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Celebrity Band Makes Wish on Stage “Don’t Miss Next Time” ?!!

What the actual f.

These are the people we’re supposed to just get along with?

“Let by gones be by gones”

Hell no!

If these liberals got their wish and that bullet pushed Trump into Heaven, they would be cheering right now.

They would be celebrating right now. And we even see that in Revelation, in the future when the two prophets get killed, they all cheered and gave each other gifts.

So, we know what they’re like.

That doesn’t mean it isn’t still a shock to some degree when we actually hear them say these things.

So, Jack Black’s sidekick in his band, Tenacious D, made a wish for his birthday on stage…

“Don’t miss next time.” Obviously referring to the murder attempt on Trump.

What kind of skeletons do these people have in the closet?

Because they sure act like Trump is about to show their closet to the world.

This meme seems pretty accurate, as Black have Karl Marx vibe going on.


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