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UPDATE: Elon Musk Reveals Two People Attempted To Assassinate Him Within The Last Seven Months

We first brought you this report last week, but it seems extremely relevant to revisit right now.

During a recent Tesla shareholder meeting, the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, revealed there have been two assassination attempts against his life in the last seven months.

The topic of assassination got brought up when a Tesla shareholder asked Musk, “In the context of being a shareholder, unlocking these values of optimists, we need you, and just, with all the global uncertainty, you’re so high-profile that I just want to make sure yourself?”

Musk replied, “It is getting a little crazy these days. You know, like, to a first approximation, the probability that a homicidal maniac will try to kill you is proportional to how many homicidal maniacs hear your name.”

The CEO of Tesla then went into detail and revealed “We [Tesla] actually did have two homicidal maniacs in the last roughly seven months, come to aspirationally try to kill me and a bunch of other people, so it’s not just me

Per The Express:

During a question-and-answer session for Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting, the electric automaker’s CEO, Elon Musk, noted that multiple attempts on his life in the past seven months have occurred for no seemingly apparent reason other than his social and business prominence.

The response stemmed from an investor’s inquiry asking the billionaire what he’s doing to take care of himself with his high-profile nature.

This Tesla investor asked Musk: “In the context of being a shareholder, unlocking these values of optimists, we need you, and just, with all the global uncertainty, you’re so high-profile that I just want to make sure you’re doing everything to take care of yourself.”

Musk replied: “It is getting a little crazy these days. You know, like, to first approximation, the probability that a homicidal maniac will try to kill you is proportional to how many homicidal maniacs hear your name.”

The Tesla co-founder laughed and said: “They hear my name a lot, and I’m like, ok, I’m on the list.”

Musk added: “We [Tesla] actually did have two homicidal maniacs in the last roughly seven months, come to aspirationally try to kill me and a bunch of other people, so it’s not just me, and there wasn’t an actual issue that they articulated — they were just, you know, in the homicidal maniac career.”

Per The New York Post:

“Two homicidal maniacs” have threatened to kill Elon Musk in the past seven months, the Tesla CEO claimed at a recent shareholder meeting, while comparing himself to the slain Beatles legend John Lennon.

During the question and answer portion of the electric vehicle company’s annual shareholders meeting last week, Musk said his high profile has put a target on his back — just like Lennon.

An anonymous shareholder asked Musk what he’s doing to make sure he stays healthy and safe, to which Musk acknowledged he should maybe start working out to avoid being “assassinated.”


ELON MUSK: “I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery”

ELON MUSK: “The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign”


ELON MUSK: "The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign"

Folks, this was a MASSIVE Secret Service failure.

To the point where it is almost inexplicable.

I just posted this:

MASSIVE SECRET SERVICE FAILURE — “Blew His Head Off!” — Compromised or Complicit?

And now Elon Musk has also joined in calling for the resignation of the head of the Secret Service and leader of this security detail.


MASSIVE SECRET SERVICE FAILURE -- "Blew His Head Off!" -- Compromised or Complicit?

I'm hearing and seeing a lot of people praising the Secret Service for their heroic actions today.

I categorically disagree.

This was a MASSIVE Secret Service failure.

They failed to cover the roof of the building next door.

How could this ever happen?

SS compromised?


This is completely inexplicable!




The man claims that only AFTER he fired 8 shots did the Secret Service move in and "blew his head off".

How was he ever allowed to get up on that roof?????

This is the most basic thing.

I can't rationalize except to ask: COMPROMISED or COMPLICIT?

More here:


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