understand that Trump is the one the lord has chosen to fight the evil that is working to control all the people removing free will. Please give him the strength & protection to keep moving forward.
Michael Praying for you & your family, and that you get back in office as President.
Doug Almighty God, Lord of Heavens Army, If it is your will, please strengthen your servant Donald and encircle your mighty angels around him for the battles he is and will be facing in the months ahead.  All this I ask in Jesus name, Amen!
Caroline Rosary for protection
Mary Mary R.
Stephen Eucharist Adoration & Rosary This evening at St. Pius X Church, OldTappan, NJ. . . Relatives asked to join me.
Kristine Tuyen Phan Please God help to restore our rightful President Donald J Trump in place as your Christmas present given to the world.
Reada Father will you please have your angels surround Pres Trump and each member of his family for your Devine protection at all times. Also will you give him wisdom and his legal team wisdom for victory in the courts. May all the firey darts of Satan boomerang right back from where they sent. Father. Give him victory in the 2024 presidential  election. We need him in the oval office. I pray all this will be done in Jesus name. Amen
Joanne May God be with and protect President Trump and his family
Kate I pray for Pres Trump every day
God bless Pres Trump!!!
Joan My prayers each morning are for Trump and the White Hats to defeat the enemy and to save America and the world.
joanne joanne wilczynski
Dawn Dear President Trump,  In Jesus name I declare that all those who are opposing you, because of their evils, be done away with promptly. All who cheated in the 2020 election are traitors.  If they will not repent and help identify other election traitors, may they die a traitor's death.  May God expose them and end their lies so that we ALL can live in peace.
May God set an even stronger hedge of protection around you; your family; your team; and all freedom lovers in Jesus's name.
John I am praying for President everyday for safety, protection strength to face the warfare on him
Ron God bless Donald Trump and make him president again...
rose God protect this man, President Donald J Trump and his family from harm/ Ill intention, evil/ Demonic/ hurtful/ harmful influences. May the angels stand behind him, protect his steps as he helps us here in USA and the world! Godspeed.
Barbara Please Lord lift up Donald Trump to prosper amide strife and evil. Place your powerful hands on him so people will be set free of evil.
Dale I pray you will follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit even if you don't understand.
jerri absoluetly i am praying
Marilyn I pray that the Holy Spirit works mightily in President Trump as he is God's choice for America.
Travis lord please take care of our president
Mary Jo Continued prayers
Trudy Praying that President Trump gets justice on the stolen election and that he wins by a land slide in 2024. Its up to God to make this happen in Jesus’s name! Amen
Denise Bilderbeck Present Trump I am praying for your well being during all the evil crap that is happening to you it is so unfair and everyone knows you are the right person to bring our world back to harmony and success.
Barbara May GOD bless President Donald J. Trump with a long Healthy, Happy Life & may he guide each and every step he takes in leading our great country in the right path. In all
Your ways acknowledge God Mr. President and he will direct your path.
GOD bless you & the USA 🇺🇸
Sandra Dear Father in Heaven, as we face the most destructive and challenging times in the history of our nation there is only one man who can (by thy will) protect and defend true Americans and Patriots.....his name is Donald Trump.  Please, Lord, surround hin with your loving arms as we lift him up to You to guide and protect, strengthen and comfort him and his family, through all the hatred and evil pursuing him unjustly!  Please, Father, keep him strong and fierce in his fight for the United States of America and for Christianity.  Thy will be done O Lord, King ofthe Universe!
Alice I have "ALWAYS" daily Prayed for President Trump & his family and will continue!!
Kim Dear Lord, in Jesus' name, I pray that you would protect President Trump from the evil surrounding him, especially in the corrupt court system. May Your Holy Spirit guide Him on the path You want him to take. He has blessed Israel. He has blessed this nation which was founded on Your principles. Please be with him through all the hardships he is facing. May his enemies fail in their efforts to destroy him. In Jesus' name we pray and all according to Your will. Amen.
Jennie May the Lord guide and protect his anointed President Trump, his family, and all who are aligned with him.  May God's will be done for our country.
Mary Dear God, please bless president Trump, protect him, strengthen him, lift him up above all the evil that is against him. I believe that you have annointed Donald J Trump to be our leader, to guide us and support us as we work to take down the evil forces, the deep state that has held us hostage for decades. Bless Donald Trump, his wife, his family, keep them all safe. shower them with your strength and peace. In Jesus's name I pray for all these things. God bless you, President Trump.
Milt May God grant you an honest election, and have people look into their hearts and make honest decisions for the benefit of our nation, which was established by and under God.  God, please protect our nation from those who are trying to destroy it.  Also watch over Donald Trump and protect him from those who wish to eliminate him.  We know that Donald Trump has already proved that he can bring our nation back from collapse.
Carol Dear God ,please give Donald Trump the strength he needs to help our nation. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Scott Praying for DJT and for our country that is on life support. I stand with President Trump and I stand for our country. Amen
Linda We pray for God's mighty hand of protection and guidance on President Trump and his family.  We pray that the Lord would go before him, cause his enemies to fall, give President Trump the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.  May he seek the Lord with all that is in him and bless the Lord for his goodness and care. May nothing less than the Lord's perfect will lead President Trump in all that he says and does.  All glory to God in Jesus name. Amen.
Pete God Bless America!!
Karin I pray the ,Lord, puts Trump back in office. We need to get back to the foundation our forefathers set up. I pray the, ,Lord, here's our cries and desperation for our country. Here us Lord. Amen
Ilene Wickham Please God look upon Mr Trump and send your guardian Angels to surround him.  Let no one who wishes to cause evil touch him. Bring the powers of good to be by his side always but especially now.  So many wish him harm so please strike them down.  I ask this in Jesus name.....Amen
Pam Dear President Trump:  I am so sorry for what all those evil Dems are doing to you & family!  You DO NOT deserve it!    I pray, Dear sweet Heavenly Father:  Please be with President Trump & family & keep them safe & strong to fight all the evil trying to bring them down!  This country needs Pres Trump more than ever & I pray he will be strong & healthy to fight for everyone.   We love Pres Trump because he truly loves us & this country.   Please, Dear Lord, bless President Trump today & everyday & when he is inaugurated in Jan of 2025 we can all say HALLELUJAH & AMEN!!!!   God bless President Trump!!!!!!
Skip Dear Heavenly Father, smite the evil that permeates Washington, DC. Please bless reconcile President Trump as our Christian President and we pray that you bring him back to lead us back to you, Lord. Forever blessed by God. Amen
Norman Lord I pray in your name to keep our President Donald Trump safe in your embrace as he fights the evil that is trying to destroy humanity itself.
Barbara God bless President Trump and please return him to the position as President of these United States. Please strengthen him and give him grace to carry on during the challenges he faces. Keep him safe and well. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN
Michael I pray to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that God provides President Trump and his family with guidance, protection and grace as he pursues reelection to the office of President of the United States of America.
peggy Thank You Lord that your Anointed Leader, Donald Trump, is STILL president of our Republic.  I thank You, Lord for giving him Godly Wisdom. favor. supernatural health, and safety from the evil forces that want to do him harm.  Thank you for opening the eyes of those spiritually blind to see what you are doing through him for America.  AMEN
Betty God, please protect Donald Trump and aid in the 2024 election to elect Donald Trump president of the United States
Bill May God protect and guide President Trump on his journey to save our Constitution and defeat Evil.
W I pray safety, wisdom, and good health for Mr Trump. I ask that he is found innocent of all crimes and accusations and is allowed to run for president of the U.S.  I pray that he shows the  best of himself being closer to the Lord and serves all people righteously.
Debbie Father God, we put all our hope and trust in you. Please place a hedge of protection around our rightful president. Guard him and protect him and lead him in the path that you have ordained for him. Shield him from the enemy and may all the evil that attempts to attack him fail. Bless him and his family. Shine your face upon him and all that he does to help save our nation. We place our trust in you to let your works be fulfilled through your great servant. We praise you and trust in your perfect will to be done. Bless this nation and your children we pray. Amen
Annette May God Bless you & keep you in these times of trials and tribulations
Diane God Bless You & protect you and give you His peace & strength.  Hope thou in God!  He is our deliverer, waymaker, promise keeper, our Light in the darkness.
bill I pray for him several times a
Cindy Lord Jesus I lift President Trump and his family before Your throne protect them and give President Trump Your wisdom,knowledge and discernment to do Your will and Glorify your name. Pray in Jesus Name Amen
Kristine Our Heavenly Father leads and guides every step…
Brent I pray the Lord Jesus will guide your heart, mind and thoughts
Anthony We Pray for you everyday
Marty I pray for Trump to have Gods Widom, Favor & Anointing on his life and that he pursues Jesus daily!
Alice Lord you blessed us with a Great President for four years from 2016 to 2020 but we are now experiencing hell on earth, our country is being destroyed, please bring our President Donald J. Trump back to the White House without further delay, this administration is trying to destroy him.  Bless him and our great country.  Thank you.
Jo Father's God, I ask that you guide and lay your hands upon Donald Trump as he fights his way for all of the American People against hatred,corruption and evil to make our country safe and prosperous again .
Delores We need his strength for keeping us strong thank you God for bringing him to fight for us
Celeste May God give you the strength to see you through. You have my vote for the third time and my daily prayers. Thank you President Trump, if anyone can save America, it's you.
Melody Heavenly Father, I ask in your name to protect President Trump and his family and those working with him as they struggle to fix this country that evil has destroyed. Please watch over him and keep him safe and healthy and that evil will not prevail in putting him in jail or stopping him from running for President. Please Lord put him in the White House and work through him to eliminate all the evil that has taken over our Government local, State and Federal. And I ask that when all these law suits do not work against him, that he will be allowed to receive all the money back that he has had to waste on these trials and lawsuits. In Jesus Holy name I pray, Amen !
Sue Dear Lord, please watch over President Trump as we hope he will again achieve becoming our President again. Protect him from all those trying to destroy him. Please watch over him! Amen
Stanley God please help Trump win this election to save our country again üôè
Airlin Airlin De Vos
Patricia Please God protect President Trump and keep him safe and healthy. Bring him back to the White House to save our country from the evil that is destroying all that’s good and holy.
Scott God bless President Trump and help him drain the swamp!
Brad Lord, surround your David, and the entire Trump family, with your Holy Heavenly army of angels. Watch over him, protect him, guide him.
We pray for our nation.  May the corruption be exposed, and may those who plot against us reap the consequences of their actions.  In the Holy name of Jesus we pray!
Jim We Pray üôè for President Trump and his family every day that God will keep his hand of protection on them and hold his judgement on this nation long enough to give Donald J Trump one more full term in the white house
Rondel The Lord is Trump‚Äôs shepherd he shall not want. He makes him lie down in green pastures. He leads him besides Stillwaters. He restores his soul. He leads Trump in the path of righteousness for His namesake. Yay, though Trump walks through the valley of the shadow of death he will fear no evil for thou art with him Thy Rod and thy staff they comfort him. Thou prepares a table before Trump in the presence of his enemies.  He anoints his head with oil, his cup runneth over.  surely goodness and mercy. Shall follow Trump all the days of his life and he dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen.
Scott Please Lord, protect and guide our President, Donald J. Trump through his campaign to once again become our recognized sitting president. AMENüôè
Mary God, I humbly ask to please hold under your protection & blessing Donald Trump & Family. Help him win against the satanic people who wish to destroy your beautiful creation of humanity the earth & all it‚Äôs creatures you have provided us.  I pray you will protect him from all evil.
Diane Pray for Blessings and Favors on President Trump
Eileen All things are possible with God. You are his instrument. God bless you, President Trump. May God protect you and restore you to your rightful position as President. May he keep you strong and unwavering among the persecution you are enduring. God help our country. It must not be pleasing to you. We ask you this in Jesus’s name. Amen.
Christiana Lord, please watch over President Trump and keep him safe from all those that mean him harm.
Sabrina Farther God I ask for you to protect President Trump, his family and all the people protecting him. I ask Father God for President Trump to hear your voice and direction in the steps he takes ahead in leading this nation back to you God. He is here for such a time as this and I ask Holy Spirit to give him supernatural strength Thank you in Jesus Name. Amen.
Donna we've been praying daily for you and your family for years now and will continue until God restores you to the rightful leader of this country. God bless you and direct your steps.
Kathryn Father, we pray for President Trump‘s protection and guidance by the Holy Spirit. May he be covered and anointed in Jesus name amen.
Tom Father GOD please send your Angels to protect president Trump. I ask this in the name of JESUS CHRIST Your SON my Lord and Savior!!!  Amen!
Lanice White President Trump, please know that I pray for you every day.  In the name of Jesus, I ask You, Holy God to encourage President Trump, that You will protect him and his family, that You will fill him with the fear of You, oh Lord which You have said brings wisdom, to love and desire You with his whole heart, that You will guide him in all his ways, filling him with Your supernatural strategies and discernment, energy, wisdom, direction, and peace. Thank you, Father. üôè‚ù§Ô∏è‚Äçüî•üî•üëê
Katherine Dear lord, I pray for your protection of President Trump.  We know that he is a huge threat to the Democrats and that they are trying everything to eliminate him as a candidate in the next Presidential Election.  Please keep him safe and secure from all harm and use him to bring America back to God-given ways.
Pam Heavenly Father in Jesus name I come boldly to Your Throne.  I pray the blood of Jesus over our God‚Äôs David Donald J Trump, and his family and all that are standing with him fighting all forms of evil. From the top of their heads to the soles of their feet.  I pray for their protection, strength, health, and  over every aspect of their lives. In Jesus mighty name the name above all names Amen
Ronald May God Bless this country of ours and President Trump
Lucille Father God please protect President Trump and his family from all entities trying to do harm.  Let him hear you and rest in you. Let him do your will. Let him know the love and gratitude from this nation. In Jesus name  Amen and Amen
susan Bless and keep Donald Trump safe and well, The world needs him desparately.  He is our only hope!
Roger May the Lord Jesus be with Donald Trump- keep him from harm.
Helen Helen
Aubrey Aubrey Crenshaw
Billy May God watch over and guide all his movements.
Donna Prayer of protection over President Trump and those supporting him. Let God look favorably on this election season.
Barbara I pray that God may protect him to carry out His plan for America, and bless him and his family.
Jackie we are praying for President Trump & America
Patty Give me the courage I need during difficulties before me. I pray for you.
Iva Heavenly father. Watch over this man. I ask in jeses name  amen
Ken May God's light Shine on him each and every day
David The Democrat party under Obama is purposely trying to destroy our country, and economy. President Trump has always know this, and was dismantling their operation. I pray Trump will be able to get back in The White House.
Rosemary May God protect and guide President Trump
Tom Lord, please keep your protecting hand on President Trump
Vince Donald Trump is my choice. I hope God agrees and helps him
Chula Lord, please protect POTUS and his family. Give him strength to continue this fight against the evil that wishes to destroy us. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen
Diane Lord, God almighty, protect our president, Donald J. Trump and bring him back to his rightful place, the seat at the oval office of the United States. Amen.
Scott Lord please straighten President Trump‚Äôs way back to the White House.  Put up walls all around him to protect him from evil.  Send your angels out around him!  Bless him in every way.
Sandy Praying for truth and justice for our nation. Praying for Trumps protection and success in the 2024 election.
Lee My prayers are with you President Trump .
Grace I pledge to pray daily for your health and well being and for God's protection and guidance.
Louise Dear Lord, President Trump needs you more than ever right now. Please wrap your arms around him and keep him and his family safe during these trying times. Amen!🙏🏻🙏🏻
Judy Father God as I lift President Trump to you in prayer, I ask that You give him absolutely clear direction in all his decisions.  Continue to give him Your peace and rest.. Protect him and his family from the evil ones. Thank You for raising him up in a time such as this.
In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus through the power of Your Holy Spirit Amen
Judy I am praying that you can save this country.god bless you
Jackie Lord, we lift up President Trump and family to you. We pray your Divine intervention in his life, legal situations and campaign. We are trusting you and your word that you will never leave us or forsake us. America needs you and a President that loves America and will fight for us and the America we were founded on. We come against and pray exposure of all evil in government.
Helen We pray that you are the winner over this evil Democratic Party and you bring our country back to what is was when you were out of office. We pray that no harm comes to you or your family and you are the Commander In Chief of the  Republic of the United States. Bless you in all that you do and follow what God tells you to do. He has His hand on you and protecting you each and every day. God bless you and your family.
Billy Be strong and know God is in control and he wants to use you for his glory.
Peggy Heavenly Father Please protect the rightful President of the United States and his family from the evil forces that are against him!
In Jesus Name, Amen
Michael God bless the USA and D. J. Trump.
Joy Father God may you intervene for our sake and for Donald J Trump. The world needs him to return to americas leadership and for the whole world. Please let every person or organization who has come against him be stopped in their tracks because of your mighty power. We know you are in control. May every court case against him be in his favor and stop this lawfare against him. Thank you Lord. We are forever grateful for your love and support. Amen.
Leslie Dear Father God please be with President Trump and his family, keeping them safe every moment and bring them through every challenge strong and at peace  into being the President of our USA again either before or by January 2025!  We need him NOW LORD - please bring him back ASAP!  Leslie B.
Jane Oh Lord, please watch over President Trump and keep him safe. The World needs him!
Michael Heavenly Father, we pray you keep your mighty hand over your servant and our servant President Trump. Clothe him in your armor that the hatred and evil sent against him will be in vain. This we pray in Jesus mighty name, Amen.
Melissa I pray for his strength and growing belief in the Lord Jesus Christ and for him to know that it is not himself who will do great things but the Lord Jesus. That he, his family and all those who surround him will speak the name of Jesus. That those who work with and for him will be those who tell him what he NEEDS to hear not what he WANTS to hear. I also continually pray the blood of Jesus over him and his entire family.
Carla God our Heavenly Father, we ask that you protect Trump, give him strength, and if it's your Will, let him rebuild this great country you have provided us.  Support his family and give him the courage to continue fighting for all of us!  GOD BLESS TRUMP!
Barbara Lord I pray you will lead America out of the evil that has overtaken this once blessed nation.
Susan Delrosario I pray that Trump will wins the election because he’s a great leader for our country
Patti Love and protection
JOEL President TRUMP, I pray for you every morning1
Sheryl Heavenly Father please protect President Trump and his family and overturn all accusations and legal issues. Please bring back your David to overturn all evil against him and Make America Great Again.
Sheryl Lord, protect Commander-in-Chief  Trump from all lawfare, lies, physical harm, and evil. Give him super natural wisdom, discernment,  perseverance, grace and stamina.  Bless his family, and keep them from all harm. Give him victory for 2024 and enable him and the American people who love the Constitution and our founding values to prevail against all who seek to destroy America. Amen
Janet I pray for President Trump and family everyday.  May God continue to bless and protect all of them.  So grateful God has given us President Trump.
Gail Dear Heavenly Father, surround Donald Trump and his family with your protection.  Keep them safe and in your constant care.  Send your Holy Spirit to give him wisdom and courage.  Thank you for giving him to us at this time in history.  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen.
Ruth Dear Father in heaven, I pray with a heavy heart in all my desires for President Trump.  Lord, I pray that you protect him from physical harm, bless him and his family, give Him all the tools necessary to make America Great Again.  Father, thank you for giving us Donald Trump in the past and now in the present.  He‚Äôs been a life saver to mankind everywhere.  Thank you Father for listening to my prayers, which are many for our real President.
Nancy Protect Donald Trump and restore him to his rightfully elected position as President of the United States of America.
Walker Father God please bless President Trump and your mission through him.
Ron I pray that God our Father protect you and guide you through this difficult journey.
Shelley Heavenly Father, we pray for Your blessing and protection of Donald Trump and his family at this time.  Lift him up in Wisdom and Strength, because the time is getting darker.  Oh Jesus, our Lord and Savior, we praise you and thank you for this fearless leader that we truly need back in the white house.  Please send Your Holy Spirit out among us in revival.
Dawn Father God, in Jesus name I ask that you bless & protect President Trump & his family.  Show the world how you and he will bring back love and peace to all humanity so that you are glorified.  You are the one true God that I love.  Save your nations and protect us from evil.  Thank you for loving us.  All praise and glory are yours.  I love you and I thank you.
Arthur Dear God please protect President Trump from all evils and dishonesty that is ruling our country today!
Joy God please protect President Trump and his family from all evil.
Dale Please Lord, bless and watch over this good man in his (and our) time of desperate need.
Dana May God keep and protect President Trump.
Anna Bless President Donald J Trump
Murray Dear Lord Jesus. Please make Trump President of America once again and bring the criminals to Justice. Thank you jesus
Marilyn May the Lord Jesus guide and protect you, President Trump and your family.
Becky Father in heaven we ask that you please watch over President Trump and bless him in his daily walks with you and this country. Please give him guidance and wisdom to continue on fighting for the people and this country and help wipe out the evilness in this country and Washington. We ask that you keep Trump in your blessed arms and heart to continue to move forward with grace and peace. In Jesus name we pray.
Steve Dear Lord please shine your light on President Trump and lead him to victory. In Jesus‚Äô  precious name I pray. Amen
Ann Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please enlighten USA citizens to your saving grace and to realize President Trump is your choice to put our country back under your umbrella.  Amen.
Kathy Our Father in Heaven, please protect our President Trump and give strength, courage and peace to his family. In Jesus name. Amen!
Lynne Father God we pray for our true president, President Trump. We ask for a hedge of protection around him and his family and please bring him back to the office he rightfully owns. Bringing him back brings you back to us which our hearts are so yearning for. We ask in the precious holy name of Jesus. Amen üôè üôè
Christine My prayers are for not only President Trump but his whole family. I pray that the elections are honest and up front so that the people are electing the president in 2024.  I pray that we go back to the way it was under President Trump. ü•∞
Linda Father GOD, I ask that you please keep your Hand of protection on President Trump & all of his family. That Your angels keep guard over them. I pray James 2:13 That You will have JUDGEMENT WITHOUGT MERCY ON THOSE WHO HAVE SHOWN NO MERCY ON HIM. In the Name above All Names JESUS. AMEN
Larry I pray the Lord our Father will protect President Trump from the evil forces attacking him. I pray that he will follow the will for God's guidance. In the name of Jesus, our savior. AMEN
Lori May the Holy Spirit, bless you and guide you in his infinite wisdom, today, tomorrow and always. Amen
joanne Gods angels protect him from all attacks from all enemies. Trump back in the White House ASAP
Christine Father God, hear my prayer. I pray for president Trump to come to You for Your righteousness, wisdom and guidance in all he does. Protect him and his family from all evil forces. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen
Lisa Father we pray for President Trump. We pray for his safety and his success. We pray you will guide his every step and protect him from all evil. Give him courage and strength.
Miki In Jesus name I place prayer and blessings upon this nation and those in governance,  especially I pray safety and guidance upon Donald J Trump, his family, and those encircling him and their efforts empowering all God‚Äôs peoples.
Nancy Dear Lord, watch over President Trump.  This country needs you to be with him as we fight for his re/election.
Joan Heavenly Father, I pray you continue to keep your angels surrounding and protecting President Trump and his family through these dangerous times and always.  Thank you for this.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Debbie Dear Lord, please protect President Trump and his family and his supporters in Jesus's name. Amen.
Helen Praying every day for our rightful President, his family and that God will use him to complete the work to bring our nation back to God.
Beckie Gracious God, we pray your hand of protection over President Trump and his family. We pray your light be used to expose the darkness that has overtaken our nation and this world. Thank you for bringing us a David in President Trump to fight this battle. We pray this in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen
David I pray for Gods protection and peace on President Trump and God gives him understanding and wisdom to do God’s will
Anna God Almighty and Powerful, I pray and humbly ask for your protection on President Trump and his entire family. I pray you will surround him with Your angels to keep them safe. Fill him with wisdom and strength to fight this battle and be victorious for our great nation. In Christ's name I pray this prayer. Amen.
Linda I pray for President Trump and his family for protection and wisdom.
I thank you for Trump and May God Bless him fully and place him back in the White House.
Sharon GOD bless President Trump and his family.üôè
Judy Lord, please protect President Trump and our nation from those that would destroy America from within and without. Hear our multitude of prayers in Jesus name, amen
Rita Christ our Savior has anointed Trump, make HIM proud!
Victor Please God keep Donald Trump safe. Amen.
Ronda Prayers for all your being drug thru!This is making you stand tall!
Susan Dear God, Please protect President Trump and his family, and give him the strength and wisdom to be successful in his endeavors.  Keep him happy and well as he struggles with all that has been put against him, and make him victorious in supporting the American people.  In your name I pray, thank you, Lord.  Amen.
Paul In Jesus Name, please Father put the holly shield around your righteous warriors as they march into battle. Please protect Mr. President Trump and his Family from the evil ones.  I would love to see your awesome power and bring down the walls that are dividing us, WE THE PEOPLE.  Love you Father, Jesus and the Holly Spirit, In Jesus Name Please Father Here Our Prayers.
John Lord, be with President Trump and his family as they continue to right the wrongs that have infiltrated our land. In Jesus name.
Francine Heavenly Father we thank you for your goodness and mercy! We thank You for President Donald Trump. We pray blessings of peace and protection over him! We believe he will overcome all charges against him and no weapons formed against will prosper! Thank you Lord for putting a shield of protection over and around him and his family! I pray for an overwhelming victory in the election next year! Protect him and his family in Jesus name Amen!!
Monica Praying everyday for his safety and return to his rightful position as POTUS!
James James E Hakljn
Sheilah Gracious Lord, please protect President Trump and his family from those who hate him because they have believed the lies from politicians and the media.  Give him extra wisdom and discernment that he may listen to your guidance.  In Jesus name, Amen.
Jaqueline I put the full armor of God on President Trump administration their families, his lawyers, their families, a protection, I plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump, his administration, his lawyers, his families, their families, white, have militaries to live present Trump up, protect him give him to sermon father God Give his sermon, guidance, strength, courage protection in these days, take back our nation I declare and decree that we are all nations under God individual liberty with liberty injustice for all declaring decree that father God is sending his holy angels to watch out our President Trump is in administration, the white hats their families at this present time protect them give them the strength courage  in Jesus name amen. Amen.
Kurt I pray for President Trump and his family, may God protect them and give him the wisdom to lead this great nation back to prosperity.
In Jesus Mighty Name,
Julie Dear Lord, Please continue watching out for President Trump and his family, keep him healthy and mentally strong to deal with all the enemies who are constantly trying to harm him in one way or another. Help to keep his inner circle loyal to him. Thank you for all the victories you have given us in this fight. In Jesus's name  Amen
Cathy God speed President Trump.  Go forth and slay the evil that has permeated this country.
Ethelda Praying for protection and safety for DJT. Keep him focused on MAGA!
Laura Dear Heavenly Father, Please Keep President Trump and his family safe. Please strengthen his faith and keep him strong. I pray that armies of angels surround him and his family and build a wall of protection around them in the name of Jesus. AMEN!
Do Pray for President Donald Trump to have unwaivering protection, peace, and enjoyment through the attempted persecution of those who wish to stop him from saving humanity and America from tyrants.
Margaret Jesus God please give Donald Trump the strength to save America
Marcie May God protect you and angels surround you and your family. Thank you for your courage in these times.
Cindi Lord, your people are hurting. Please give us the leadership of Donald Trump to find our way back to your path.
Peter Dear Lord keep President Trump safe from spiritual and temporal harm. May he defeat our enemies foreign and domestic.
Ron & Sharon Father God please protect and bring fourth our  president Donald Trump back to the white house to his rightful place as President for your glory. Amen
John President Trump, his family and our country are included in our daily Rosary. God Bless Them
Kathy I’m praying that President Trump is successful in his election and that God provides a hedge of protection for him and his family and all those who are assisting him in this pursuit. I pray that God is providing strength and wisdom for President Trump and to give him peace about every situation.
Maryann We pray the Rosary every day for President Trump, his family and our country.
Sally Praying that Trump will stand strong in the Lord Jesus Christ.  That he will be God's voice for Truth to help us unite under God's anointing.  Praying for  Devine protection for Him and his family.  We are with you and GOD WINS!
Patti yes i will pray for President Trump daily
Debi Dear Lord please keep President Trump safe with a hedge of protection. Amen
Gerald Lord God be with your David "Donald J Trump, all the white hats and their families
Geneen Lord God, I ask that you pour out your holy spirit on President Trump. Amen
Lorena Dear Lord Thank you for using President Trump to lead our country back to you and the country it's supposed to be. Please protect him, his family all those that continue to fight to return him to his rightful place as President of the US. Amen
Rebeca May the Lord keep President Trump and his family safe, and God bless the.  We need him more than ever, In Jesus name we pray
Louise Heavenly Father protect president Trump from all evil. Keep him safe and healthy.
Guy Give Donald Trump and his family strength, courage, and wisdom. Give them rest when they need rest.
Janelle May the Lord place a hedge of protection around you and your family protecting all from the top of your heads to the souls of your feet.  AMEN üôè
Sallly In Jesus name, oh Lord guide and protect Mr. Trump and his family. Keep him safe as he  does YOUR work.  Thank you for your blessings.  Amen.
Mike Precious Lord please bless Donald Trump with the strength to defeat his enemies and the enemies of the
Jane Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for our rightful President Donald Trump.  I pray for his protection, peace, wisdom and willingness to be used by you to guide and guard our Country in the days ahead.  May he truly seek you in all that he does in the days ahead and give you thanks for all that is accomplished.  Amen
Kelvin God save us let Trump be president and put the crooks in there place
Julie Lord, keep Trump and his family safe, healthy and strong. Give him wisdom and guidance, let him know he is doing Your will. Give him favor in the sight of all people so he can open eyes that are blind to the tyranny all around us, and we can all stand behind him as Americans, united for the revival we pray and trust will sweep this land!
Robert Dear lord thank you for your ever move, every well wish, and every loving thing you do for us endlessly, and giving us Donald John Trump to fulfill your work for us!
dan Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, put a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family, and keep away all those trying to do him harm. Amen and Amen
Ann Lord Jesus, we ask you to watch over Trump, protect him from evil, remove the ridiculous lawsuits on him and help him to win back the presidency and help our country. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!
Katy Be strong President Trump!  God is with you always!
Nancy In the name of Jesus I ask for favor, strength and victory for President Trump. Allow your Spirit to be a shield about Him.
Darryl Dear Lord Jesus please lay your hands on Donald J Trump. Give him the strength and health to overcome the evil that is trying to destroy him and are great country. We give  you all the praise and glory. In your great name Jesus I ask these things. Amen
James Praying for your safety and speedy return to the position you won by an overwhelming majority of legal votes!  We stand with you in this fight for the heart and soul of America!!!
Deborah Heavenly Father, I know you have anointed Donald Trump as your modern day “David”
to fight for your Beautiful America, guide him swiftly to MAGA 🙏🏻
Bob God bless Donald Trump. Please keep him safe, healthy and alert as he always is. I pray that he will overcome the evil in Washington and once again president of our country. Amen
Licia May our dear Lord protect, guide you, and give you strength to keep up with everything they are throwing at him. Lord, we need him to come back and lead this country in your name. Bless him and his family and keep them safe. In Jesus name. I love Jesus, I believe and trust in your mercy and care. Please Father save this country and the word.
Jill Sir, I pray a continued prayer for wisdom, knowledge and discernment for you and jfk, protection of you and your family our military and alliances all brass white hats and those who are putting themselves in danger to take back our country plus protection of their loved ones. The armor of God. Gods mighty right hand is extended for war. Satan and his minions are eradicated taken done and deemed useless in power. The power of Jesus over them and them bowing down to Him. Strength in mind and body. Daily praising God that He made you and we continue on until it’s done. This is what I pray for you.
Graydon Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you protect Donald Trump and his family in every respect and give him Your wisdom and guidance regarding his plans to lead America back to rule of law, justice, and peace. Please grant him success as he endeavors to save our country from our many enemies. In the powerful name of Jesus! Amen
Patriot Lord Jesus, we ask you protect our president from the evil corruption of the DOJ & all other evil in our govt. Give him the strength to keep fighting for our country based on Biblical principles.
Jann Dear Heavenly Father I pray that you watch over my President Donald J Trump That you keep him safe and out of harms way that you give him the wisdom and knowledge to guide our country once again I pray this in the name of my savior Jesus Christ
Katheryn Most Holy Lord, I come before you to ask You to watch over President Trump and all members of his campaign and his legal teams.  Let no lies or evil prevail against him as he tries to fight for this country.  Give him Your wisdom and guidance.  Thank You for Your great gifts this country has been given.  Forgive us for how far we have fallen from the principles and values this country was founded on.  Thank You for Your grace and love.  Thank You for Jesus our Savior given to save us.  I Pray this in His precious Name.    Amen
Brenda Heavenly Father bless our President Trump. Protect him, his family and all those that Keep him safe and healthy.
Jill Bless Trump and keep him safe
Kaye I pray for God to place a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family and for supernatural favor for all of them with legions of angels to surround them.
Eleanor I don’t live in USA but I have been praying for President Trump & family for the last 5 years almost everyday. Pray for protection, wisdom, peace, joy & supernatural strength & favor. Fulfill his God given destiny to save America!
Candy Please Lord, protect President Trump and his family and please let him be our next President. Thank you Lord, Amen.
Denise Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for being the great I AM and for forgiving the ones who love you and whom you love from their sins! We ask that you would put a hedge of protection around Donald John Trump, give him the wisdom that he must have to navigate our country through the tribulation that we face; please protect all those on the front lines and use the Holy Spirit to remind us to be in constant prayer for all who are doing your will!
In Christ’s wonderful name we pray, Amen!
Rose Father God Donald J. Trump is your choice, you are always perfect in your ways. I ask you protect and restore his position in your plans to restore America as a Godly nation. In Yeshua name Amen
Pam We ask Lord that you will put a hedge of protection around President Trump and of his family.  We give thanks that you are our mighty God.
Shane May God bless and protect Donald J Trump,give him guidance and strength to lead us all to victory and freedom over the tyranny and evil that are the so called powers that be! In the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I pray,Amen.
Natalie Dear Lord,
Please protect Donald Trump from any harm or anything meant for bad. Keep everyone surrounding Trump safe and secure. Watch over him and his family. Bless Trumps campaign and help him to remain successful and please allow him to win the presidential election in 2024.
Deb Heavenly Father, in Jesus‚Äô name, continue to walk alongside President Trump and his family.  Grant him Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  Cover him with your protection as You keep him strong and fearless against all evil forces in this fight for our country.  In Jesus‚Äô name I pray, Amen and AMEN.  üôèüèº
Chris I love you God Bless you Mr President Donald J Trump
toni I pray that God will keep President Trump and all his loved ones, from enemies and evil.Bless him
Mary Almighty God, you are the one that protects & keeps us safe in times of need. We ask u to protect, comfort, & keep DJT & family in a safe space & provide for all his needs & his family‚Äôs needs, even  a nicely prepared comfort food meal.
I am praying for he & his family, knowing that he is in the lion’s den, as was Shadrach, Meshack, & Abendigo in Daniel in the Old Testament of the Bible. May he continue to follow God’s Will & direction.
We love u & miss u & look forward to your RETURN to the  new White House in TX soon!
Kris Praying every day for President Donal J.Trump
Stacy Sending my prayers to you Mr. President Donald J. Trump and all my love. Thank you for fighting for freedom, for truth, for all of us! May God bless you, your family and all of us "Eklisia"!
Jennifer Lord all mighty I pray you keep our rightful President Donald J. Trump and his family safe. Be with them during these difficult times and protect them from the evil around them. We entrust your will for us all. In your name. Amen
Patty Lord God, protect Pres. Trump from all harm! Amen
Paul I pray that God will protect President Trump every day!
Pauline GOD bless Trump 🙏🏻
Maaike Standing with DJTrump in prayer - the Precious Blood of Jesus over him & his family! 'Not from the East or West comes promotion; he Lord raises up one, and brings down another.' We declare & decree the Full will and purposes of the Living God through D J Trump in the USA & the world in this hour and time! Let God Arise, let His enemies be Scattered, In Jesus Name!!!!
Marjorie Heavenly Father,
Please place your hedge of protection around this good man.  May ‚Äúno weapon formed against him prosper and all who rise up against him fail.‚Äù
Give him the courage and strength to withstand the efforts of the enemy.
In the name of Jesus we pray.
Karen Praying for you that al these indictments will be dropped if it God's will. We so need this country turned around and all turning to God again. Also praying for your family that God will lead them and take care of them. Our God is in control.
Cindy May God continue to surround you with his Angels that no harm comes to and No weapon used against you shall prosper.
Desiree Prayers for President Trump, his family & devoted staff. See you in Our House Soon. 🙏🇺🇲🙏
Nancy Heavenly Father, please watch over & protect Donald Trump. Envelop him in your supernatural armor to keep him safe, healthy & strong. He is a great man of faith & I ask your favor over his life & that of his family. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Jeff Yes I will pray for Donald Trump
Tex I pray the lord will grant you to be the one president that the US needs and wants. Thank you lord.
Karen I Plead the Blood of Jesus over President Trump that No weapon be formed against him and prosper Amen!
Cindy Shield him strengthen him hold him in your arms protect him from evil
Our heavenly Father we ask in Jesus name Amen
Karen Father we lift up President Trump to you, continue to protect him and his family and close friends. Restore all that was stolen from him and anyone loyal to him. Give him wisdom from your Holy Spirit causing him to grow closer to you. Strengthen him in his inner man to overcome the onslaught of an unjustice government. Awaiting the time when you reestablish him, in your timing, not ours. Thy will be done.
Glori-Ann Heavenly Father, please Bless President Trump as he fights for us. Please keep him safe from enemies and please Bless us as we try to stand against the enemies trying to destroy us all. Amen
Valri Dear Lord, please protect President Trump.  We The People need him back in the White House to save our Country.
Sally Irene May the Lord protect you at all times & you win the election!
Elaine Lord of Heaven and Earth, I ask you to reach out and touch President Trump. Please keep him in your protection. I pray that it is in your will to put him back in the presidency to save our country. I pray that he will keep your commandments and stand up for You. We thank you for answered prayer. I look forward to seeing the answers to our prayers. In the name of Your precious son, Jesus, Amen
Marg I pray for a successful campaign for Donald Trump and God will position him as President again in 2024!! I pray all evil doers working again his campaign will be exposed and their efforts fall!! I pray protection over Donald Trump and his family!! I pray the Lord raises him up as a mighty warrior of truth and faith to turn the USA back to Ann even greater glory than before!
Nancy Father God. I pray that you will protect and guide and lead President Trump. Protect our nation from our enemies and give our country another opportunity to come back to you with Donald Trump as our anointed leader. The man you appointed and anointed.  May the power of your Holy Spirit be forever upon your servant.  In Jesus name. Amen and amen
Joann You are in our prayers.  We pray that God keeps you and yours safe and places you back in the WH where you rightfully belong.  We know God put you there and He isn't finished with you yet.  Our country needs you!
Janice Lord I come to you with a humble request for divine protection for Trump & his family. I ask for the Guardian Angels to be around him and the family. Thank you for restoring his freedom of speech and movement. We rebuke the powers of Satan and evil forces that want to come against him. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. In Jesus Name. Amen
Mary I  I pray for a hedge of protection around Donald Trump and that whatever attack that Satan tries to do will not succeed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen.
Linda Dear God, please help our President Trump and please help our United States of America.
Renee Father God I humbly ask for your blessings on all truth leaders that are bringing you center stage and defending the freedoms of humanity, your creation and only given to us by you.  I specially pray for blessings and safety to Donald Trump and his family as they continue to stand in your name.  In Jesus name, amen
Ann Lord please strengthen President Trump as he fights to save our nation.  Lead him in the way you would have him go. In Jesus name amen.
Martin Trump victory
Tim Father GOD please use this man to help turn this country around both spiritually and morally in your son's name Jesus our christ. Amen
VJ Blessings, strength and safety.
Ruth We pray every day for you, your family, your health, your safety and especially that you will be our President again to lead this country that we live.
Lee and Karen Robertson Praying for you, President Trump.  You are our Cyrus and we love you.  The Lord is with you and will protect you.
Kitty Father we come to you in our time of need, you are our only hope so I pray in Jesus name that you protect our president Mr Trump and that you guide him and give him power that only you can give. Bless him and help him to win in all these court cases and mostly help him once again to lead our country. Thank you Lord, amen.
Judy Praying for President Trump and his family .God has you in his hands ,as he has a purpose and  a plan for you. To be our next President in 2024
Praying for your health and safety.
Gail Father God please protect Donald John Trump during these dark days ahead. Give him wisdom and grace to carry out the plan you have for him. In Jesus’s holy name I pray. Amen
Katherine Dear heavenly Father  I pray this prayer for president Trump and his family that you give him strength, comfort and protection. He is fighting a mighty fight against the enemies of this country . Please help him and free our country from the evil that has a grip on our very way of life.  Keep your hand upon him and give him comfort so that he can rest in peace at night and energy to keep him fit and fighting for the people of the United States of America üá∫üá∏.  Amen
Sue I pray that President Trump be used by God in a powerful and God-glorifying way, and that he and his family are protected üôè
Rhonda Dear Heavenly Father we ask that your hand of protection would be upon President Trump and his family Lord. May you bless him with Godly wisdom, knowledge and discernment. We pray that you would defeat the enemy that is coming against president Trump. Raise him up for such a time as this!
Morgan I have been praying for President Trump since day one...Almighty God put him in place and has HIS hand on him and his family.
Darlene Father we ask you fill President Donald Trump with wisdom, knowledge, revelation, understanding, and discernment. Surround him with warring angels for complete protection from all physical and spiritual attacks. I pray he has asked for the in filling of thy Holy Spirit and he would have spiritual acceleration, and hears the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We ask for physical, mental, and spiritual strength and health. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Teddy Father in Heaven, We ask that you protect and guide President Trump to bring our Nation back to One Nation Under God and let us prosper once again and save the world through Your power and knowledge.  We ask this through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN
Gerald God Bless President Trump and his family
Karen Oh Father God. President Trump is in desperate need of your help. Please guide the litigation team and make them brilliant against all of these charges.  You chose president Trump once for America can you please move him into office again and guide him as he cleans up America. America is in so much trouble. Only you dear God can get American out of this mess. Please pour your Grace on us
Timothy Lord God, I pray for superhuman strength for President Trump given from heaven above to defeat the evil enemy plaguing him on all sides. I pray that all of the legal charges against him would be defeated. I pray that his faith in you would be strengthened and carry him though in these perilous times to undisputed  victory in the 24 election. And after elected that he would, by your strength and guidance bring our na back to you o Lord.
Judy I pray father God that you will lift President Trump and his family up in your love, light and protection from the enemy. Let him come back to finish what he started for America so she will be a great nation once again with God as our father and President Trump as our leader in Jesus Christ Holy Name I pray Amen
Andrea Lord Jesus please bless and help our country. Wrap your protection around president Trump and guide him thru the darkness and turmoil to be victorious, and continue your work for our country to be one nation under God. Give him strength, faith and perseverance.. in your name I pray! AMEN!🙏🇺🇸🙏
John Please, Lord, help this man return our Country to the values we began with so many decades ago.  Protect him from your enemies.
Leslie Heavenly Father , our country is in deep trouble and we need leadership of your heavenly realm , we believe you called Donald J Trump to be that leader , our family prays for his protection and your encouragement. Thank you Father in the name of your Son Jesus
Marsha Dear Lord,
Please send your angels
to guard and protect
Donald Trump. Lead and
guide him and grant him peace that only you
can give.
Brenda Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, I pray supernatural protection, wisdom and direction for YOUR David. Restore the years the locusts have eaten, and return DJT to his rightful position. Avenge speedily. Amen and Amen.
Nikkie Dear Lord, heavenly father, king of kings and lord of lords, we praise you, as the most high, we ask that you protect our country, we ask that you annoy to a man to bring peace, prosperity and God back to our country. We ask you heavenly father, save our country.
Maryann Dear Lord, our country needs Pres. Trump who has experience, already, to lead our America.  With your blessing, may it be so.  Amen
Sandy May God bless and keep President Trump safe.
Liz Heavenly Father, cover Donald Trump with your love and protection. Keep him safe from all danger so that he can take back our country from evil. Give him the wisdom and knowledge to lead us with integrity and strength. Amen
Tracy Please God protect President Trump from the evil that is fighting him and help us win the 2024 election so The United States of America can become once again a prosperous nation and a safe  place for our families üôèüèª in Jesus name
Laura Dear Holy and Heavenly Father, We love this nation and we love President Trump. We ask that you end the persecution that is going on and open the eyes of those who are deceived by evil. Father, protect us from our enemies, let every arrow and sword fall by the wayside.  This nation needs the strong leadership of President Trump and so does the rest of the world. Father, bless his family and protect them from the evil that creeps in dark and daylight.  Father, please put a mark on the evil judges and those in government who seek to destroy and discredit our Constitution. Father we just want the country to be safe and prosperous with our own farming and energy from oil, gas and coal. Holy Father, until the New Jerusalem comes down from the sky, we need your hand on our nation to protect our beloved America.   In Christ we pray,  Amen.
Clemeen God, hear my voice. Lord, listen to my prayer.
Please save Trump from his enemies and their evil ways.
Please help him to recognize their evil intentions.
Do not let their false and hurting words of them touch him.
Protect Trump from devastating enemies’ actions.
Please don’t let evil destroy and triumph over his life.
God, I can rely only on you in this challenging hour, and only you can save him and us all.
I believe and trust you. Please listen to my prayer. Amen.
Elizabeth Father, I ask your protection over President Trump and his family and also for those who aid in him taking his rightful place as President of our country once again. Thank you for empowering him. In Jesus' name. Amen
Lynne Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ I ask that you send your angels to surround and protect Mr Trump continuously. Put your full armor on Mr Trump. Guide him in all ways‚Ķ.fill him with wisdom and strength.  Make him wise as the serpent but harmless as the dove. Open his ears that he hears your voice and a strangers voice he will not follow.  Keep him healthy spiritually as well as physically‚Ķ.in Jesus‚Äô name I pray. Amen
Donna We are praying for you and your family daily
Julie Lord Jesus, wrap Your Precious arm's around President Trump and protect him.
In Jesus Name I bandstand and his minions and send them back to the abyss and seal it with the Blood of Jesus.
"No weapons formed against him/us shall prosper".
In Jesus Name I pray Amen! Thank you Lord!
Debbie I pray God would protect President Trump and his family. Please bring the truth out and I pray that the charges would be dismissed.
Denise May our Lord Jesus Christ keep President Trump, his family, and all who surround him, healthy, safe, and in His care. and embrace them with His loving arms. I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ continue to help him and guide him to win the battle against all this evil.
Len Almighty God, creator of all that is, please send powerful warning angels to protect President Donald J Trump from all evil that the devil throws at him. Protect his life, his health, his mind, his spirit, his relationships, and those he lives and is close to. Please prevent those who are working to steal the 2024 presidential election as they did 2020 May you receive the honor, glory, and the all powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Linda God is with you Donald Trump
Debbie Almighty God, please bless & protect President Trump. In Jesus' name, amen.
Helen Praying for President Trump! His health, his stamina, safety as well for any evil against him to be desolved and rebuked. God Bless him.
Jaymie I pray God continues to guide and bless President Trump and his family.
Judy Lord God, protect Donald Trump from all harm and evil. May every demonic plan boomerang right back on those who plan evil against Donald Trump. Bless him Lord. Protect his family. Give him Your wisdom and knowledge. In Yeshua's Name I pray, Amen.
Claudia Love& prayers for our president Trump.
Dorothy Thank you Dear Heavenly Father for your blessings and protection of Donald Trump and his family and thank you for wisdom and restoration in every area
Nancy Dear god, please keep your light of protection over president trump and his family.
Lynn My Gods Angel  armies surround President Trump, his family and all those working with him to save our country! Amen and Amen
Ann I pray for Pres. Trump every night, I have been for years and will continue daily.
Tammy God bless and keep President Donald J Trump. Protect him and put him back in office soon. üôèüôèüôè
Meg Father, we pray for protection over President Trump, his family, and his staff. Raise up many to pray for him. Surround him with angels and Your holy presence. May he walk in great peace, enabling him to be led by Holy Spirit, the mind of Christ, and Your heart!
desiree Thank you Jehovah Father for Donald and men like him. please keep him strong, wise and courageous keeping his eyes on you always.  in your precious son Jesus‚Äô name.  truly, truly.
Phyllis I am praying that our Father, God, will protect President Trump from all harm; that He will give great wisdom and discernment to President Trump, and that President Trump will seek this wisdom and discernment regularly and often, that God will draw President Trump closer to Himself in the coming days, and that President Trump will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Debbe Thank you President Trump, We Love You!
Candice Holy Father please bless and protect our President Donald Trump and his family. Watch over him and guide him in his decision making. We know that God wins and President Trump is your person, in your plan, to set us free. Please guide him and help him through this storm that he can persevere and. do you Will. Thank you Father, in Jesus Christ your only Son our Lord's name I pray Amen.
Lisa I pray every morning for President Trump and his family and for America.
Stephanie Feldman God save our soles, our America and our Present Donald J Trump
Dave God Bless DJ Trump, America's Best President ever !
Frances Dear Lord Jesus, Please cover President Trump and all his family with your Holy Protection and keep them close to Your Heart. Please let him win back the Presidency in a huge, undeniable landslide in 2024. Thank You Lord.
Debra May god bless president trump ,watch over him in the name of Jesus , I plead the blood of Jesus over president trump.
Tracey Please Lord keep Trump and his family safe and healthy and please help him win the 2024 presidential election. Amen.
Meg I pray for Donald Trump's health and family. I also pray for JUSTICE. Thank you God, Amen.
Allan President Trump be protected in the name of Jesus.
Patty Angels around him and his  family.  That he seek God and follow his will. That God being him back now.  in Jesus name. Amen
Prem The entire world is praying for President Trump. I'm a Canadian.
Ken Bless Trump now and into the future .
Richard God help Trump get through this mess.
Lisa Dear God surround President Trump with angels all around him for protection. Please give him strength and wisdom as he faces his daily battles. Give him guidance to follow your wishes and direction. Amen
Pat I’m praying for you daily- that the Lord will protect you, guide you, for delivery of the indictments against you, and your reinstatement back into the presidency soon! May the Lord bless and keep you in His care!

PRAYER CHAIN: Can We Get One Million People Praying for Trump?

WATCH: The Incredible Moment When Patriots Gather To Pray Over President Trump!

I love this so much!

I keep saying that it feels to me like 2016 all over again, and here is another example.

Back in 2016, this was a regular occurrence.

In 2020, I didn't see it much, if at all.

But now it's back and I'm getting mega 2016 vibes here.

But regardless, this is what we need!

Isn't this so good to see?

I don't care how confident we are or how well things are going, we will not make it anywhere without God and without prayer!

And isn't it so wonderful to have a President who not only allows this but seems to encourage and welcome it?

Smart man.


Watch on the FULL Video Player here:

Here's more, from Breitbart:

A group of Iowa faith leaders prayed over former President Donald Trump on Saturday in Cedar Rapids before he delivered remarks to supporters and slammed President Joe Biden as “the destroyer of democracy.”

Video shared to X, formerly Twitter, by Republican strategist James Blair shows a dozen or so Iowa faith leaders with their hands spread toward Trump while one of them led the group in prayer.

“The gates of hell will not prevail against him. We speak this over him. Lord, I pray for protection over him; I pray for protection over his family,” the faith leader said.

He also prayed, “All the weapons formed against him will not prosper, and lord, they will come to nothing, and the traps that have been laid against him.”

The moment came after more than 150 faith leaders in Iowa endorsed Trump for president on November 23.

“The overwhelming support from Iowa’s faith leaders is a clear indication of President Trump’s unwavering commitment to the principles and values that are important to people of faith,” said Pastor Dan McCoy, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church in Urbandale in an email press release from the Trump campaign.

“This announcement is not just a number; it’s a powerful message that faith communities trust President Trump to lead our nation forward with integrity and moral clarity,” McCoy added.

Reminds me a lot of this moment:

WATCH: President Trump Stops To Let Woman In Crowd Pray Over Him

What a fantastic day we had today!

So many things happening all at once...

It looks like President Trump STILL holds the nuclear football.

He received a Hero's Welcome in New Hampshire today.

And at that Hero's Welcome one moment in particular jumped out at me.

It's when a woman asked to pray over him and he stopped what he was doing and let her pray.

So incredible watch here:

It reminded me a lot of all of these:

Remember this one?

Or how about this one?

PRAY For Trump and FIGHT For Trump!

Here's what I mean...



We have four million people who read this website, let's get 25% to stop and pray right now.

That's right, goal is to have One Million people praying for our President.

Will you please help? 👇

Add your prayer here if you want so others can join in praying together:

Keep it going!


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