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The Maps of the Shooting

Below is a collection of maps showing the layout of the area, where the shooter was and where President Trump was.

Some are slightly different due to the age of the photos used.

Mario states:

Elon has said the resignation of the Secret Service head—I agree. Blind spots are everywhere at this location. The former president and leading presidential candidate needs a more robust protection system. A bystander reported a shooter climbing a building. He alerted the Secret Service and police, but their response was delayed. How does this happen?

Gab AI states:

The Grassy Knoll is a small, grassy hill located in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. It’s a notable spot because it’s near where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. Some conspiracy theories about the assassination suggest that a second gunman was located on the Grassy Knoll, firing at the same time as the officially identified assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. The term “Grassy Knoll” has since become synonymous with JFK conspiracy theories and discussions about the events of that tragic day. It’s like saying, “The Grassy Knoll is a place in Dallas where some people think a second gunman was hiding when JFK was shot.”

Kevin Paffrath over at MeetKevin put together a great map right here:

Larger view:


MASSIVE SECRET SERVICE FAILURE — “Blew His Head Off!” — Compromised or Complicit?

I’m hearing and seeing a lot of people praising the Secret Service for their heroic actions today.

I categorically disagree.

This was a MASSIVE Secret Service failure.

They failed to cover the roof of the building next door.

How could this ever happen?

SS compromised?


This is completely inexplicable!




The man claims that only AFTER he fired 8 shots did the Secret Service move in and “blew his head off”.

How was he ever allowed to get up on that roof?????

This is the most basic thing.

I can’t rationalize except to ask: COMPROMISED or COMPLICIT?

More here:


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