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WATCH: New Footage Shows Secret Service Rushing President Trump To Safety (Previously Unseen)

We’ve seen a lot of photos and videos from the infamous J13 assassination attempt on President Trump’s life, but new footage continues to emerge.

Until now, we hadn’t seen what happened after they got President Trump off the stage.

Now we have it, and it’s fascinating to watch!

My favorite part was when he pumps his fist in the air before getting into the SUV.

The man is relentless!

Watch here:

Backup here:


NEW FOOTAGE Emerges Of President Trump Arriving At The Hospital — Patients React To Seeing A Bloody President Trump

Wow, I can’t even imagine this moment….

Imagine you’re at a hospital and suddenly they bring the President of the United States in the front door in full Secret Service brigade, and he’s bleeding from the head.

All you know is President Trump has been “shot in the head” and then you see the Secret Service pull up and out comes the President, blood everywhere.

And you’re sitting right there witnessing it.

It’s an incredible moment to see.

My absolute favorite part is the pure joy of the guy who realizes he must be mostly ok when he says “He’s walking!  He’s walking!”

Watch here:

Full video player here:

So heartwarming!




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