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Law Enforcement on High Alert Ahead of RNC

Republican National Convention, September 1-4, 2008. Balloons drop at the convention in the Xcel Center, St. Paul, Minnesota. Photo by Carol M. Highsmith, Library of Congress

With Republican National Convention (RNC) set to start in Milwaukee on Monday, law enforcement are on high alert.

And for good reason!

The FBI & U.S. Secret Service sent out their assessment of any threats to law enforcement.

This is to make sure everyone is extra aware and ready for whatever might happen during the RNC.

With the Democrats being desperate, who knows what they’ll try.

Better to be safe than sorry.

Even metal fences have gone up in preparation of the RNC:

CBS News reports:

Federal, state and local law enforcement officials are on high alert ahead of the Republican National Convention that will kick off in Milwaukee on Monday.

A joint threat assessment created by the FBI, U.S. Secret Service, the Milwaukee Police Department and the Milwaukee Southeastern Wisconsin Threat Analysis Center was sent out to law enforcement officials in anticipation of the RNC, calling for heightened awareness.

No credible or specific threat was identified in the assessment, a law enforcement source told CBS News on Saturday.

The assessment found that there is concern the convention and pre- and post-celebration venues could be attractive targets for foreign terrorist organizations, homegrown violent extremists, domestic violent extremist groups, so-called lone-wolf bad actors and active shooters, a law enforcement source said.

Other key findings in the threat assessment include the convention could be viewed as an attractive target due to its symbolic nature and link to the 2024 general election.

As such, all law enforcement and security agencies will be enhancing their presence and resources during the event.

The Republican and Democratic conventions are considered high-priority events for law enforcement and are on par with other high-profile large gathering events such as the Super Bowl and presidential inaugurations.

They’re cameras are already prepared:

Here’s the army of Democrats preparing to protest.

Get ready, boys. I think they mean business:

I’m sure if Republican attendees arm themselves with some Nerf bats that should suffice in keeping this threat at bay.


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