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Over 9+ years of constant, far-left vitriolic HATE from Democrats caused the assassination attempt on President Trump that we saw last night.

That’s not just my opinion, Bill O’Reilly just went live to say the exact same thing.

Watch here:

Bill is spot on here.

And here’s what I wrote earlier today — maybe Bill is reading my articles?

WATCH: Supercut Video Of All The Times Democrats Have Incited Violence and Assassination Against President Trump

I have a very serious question….

Why are Democrats allowed to incite violence and even incite an assassination of President Trump with impunity?

Yet, peaceful MAGA Republicans who simply WALKED into the Capitol on January 6th have been held in prison for 3+ years?

These are not just tough criticisms of Donald Trump or politics as usual, the video I’m about to show you is clip after clip of Democrats literally calling for people to mobilize and attack.

How is this legal?

Watch this and tell me how this can possibly be allowed to stand?

Longer version here with even more hatred and incitement of violence:

Full video player here:

This is not ok either:

After hearing a nonstop barrage of this CRAP for 9+ years, it’s no wonder there was finally a (known) attack on President Trump’s life.

The only surprise is that it didn’t happen sooner.

Who will be brave enough to prosecute this entire bunch?

RICO charges?


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