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Democrat U.S. Senator CRIES On Live Broadcast While Taking About Biden Dropping Out

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE)  started to cry while talking about Biden dropping out of the 2024 presidential race.

Sen. Coons, who currently sits as the co-chairman of the Biden-Harris campaign, stated, “I admire, I respect, I love Joe Biden.”

Coons continued, “I have worked my heart out for him on this campaign, and while this was a very hard decision, I deeply respect how it is a continuation of his lifetime of putting our country before himself.”

“I still believe he could have beaten Donald Trump, but I also know that what he has done today is in the best interest of our nation,” concluded Coons.

Watch him tear up here:

Here’s what The Washington Examiner reported:

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) praised President Joe Biden’s “brave” decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, appearing very emotional as he spoke.

Coons, the co-chairman of the Biden-Harris campaign, made his statement while praising Vice President Kamala Harris, describing her as the best candidate to continue Biden’s work. The president himself has endorsed Harris as his replacement candidate, which was given shortly after he announced he was bowing out of the 2024 race.

“I admire, I respect, I love Joe Biden,” Coons said on CBS News. “I have worked my heart out for him on this campaign, and while this was a very hard decision, I deeply respect how it is a continuation of his lifetime of putting our country before himself. Joe Biden is the toughest fighter I’ve ever met.”

“Every time he’s been knocked down, he’s always got up again, and the challenge of seeing this moment and of recognizing what was in the best interest of the nation was a significant challenge. I still believe he could have beaten Donald Trump, but I also know that what he has done today is in the best interest of our nation,” he added.

Per The Daily Mail:

Liberals spiraled into a meltdown on Sunday afternoon following the historic news that Joe Biden had dropped out of the 2024 presidential race.

The Biden/Harris campaign co-chair Chris Coons showed up on CBS News red-faced and weeping, saying that the president had made a ‘difficult decision’.

Coons, who is also a senator for Delaware, sobbed as he looked off into the distance, took deep breaths, and tried to regain composure on national television.

CNN’s Van Jones was also emotional and teary-eyed on air while speaking about Biden’s decision to back out of the race and endorse Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination.

Meanwhile on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow gave viewers an emblazoned speech about how Biden’s decision is not what he would have truly wanted – instead it’s something he’s done for the good of the country.


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