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DEI Secret Service: People Aren’t Happy With The Ponytail Brigade

So the Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle, has a goal.

A big goal!

Ready for it?

She wants 30% of the agents to be women.

That’s the priority here. Now the safety of the President.

Didn’t think DEI had reached that area, did you? Neither did I.

Seems to have reached every corner of the fabric of society.

And now…DEI is protecting our President Donald J. Trump?

This HAS to change.

I want to see Trump surrounded by the biggest badasses around.

I want bodybuilder size Lou Ferrigno’s towering around him. (Though, of course, it’s God that’s protecting him. Still, well should do our part and get the best men for the job)

I don’t know who BM is, but this person knows what their doing.

This is what I’m talking about!

A force to be reckoned with!

Now let’s look at the President of the United States friggin’ ‘bodyguards’/Secret Service…

The Ponytail Brigade:

Here’s the Director herself…

From guarding Pepsi and Cheetos to guarding the President:

This feels like a joke!

This is what’s protecting our President after an assassination attempt?

This is like an episode of the comedy sitcom Community, where the Secret Service visits a community college to prepare for VP Biden’s visit.

And one of the SS agents was a lady.

I thought it was just a joke, not a prediction on how things would be.

Speaking of predictions, at the end of the episode Biden’s character wakes from a nap and says, “I just had a dream that I was a regular President.”



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