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A List of Headlines Downplaying Assassination Attempt: ‘Popping Sounds, MAGA Outraged”


I’ve collected the headlines from the big media companies regarding Trump’s assassination attempts.

Let’s see how they try to paint it.

Maybe CNN was the only one guilty of downplaying it.

First, let’s pray that God keeps our heart from filling with too much hatred after reading these.

I’m dangerously close to becoming a Sith after seeing how these journos treat this shooting.

It’s infuriating!

Lord, help us be aware of our enemies, to know what we are dealing with but to not let them depress and darken our hearts and souls. Amen.

Now that that’s covered, let us proceed.

1 CNN:

2 Newsweek:

3 NBC News:

4 CBS News:

(They buried the story under Politics section. Not Headline news?)

5 ABC News:

6 USA Today

“Loud noises”

7 New York Times

They were sort of close.

8 & 9, NPR & Politico:

If JFK assassination happened in current times:


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