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There’s nothing better than watching the MSM being forced to wake up to reality.

The reality that is Donald Trump is positioned not only to win this year’s election, but win it in a LANDSLIDE!

That’s exactly what CNN is currently projecting.

Check it out:

Here’s a transcript from the video:

JOHN KING, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I think the most striking thing, Jake, is on this first night of the republican convention. And let me turn this way so you can get a closer look. Just take a look between the then and now. This is the then. This is the 2020 presidential election. This is Joe Biden’s overwhelming and convincing win in the Electoral College. Yes, the former president was in the room here tonight. Others in the room here tonight. Still say this was a rigged or unfair election. That’s not true. It’s just not true. Joe Biden won, and he won big. That was that, 306 to 232.

But this is our current CNN projection of where we are now. And look at this. If Donald Trump won, what we have here, dark red states, solid Republican. Light red states, leaning Republican. If he won just those right there, he would already have the path to 270. He would have 272 electoral votes. Look what is different. We have Wisconsin as a toss-up. We have Pennsylvania as a toss-up. Two critical states for Joe Biden. Michigan right now, another critical state for Biden, leaning Republican. Georgia, a state Biden flipped, leaning Republican. Arizona, a toss-up state. That was a state Biden flipped. Nevada, a state he won, leaning Republican. This is the dire strait for Joe Biden right now on the first night of the republican convention. Tomorrow is 16 weeks to Election Day. Sixteen weeks from tomorrow, we count the votes. It is tough to change a map like this in that amount of time.

And here’s why Democrats are so worried. Why so many Democrats are saying, Mr. President, please reconsider and get out of this race. Because right now, Trump is leading here. And Trump is leading here — leading here. Narrowly, but he’s ahead in those states. Trump is leading here. That’s 312 electoral votes. Trump is leading in this Nebraska congressional district. Let me change it that way. Nebraska does it by congressional district. That’s 313 electoral votes.

And Democrats are warning that Trump may not be well ahead. It may still be margin of error. It might be a tie. But right now, Trump is competitive here. That’s blue Virginia. That’s blue New Hampshire.

So, the warnings to the White House are Donald Trump could conceivably, if the current dynamics in the race hold, get 330 or more electoral votes. That’s what they believe. Now, if you’re a Democrat, if you’re in the Biden White House, yes, there are 16 weeks to Election Day. So, can it be done? Come back to this. Can it be done? Yes. But it’s a very narrow path for Joe Biden. He must win this. He must change this. Michigan has to go blue, and he must win this. Look at that number. Even if he did that, won the three blue wall states, he’s at 269. So, he either has to get Arizona or Nevada back or get Georgia back and win the Nebraska congressional district. So, Joe Biden has essentially one, maybe two narrow paths to 270.

Donald Trump has so many. There are viable paths to get him as high as 330, which means you can take some states away, Jake, and he would still get to 270. Donald Trump, on the first night of his convention, and Democratic people who are studying the data closely say it keeps getting worse for the president. Donald Trump opened his convention tonight in a commanding position in this race, period.

It’s great seeing even that the most far-left media outlets are being forced to admit Trump’s huge advantage over Biden…but, that doesn’t mean we should get complacent.

Too big to rig — that is the goal.

Be sure to get out there and VOTE this November, and make sure everyone you know casts their ballot for TRUMP, too.

In the meantime, though, check out these awesome reactions to CNN’s projection:



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