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Sebastian Gorka Just Said EVERYTHING We’re Thinking Right Now

As we’re now a day out from the assassination attempt on President Trump, we’re all starting to gather our thoughts, dig into the things that don’t make sense, and start to connect a lot of dots.

I’ve been doing it all day, and I definitely have strong opinions about what happened here.

I’ve been posting them all day (make sure you follow me on Twitter: but I just came across this excellent video from Sebastian Gorka who did exactly what I’m doing….he just gave his takeaways from the attempted assassination 24 hours later, and they are SPOT on.

He touched on almost everything I’ve been covering all day today.

And he did it in one concise video.

So I thought I would share it with you.

This is perfectly said and everything I feel at the moment.

Watch here:

Full video player here:


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