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Jack Smith to Appeal Trump Case

Special Counsel Jack Smith is moving to get an appeal for his case against Trump.

After Judge Cannon left his case in shambles, he’s trying to pick up the pieces.

It will be all for nought.

But try he will.

What’s urging him forward?

Is it his love for “democracy!”?

I highly doubt that.

The Hill reports:

Special Counsel Jack Smith will appeal a federal judge’s ruling earlier on Monday dismissing former President Trump’s classified documents indictment, according to Smith’s spokesman.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ruled that Smith was not lawfully appointed, ordering that Trump’s charges be dismissed.

“The dismissal of the case deviates from the uniform conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue that the Attorney General is statutorily authorized to appoint a Special Counsel,” Peter Carr, spokesman for Smith’s office, said in a statement.

“The Justice Department has authorized the Special Counsel to appeal the court’s order,” he continued.

Smith’s appeal will first go to a three-judge panel on the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, though the issue could ultimately end up before the Supreme Court.

Monday’s ruling tosses Trump’s 40 criminal charges that accused him of mishandling classified information and obstructing the government’s efforts to retrieve those records from Mar-a-Lago following his presidency.

Liberals are big time mad about this.

Amazing how blind they are. It truly is.


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