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Another Satanic Statue Gets BEHEADED

The Pakistani ‘artist’ that made the golden idol to abortion was met with a surprise.

You see, Hurricane Beryl gave us a gift:

The head of a satanic statue called ‘Witness’.

Lets not forget that this abomination was also honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a woman that championed slaughtering babies. This was evident by the collar the statue had.

Was this caused by the storm?

Or did a patriot seek this opportunity to behead this monstrosity?

Either way, it’s like God is making a point:

‘These statues erected to evil will not be tolerated.”


This is a new era.

Expect to see more of this.

Say goodbye to all these attempts of pushing “woke”, which is really just Cultural Marxism. (For those that don’t know what that term is, I’ll explain it at the end).

PS. There’s more than 1 of these statues.

Didn’t the Democrats set the precedent about this?

Didn’t they destroy and deface numerous statues, and that was okay, right?

They can destroy statues but if a ‘right-wing extremists’ does, it’s a hate crime?

Not The Bee reports:

The statue was moved from New York City, where the pagan symbol was overseeing the legal matter of New York, to the University of Houston where this goat-horned, naked, demon goat lady was placed to honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Now its head is gone.

There was just a hurricane there. Are we sure this isn’t an act of God?

‘It was a very violent act of hate, and it should be investigated as a crime,’ Sikander (the sculptor) said in a phone interview Tuesday.

The artist said that viewers may have misread the symbolism behind her artwork, which includes hornlike braids, tentacle arms and a lace collar. Her intention was not specifically to comment on abortion or Supreme Court justices, she said, but rather to create a broader message about a woman’s power in the justice system.

I don’t think anyone misinterpreted your tentacal-armed goat-horn statue, lady.

Breitbart adds:

University officials announced on Tuesday that a vandal had attacked the sculpture, according to the report. Officials reportedly told Sikander that campus police have footage of the incident, which occurred amid intense weather and power outages during Hurricane Beryl.

“We were disappointed to learn the statue was damaged early Monday morning as Hurricane Beryl was hitting Houston. The damage is believed to be intentional,” Kevin Quinn, executive director of media relations for the university, said in a statement to the Times. “The University of Houston Police Department is currently investigating the matter.”

The statue has been under “increased surveillance” after pro-life groups spoke out against it following its installation in February, according to the report.


The “artist” that made this eye sore “feels harmed” by the removal of the statue’s head, as reported by Houston Chronicle:

“As an artist, as a woman, I personally feel harmed,” Sikander said in a statement to the Houston Chronicle. “It is an intentional, violent and misogynistic act that should be investigated as a crime, and I urge the University of Houston to release the footage of the perpetrator.”

I sort of hope they try to fix it.

And then sit back and watch what happens next.

Anyone remember the story about the statue of Dagon?

(This story is told in the Bible, 1st Samuel chapter 5)


God knocked it over.

The Philistines propped it back up.

Then God knocked it back over, and removed it’s head and hands.

I have a feeling if they try to fix this statue, it’s just gonna be decimated.

By the way, here’s another one:

A clear side-by-side comparison of classical art, classical beauty vs ‘modern’ uglification to demoralize.

There’s nothing modern about it.

It’s just another example of Cultural Marxism.


Cultural Marxism:

When someone says something is “woke” what they really mean is it’s Cultural Marxism, they just don’t know the term.

You see, this is a tactic Communists/Marxists uses to demoralize a society. They attack all the arts, architecture, films, music, etc.

Wikipedia used to tell you what it meant.

But since the Establishment has gone into overdrive pushing Cultural Marxism, they couldn’t let people know about it.

So they had to edit the entry on Wikipedia and call it a ‘conspiracy theory’.

Here’s the original entry from 2009 using the Wayback Machine website:

You can check that link and read it for yourself.

(Also, see those black bars at the top? Those are the different years that this website was saved on the Wayback Machine, so you can click on those bars and check the differences that were made to this entry over the years)

Current day’s entry:

Now it’s an “antisemitic conspiracy theory!”

Which is their way of scaring people into shutting up about it. If you talk about it, “you’re antisemitic…and you’re not antisemitic, are you?”

If anything, this just confirms that it’s true.


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