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Is God’s Wrath Falling On Céline Dion? (Watch This Video)

Ok folks, I stumbled upon this today and have to share it.

I want to be very clear upfront that I don’t know what to make of all of this, but some of the stuff Celine appears to be into as shown in this video is very dark and demonic.  There’s no other way to say it.  Balenciaga-gross type of stuff.

So I present this without comment and I leave it in your hands.

Watch here:

Backup here if needed:

For those who would rather read, here is the full transcript:

Ladies and gentlemen, Celine Dion, one of the greatest voices of our time. This is something you’ll never hear me do—act like I can’t hear what everybody else hears. Even if you’re listening, God gives gifts, right? She doesn’t have a beautiful voice because the devil gave her one. God gives gifts. But can you use your gift in the wrong way? Yes, most definitely. I’m an artist. I was a great artist in the world. I knew how to rap really well and how to make music really well. But when the Lord saved me, that gift changed and shifted completely for Him, and He elevated it even more than it was.

Celine Dion has been going through it. When I try to breathe, my lungs are fine. It’s what’s in front of my lungs that’s so rigid. It’s like, I know what I want to do, and now you can show me. It’s very difficult for me to hear that and to show this to you. So, Celine Dion has been losing her voice and trying to figure out how to sing again. But stay tuned because this video is going to take a solid left turn.

Many of you guys are feeling bad right now, probably, but I’ll show you something crazy in a minute. Celine, one of the greatest voices, you know, can’t say she ever did anything for the Lord with her voice, but she’s one of the greatest voices. She sang songs on the Titanic soundtrack and other songs that make you feel warm and fuzzy. One of the greatest singers I’ve heard, as far as the world is concerned. But she has come to a place where she’s losing her voice, and many things are happening to her. They showed her on some documentary, and she had a full-on seizure.

Now, let’s turn the whole situation around. Is Celine Dion someone you would look at and think something may be off in her personal life? I wouldn’t. But you wouldn’t think that about a lot of people. I just showed you a video of Ariana Grande talking about her dream dinner guest being Jeffrey Dahmer, for crying out loud. They blow these people up, give them stardom, give them fame, and brainwash them. Taylor Swift is now saying she’s a witch. Beyoncé used to be a Christian when she was younger; now, she’s a witch, dating Jay-Z, who said Jesus can’t save you. You got people out here looking at them.

Now, let me show you this video, right? About four years prior to all this stuff going on with Celine. Let me show you this video she did. I talked about this a couple of years ago. Interesting how she’s going through all this right now, a couple of years after she decided to make this video involving children—a sick, disturbing video. I’m going to show you the sick and disturbing images that also coincide with the video and connect with the nonsense. Check it out:

Celine Dion’s Video Transcript:

Our children are not really our children, as we are all just links in a never-ending chain that is life. For us, they are everything, but in reality, we are only a fraction of their universe. We miss the past; they dream of tomorrow. We may thrust them forward into the future, but the course will always be theirs to choose.

Now listen, in case you didn’t see it, boy oh boy, this commercial is wicked. Girls got on pink, boys got on blue. It’s a girl section, a boy section. Then she pulls out her little fairy dust, starts blowing, and what do you see? The boys disappear, the girls disappear. Not only that, pretty much she’s showing that boys aren’t boys and girls aren’t girls. It’s some non-binary nonsense. Look at the scary things inside of the cribs or whatever they call those things—incubators. Look at the demonic-looking dolls inside of the little crates where the babies were. Now, all of a sudden, there are no boys or girls.

Not only that, her shirt says “New Order.” What order? New Order, Celine? The New Order that they’re trying to lead us into—the New World Order. Just in case some of you guys still aren’t catching on. I can’t believe they called security. I mean, oh come on, I’m Celine Dion. I’m not spending the night in jail. Holy crap. Boy, boy, easy. I’m Celine Dion, and I’m Beyoncé. I’m calling my—I’m another witch. Look at this though. Celine, new, new, new, right? Promoting a youth clothing line.

That’s not even where it gets weird. When the Lord starts unfolding, boy, I mean, I’m telling you, just like the Balenciaga situation, when the Lord starts unfolding, it’s like layers start coming off, and you start seeing things you didn’t see before. You’re like, “Oh my goodness, I can’t imagine people being this wicked.” Your mind can’t hold all of that. It’s mind-blowing. There’s not enough space in your brain to fathom this type of activity going on with stars you’ve loved all your life.

We saw what the clothing line was called, right? Celine, new, new, new. Let me show you some images off their social media. Lord have mercy. First, let’s show you this real quick, right? This is one of the pictures. Also, with different shirts, “New Order.” Not one of these kids looks happy. Something’s going on. New Order, New Order, New Order. What is this new order they’re trying to bring us into? Confusion. A baffling new order where a boy isn’t a boy and a girl isn’t a girl. Taking us away from God’s nature and God’s law, causing division and separation. That’s the new order they want.

Could Celine be a puppet? Possibly. Or she could be higher than it. Either way, she’s one of them. To put your name as big as hers is and stamp it on something like this is crazy. She knows what’s going on. Now, let me take you to this—another image off their social. What the heck is going on? Do y’all realize what you’re seeing right now? I told you guys it’s some kind of baffling situation. She wanted to play with fire; now she’s in a situation where that fire is starting to burn.

Do y’all know what they do to children in the satanic cult? I can’t even mention it here. Do you know what’s going on in the satanic undergrounds? They have women in the satanic cults in the undergrounds that are just breeders—slaves and breeders. Why? So they can breed for them. Why do they want them to breed? Because the greatest sacrifice for a Satanist is a baby. When I see activity like this from someone like that, who’s supposed to be great and big and make you feel fuzzy and warm, it’s like, what in the world is really going on?

Who’s putting you in these spaces? Who’s putting you on these platforms? Who’s putting your songs in these movies just for you to come out with some nonsense, disturbing nonsense like this, calling it a clothing line? This is demonic. May the Lord continue to bring the light out. Look at this, ladies and gentlemen. Look at the caption, “Whisper in your ear.” What are these little gremlins?

Forgive me, my brothers and sisters, I get really passionate when it comes to things like this because children are involved. I’d give my last breath for a child. They are innocent; they know no better, and these people try to brainwash them and suck them into their demonic world. Not only that, there are many children suffering underground in these satanic situations. Are you understanding this? You probably don’t see it or know it because your little kids are running around safe and laughing, but there are really kids out there in these spaces whose lives are being taken for these satanic individuals’ benefits.

Not enough people are speaking up about it. In fact, not enough people see it when it’s right in front of their face. You know how many people saw that disturbing demonic commercial of Celine Dion and didn’t realize it was some kind of satanic ritual? Many of you didn’t even realize that until I just said it now. This is disturbing. You even got a comment up there saying, “This seems a little demonic.” You think? New, new, new world. So Celine Dion wants the new order to be the new world. What’s the new world? This demonic activity.

Celine Dion, ladies and gentlemen, she has the nerve to be out here, standing on stage, losing her voice, and expecting us to feel sorry for her. Repent. Who knows what’s gone down that she knows? I can’t talk about what I haven’t seen, but what’s right in front of our face, we’re going to speak on it. What’s right in front of our face is clearly demonic. If you don’t think that’s demonic, you are blind. May the Lord give you eyes to see. I don’t care how much you like these people. You realize a lot of times, the people that you like are the people that they brainwash you with.

Yeah, Celine Dion is a great singer, one of the best of our time, as far as the world is concerned. Did you hear me earlier? As far as the world is concerned. I’ve seen better singers in church. I’ve heard better singers. I’ve heard people that sound like angels. I went to New York a couple of months ago and heard a lady that sounded like an angel. I said, “Oh my Lord, what is this?” She sounded like a complete angel, singing for the Lord Jesus Christ. You won’t see that blown up. They blow up who they can use, manipulate, and brainwash.

But glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ. The remnant is rising. The army is rising. The Lord is spreading His fire through vessels like me and through vessels like you. Glory be to God. We will not sit down; we will not bow our heads to demonic activity. In fact, we will speak out more and more. Ephesians 5:11, expose darkness. May people come into the light. Glory be to God.

But more people come into the light and understand what we’re surrounded by. The world you think you’re in is not the world we know. Come out of the Matrix, my brothers and sisters. Come out of the Matrix because you are deep in it. Listen, I want to make myself perfectly clear. You being in the Matrix makes you a part of it to a certain extent. That’s what they know. You being in it makes you a part of it to a certain extent. That’s why the Lord says, “My people perish because of lack of knowledge.”

It doesn’t say my people don’t perish because they don’t know. It says, “My people perish because of lack of knowledge.” Lack of knowledge will make you perish. May the Lord continue to bring light and give people eyes to see. Hallelujah. Share this with somebody. This is a very important video to watch. Then you start understanding and start really breaking things open on different people with different things that we see. Hallelujah. Let me know what you guys think in the comments. I love you guys. God bless. Shalom.


HORRIFIC New Update From Celine Dion (Warning: Very Disturbing)

You may have heard Celine Dion is suffering from “stiff person syndrome” — a horrific disease that most had never heard of before Celine contracted it.

The singer just shared this horrific update, showing how severely it has impaired her.

From Dom_Lucre:

🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Grammy award and Billboard Icon winning singer Celine Dion released this heartbreaking footage of her going through an intense seizure in her new documentary “I Am Celine Dion.”

On December 8, 2022, Celine Dion announced she had been diagnosed with stiff-person syndrome, a rare neurological disease that causes involuntary spasms and muscle rigidity.

Celine shared this footage to raise awareness about the disease.

Full video player here:

Here is some of our prior reporting on the pop star:

Celine Dion Shares New Details of Fatal Disease: “It’s Like Someone Is Strangling You”

I’m not a huge Celine Dion fan, but you really hate to see this happen to anyone.

As we’ve previously reported, Celine Dion has been diagnosed with “Stiff Person Syndrome” a very serious and fatal condition:

FLASHBACK: Celine Dion Diagnosed With Stiff Person Syndrome

And since our original report it's only gotten worse.

She went on the record with Hoda Kotb recently to explain just how awful it is living with the disease.

In a touching preview of her upcoming interview with Hoda Kotb, renowned singer Celine Dion opened up about her ongoing battle with stiff person syndrome, a condition she first revealed to the public in 2022. The 56-year-old, who boasts five Grammy Awards, spoke about how this ailment has severely affected her singing capabilities. This interview is her first televised discussion regarding her health issues since being diagnosed.

“It is like somebody strangling you. It is like someone is pushing your larynx,” Dion told Kotb in Friday’s preview. “You cannot get high or lower. It goes into a spasm.”

“It can affect the abdomen, the spine, and the ribs. When I point my feet, it feels like they are locked in place,” she explained. “It’s a cramping sensation that makes it impossible to move.” Kotb also revealed that Dion had fractured a rib due to one of these spasms.

“She thought she was losing her mind; she consulted numerous doctors,” Kotb shared with her TODAY co-hosts. “Then they finally diagnosed her. There is actually something in her bloodstream. She’s battling through it, trying to determine if she can make a comeback.”

Watch more here:

From our prior report:

Celine Dion Cancels Entire Tour, Condition Worsens...

We have an update to bring you on a story we've been covering for several months now.

Celine Dion has been battling something called "Stiff Person Syndrome".

And it's gonna worse, leading to cancelling all concerts just recently.

I'm not a doctor but I would say we may soon be sadly reporting on her passing.

Tragic any way you look at this.

See here:

I cannot confirm if this photo is edited or not, but it does not look good at all:

This video claims to show a severely weakened Dion at her son's wedding.

Again, we cannot verify the authenticity of this video but you can judge for yourself:

Many have alleged this is a side effect of the vaccine, and we cannot confirm nor can we rule that out.

From CNN:

Celine Dion announced the cancellation of her “Courage World Tour” dates through 2024 and “will likely never tour again,” a source close to Dion told CNN Friday.”

“She is in a lot of pain,” the individual said. “She does daily physical therapy.”

“I’m so sorry to disappoint all of you once again,” an announcement on the singer’s social media read. “I’m working really hard to build back my strength, but touring can be very difficult even when you’re 100%. It’s not fair to you to keep postponing the shows, and even though it breaks my heart, it’s best that we cancel everything now until I’m really ready to be back on stage again. I want you all to know, I’m not giving up… and I can’t wait to see you again!”

Dion postponed several shows in December after she announced she had been diagnosed with stiff-person syndrome, a condition, she said, that doesn’t allow her “to sing the way I’m used to.”

We don't wish illness on anyone, but I would be remiss if I ran this article and didn't mention this (creepy) video.

Anyone remember this?

Here is Laura Ingraham on Fox News asking whether this has Balenciaga ties.

VERY creepy:

Look, I don't know what that video means.

Maybe it's just "art".

Maybe it's just "humor".

I don't really know.

All I know is, it's not something I'd find funny or artful or anything I'd ever want to participate in.

Back to Stiff Person Syndrome...

We first broke this story last year:

Celine Dion Diagnosed With Stiff Person Syndrome

No, this is not a joke or mockery...

While Celine can tend to appear a bit cold and rigid, this is sadly no laughing matter and we are not making fun.

This is real and the disease truly is called "Stiff Person Syndrome".

And it sounds quite horrible.

Watch her announcement here:

And here:

The disease is very rare, but get this: it's also one of the listed "side effects" of the poison vaxx.

Take a look:

How very sad.

Here is The Daily Mail:

The condition, which affects one in a million people, ultimately leaves sufferers as 'human statues' as it progressively locks the body into rigid positions, leaving sufferers unable to walk or talk.

While there is no cure for SPS, there are treatments to slow down the progression, with Celine revealing she is doing all she can to minimize symptoms.

The 54-year-old singer addressed her fans in a tearful Instagram post on Thursday as she revealed it has forced her to postpone her European tour.

She penned: 'Hello everyone, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reach out to you. I miss you all so much and can’t wait to be on stage talking to you in person.

'As you know, I’ve always been an open book and I wasn’t ready to say anything before but I'm ready now.

'I’ve been dealing with problems with my health for a long time, and it has been really difficult for me to face my challenges and to talk about everything that I’ve been going through.

'Recently, I’ve been diagnosed with a very rare neurological disorder called the stiff person syndrome, which affects one in a million people.

'While we’re still learning about this rare condition, we now know this is what’s been causing all the spasms I’ve been having.'

Detailing the impact the condition has had on her, Celine continued: 'Unfortunately, these spasms affect every aspect of my daily life, sometimes causing difficulties when I walk and not allowing me to use my vocal cords to sing the way I'm used to.

What IS stiff person syndrome? Celine Dion's one-in-a-million condition causes spasms so violent they can break bones and eventually turns patients into 'human statues'

'It hurts me to tell you today that this means I won’t be ready to restart my tour in Europe in February.

'I have a great team of doctors working alongside me to help me get better and my precious children who are supporting me and giving me help.

'I'm working hard with my sports medicine therapist every day to build back my strength and my ability to perform again but I have to admit it’s been a struggle.

'All I know is singing it’s what I’ve done all my life and its what I love to do the most.

'I miss you so much. I miss seeing all of you being on the stage performing for you.

'I always give 100 percent when I do my show but my condition is now allowing me to give you that right now.

'For me to reach you again, I have no choice but to concentrate on my health at this moment, and I have hope that I'm on the road to recovery.

'This is my focus, and I'm doing everything I can to recuperate.

'I want to thank you so much for your wishes and love and support on my social media. This means a lot to me.

'Take care of yourselves. Be well. I love you guys so much and I really hope I can see you again real soon.'

Celine then updated fans on her tour dates as she shared a poster of the rescheduled and cancelled concerts.

While we feel very sorry for Celine, we couldn't help but remember back to this VERY odd commercial she did and clothing line she put out.

Is this Balenciaga 2.0?

Watch this, it's super creepy:

More here:

Here is Fox News breaking down all the demonic symbolism in her ad and in her clothing line.

Who would ever put a child in this?

Watching that clip also reminds me how almost intolerable it is to listen to Laura Ingraham.

Why does she have a show?

I could do a MUCH better show than Laura...

The guest was doing an excellent job exposing the evil and Laura kept interrupting and trying to change the subject.

He even calls her out on it.

Hey Laura, stop with the MSM talking points, we liked your guest a lot more than we liked you in that segment!

And since Stiff Person Syndrome is a known danger of the poison vaxx, I feel compelled you leave you with this...

HELP! What Can You Do If You Took The Poison Vaxx And Now Regret It?

I had a good friend back on my show today...

Chris Burres from C60 Evo.

Have you heard about C60?

If not, you need to listen to this...

Because it's pretty incredible, and in light of everything we are fighting (COVID, vaxx, poison jabb, on and on) we need every advantage we can get to keep our health strong...and clean!

Before we go any further, let me give you my standard disclaimer:

I am not a doctor.  I'm not giving medical advice.  I'm not claiming I can treat or cure any medical disease.  

There, we good?

We on the same page?

I am a reporter and an investigator and I love interviewing smart people.  Interesting people.  People who have something that can help the world!

Ok, let's continue....

Because I'm very excited to share this with you and I think it might help a lot of people.

I want to talk about the poison vaxx and it's damaging effects....

I know many people were forced into taking it.

Threatened with the loss of their jobs....

Shamed into taking it...

Bribed into taking it....

Conned into thinking you had to take it to "help Grandma".

Whatever the case, millions of people now regret it and they want it OUT of their body!

I can't guarantee results, but after talking with Chris Burres at C60 Evo I am so encouraged about what this might do for you.

We talked about how similar it is to Glutathione and how it removes free radicals and bad actors from your body.

Want to remove graphine?

Want to remove poison nano-particles?

Give your body a fighting chance!

I'll let Burres explain in his own words...

Watch here on Rumble:

ESS60: The Secret To Overcoming The Poison Vaxx?

Visit 👉
✅ Promo code EVNOAH to save 10%

Check out the testimonials too:

There are a ton on the website, read them here:

And that's not even to mention the Hair Restoration Product they just launched!

I love C60 and I personally take it every day.

Here's more about why:

EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Is C60 Your "Secret Weapon" To Staying Healthy?

Hi friends, Noah here with a Special Report!

I want to take a moment to break from the news and talk about something that is vitally important:  your "vitals"!

Your health is something that is more important now than ever before, so I had Chris Burres from C60 Evo back on my show to talk about what I'm calling the "secret weapon" to staying healthy.

Why secret?

Because most people have never heard about C60, but it's the real deal....that is, if you consider winning a "Nobel Prize" the real deal.

Not a bad thing to have on your resume!

I had Burres on my show a few months ago and I received so many questions for him about C60 that I had to get him back on and go through all of them.

Now is NOT the time to take chances with your health....I think we can all agree on that, right?

So if some of these questions sound familiar, it might be because they came from you!

Before we go to the interview, let me give you a little more background....

First, let me give you my disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and I'm not giving you medical advice.  I'm not telling you this is going to treat or cure any condition you have.  I'm just telling you what I have personally experienced. Consult your own doctor before taking any vitamin, mineral, supplement or medicine.

Because I have been taking C60 for over a year now and I love it!

In fact, the only reason I ever connected with Burres in the first place is because I was such a fan of their product that I contacted them and asked if there was any way I could get them on the show!

And they were gracious enough to give their time (twice now) to come on and chat with me.

So let me talk to you for a bit about my personal experience with C60 over the past year and why I think it's so vital to keeping my immune system at FULL STRENGTH....

C60 is a powerful antioxidant often described as the "perfect carbon molecule".

It's an antioxidant that has been measured to be 172x more powerful than Vitamin C!  How about that?

No, it's not actually "Vitamin C" itself, it just has 172 times the antioxidant power of Vitamin C, and that's a big deal!

That's like, 172 oranges!

You can't eat 172 oranges, but you can protect and strengthen your body!

Not only is it an antioxidant, but it's an anti-viral and an anti-bacterial and an anti-inflammatory.

I'll tell you one thing....ever since I saw the Deep State going after Carbon and trying to tax carbon emissions with their Al-Gore Carbon Tax, I immediately knew one thing:  I bet Carbon is actually pretty good for you!

Turns out I was right.

Especially the Carbon-60 "perfect carbon molecule."

So once I learned more about it, I then set out to find where to buy it from the most reputable company.

I found there are a lot of companies selling C60 that might actually be bad for you and toxic (not fit for human consumption!), so I found the one that has the highest standards and safest, most continually-tested product out there....and that was C60 Evo.

I've been personally taking C60 for over a year and feel amazing so in light of all the health issues plaguing our nation right now, I decided I'd have one of its founders, Chris Burres, back on my show.

We kept this interview a little shorter so listen closely as we move FAST through a ton of details.

If you're ready to:

👉 Get better, deep and restful sleep....

👉 Have more energy during the day...

👉 Experience less negative effects after drinking alcohol...

👉 Keep your immune system in prime condition...

....then you need to hear this interview.

Watch right here from Rumble:

To visit their website go to 👉

Use promo code EVNOAH to save 10%.

Backup here on YouTube:

To visit their website go to 👉

Use promo code EVNOAH to save 10%.

Now....want even more on an immune-boosting health plan?

Look no further than my friend Clif High.

Clif has routinely promoted C60 in the past and here is even more of what he recommends.

Take a look:

If that Tweet gets taken down, here is a screenshot of what he posted:

I'm going to give you my disclaimer once again.....

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a doctor and I don't practice medicine.

And neither is Clif!

Neither of us is giving you medical advice.  NOTHING in this article is medical advice.



I'm just reporting on what others have said.

But let's be honest....I think I can probably do better than the "doctors" like Dr. Fraudci, Dr. Birxx who lie to you and serve you up a big heaping pile of propaganda!

You can probably take whatever they tell you to do and just do the opposite and you'd probably be pretty close to an ideal course of action!

So no, I'm not a doctor, but if being a doctor puts you in the same class as Dr. FRAUDci, then I take not being a doctor as a badge of honor.

I'm a reporter.

I simply report what I hear and see from others.

To paraphrase a once great network: I report, you decide!

But what I can report is that it sure looks like some very basic stuff can drastically help you recover and protect your body going forward!

Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Chaga Mushroom Tea, C60, and of course hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin may be highly effective!

If you scroll down, I have links for you.

And let's consider the worst case scenario.....taking more vitamins is almost never a bad thing, right?

Your body needs them regardless of what virus is floating around out there.

As long as you don't take too much of the fat-soluble vitamins, it's almost NEVER a bad thing to give your body more vitamins.

Now let me give you a little more background on Clif and why he's making these recommendations....

Watch this video where Clif High explains what the spike protein is actually doing to your body, why it is definitely a bio-weapon, and how each of the items listed above can help:

[iframe src="" width="100%" height="360"]

Here is one more where he goes into even more detail and in this one he talks about the power of C60 and why you need to get some!

Ever since you were a kid, you were told to get your vitamins!

It's basic advice that was good then and is still good now!

You need large doses of the right kind of Vitamin C, 10-15,000 IU's of Vitamin D to maintain certain blood levels, and then Clif recommends C60 too.

Watch the interview here from Rumble (they discuss it in the first 10 minutes) and then scroll down for links to where you can get the best of each item:

If you want to follow Clif's advice, here are some links to the products I like to use.

Unfortunately, I can't give you a link to NAC on Amazon because Amazon banned it.

One of the oldest and most trusted supplements in the bodybuilding industry and Amazon suddenly banned it right now.


So we go with the rest of the list....

First is Glutathione:

You want to get "Liposomal" Vitamin C, very important.

And in case that sells out, which tends to happen, this is another good Liposomal Vitamin C:

Now on to Vitamin D.

Here is my current favorite and the one I personally take:

And a backup Vitamin D3:

And Chaga Mushroom Tea:

And here is the Zinc Balance:

And we end with C60.

As I mentioned above, I've been personally taking C60 for over a year and I have not came down with COVID.  Not saying it treats or prevents COVID, I'm just saying my experience.

Regardless of COVID, I love taking it and have noticed multiple benefits.

Here's what many people have reported:

C60 is a powerful antioxidant (172x the power of Vitamin C), antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.  

I liked it so much I actually contacted the company and got everyone who is reading this a deal.

The company is called C60Evo.

Go to their website here and then be sure to use promo code EVNOAH and you'll get 10% off your order!

I love this stuff and I think you will too.

Cheers to good health and a big thank you to Clif High for putting out this information!

No, I'm not promising you won't get COVID, but I am saying that TAKING YOUR VITAMINS and powerful ANTIOXIDANTS is a good idea!

Be smart.

Be safe.

Be healthy!


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