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HILARIOUS! Joe Biden Has A “100 Day Plan”

This is truly hilarious…

Joe Biden is now pushing a “100 Day Plan”.

In case you’re not familiar, a “100 Day Plan” is typically what is presented by a challenger….someone NOT currently in office.

You present your plan for how you’ll hit the ground running on your first 100 days.

I can’t say I’ve ever seen a 100 Day Plan from an incumbent before.


Because there’s still 100 Days from now until the Election, and MEMO TO JOE: you’re already in office right now!  Allegedly.  Supposedly.  Kind of-ly.

This is exactly why incumbents don’t do this, because if you have such a great 100 Day Plan, just do it right now!

Of course the truth is he can’t.

Such a bad look!

I’m actually probably being too hard on him….

I’m sure Joe DOES have a 100 Day Plan starting today:  “Just don’t die”.

Good luck to you Joe, the hourglass of time is not on your side.


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