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BIDEN: “I’ll Drop Out If I Get A Medical Condition” — COUPLE HOURS LATER: “Biden has COVID!”

Just a few hours ago, Joe Biden said he’d now consider dropping out if he developed a medical condition.

Take a look:

If one emerged?

That’s the laugh of the century!

One has been present since Day 1 of taking office (allegedly).

So that’s the setup then about how Joe will eventually step down.

And it looks like the Democrats have ants in their pants because not more than 5 hours later Joe “developed a Medical Condition”:

He looks half dead already:

How many times is this guy going to get COVID?

The world is now on watch with almost everyone expecting the announcement of Biden dropping out (or dying) to come imminently.

You ready for a (temporary) President Kamala Harris?

The Cackler-In-Chief?

God help us all.


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