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Can Anyone Explain This?

This is going to be a relatively short post….mainly because I don’t intend to say much.

I only want to ask a question and show you a few things.

Can anyone explain this?

Once you see it, you can’t unsee it….

Even in multiple different mash-ups:

This one is hilarious: “Warren looks more like Crooks than the actual shooter”:

It’s truly uncanny:


Look, I’m certainly not claiming there is any relationship here.

We have ZERO data of any kind to suggest any relation here, other than the uncanny similarity in appearance.

I think it’s mostly the nose and the hair, what do you think?

The nose is almost an exact copy.

Did we just get another glitch in the simulation?

Memory running low in whatever computer is running this place and they had to clone a few characters, borrow a nose and some hair here and there?

I’m joking of course.  Mostly.  Kind of.

Anyway, it’s crazy!

Let me know what you all think!


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