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FACT-CHECKED: No, President Trump Didn’t “Fall Asleep” At RNC

These truly are some wicked, demented, and evil people.

Well, we all know Joe Biden is “demented” …. of both uses of that word!

But so are all the rest of these Far-Left losers claiming last night that President Trump fell asleep at the Republican National Convention.

It’s pure lies and here’s the worst part — it’s not a mistake.  These people are lying right to your face and they know it’s an obvious lie.

You’ve probably seen garbage like this floating around all day long on Twitter:

Absolutely reckless lies.

These are clips taken entirely out of context and deceptively edited to make it look like President Trump was sleepy.

The man survived an assassination attempt, got up and yelled “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!” and showed more bravery, courage and ENERGY than all of these Far Left libtards put together!

The man was so full of vim and vigor he even pushed down an entire Secret Service group so he could get his shoes and give a message of hope to the crowd.

The man is a legend.

So even if he did doze off at the RNC, it would be expected — BUT HE DIDN’T.

No folks, he was closing his eyes for a prayer, which I will show you in no uncertain terms in just a minute.

But let’s be fair, perhaps these evil people posting these lies online maybe truly didn’t know.  After all, these Godless heathens probably have no idea what a prayer is!  So perhaps I need to stand corrected and maybe they aren’t “lying” after all…maybe they’re just completely Godless heathens with hard hearts of stone.  One or the other I guess.

Here’s the truth:

Here are multiple angles showing the TRUTH:

These people are sick!

Definitely very confused:

The guy who did the prayer was actually really hilarious and President Trump was smiling so big!

So good to see.

Take a look:

This man goes to UFC events and stays till 1:00am….you really think he fell asleep at the RNC?

Wake up!


ICONIC: President Trump Makes Surprise Appearance At RNC Day 1

This is absolutely iconic.

Clearly overcome with many different emotions, President Trump has just made a surprise appearance at Day 1 of the Republican National Convention.

The love from the crowd and the emotion from everyone who greeted him is off the charts.

And you can tell our President is even a changed man himself (more on that in a big report I’m working on tomorrow).


Full video player here:

Even Speaker Johnson was fired up:

Different footage here:

This was also an incredible moment and powerful speech:

How many millions of Americans are experiencing the very same thing?

Meanwhile, the Secret Service protection appears….much improved.

The Ponytail Brigade seems to have been fired:

And we have to end with this….

It was SO good to see President Trump smiling so big at this:


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