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Melania Trump Set To Make Public Appearance

Melania Trump will attend the Republican National Convention next week in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The former First Lady, who has stayed away from the public eye after the loss of her mother, will attend the RNC, as her husband Donald Trump, will formally accept to be the GOP presidential nominee.

At this time it’s unknown if Melania will give a speech during the convention but she’s expected to be alongside President Trump to offer support.

Per The Sun Sentinel:

Former first lady Melania Trump will attend the Republican National Convention next week in Milwaukee, according to two people familiar with her plans who spoke Friday on condition of anonymity before full details were released.

Melania Trump has largely refrained from public appearances, noticeably missing key moments such as former President Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday victory party and his 78th birthday party last month. She also did not accompany the presumptive Republican presidential nominee on any of the days of his more than monthlong hush money trial in New York.

Her presence at the convention where her husband will be officially nominated as the Republican candidate will be a boost for the party as it tries to present a united front compared to the crisis the Democratic party faces as some are calling for President Joe Biden to withdraw his reelection bid following his debate performance.

Melania Trump’s plans have not been formally announced, and it is not yet clear whether she will deliver a speech or have any role in the proceedings.

Here’s what MSNBC reported:

After months of being conspicuously absent from the campaign trail, Melania Trump is scheduled to attend the Republican National Convention next week.

A source familiar with the convention’s plans told NBC News that the former first lady will be at the four-day event in Milwaukee, where Donald Trump will officially accept his party’s nomination. It’s not yet clear if she will join the lineup of speakers at the convention or how she might formally participate in the event’s programs.

One of the more inscrutable figures in her husband’s orbit, Melania Trump shares his disdain of the media and has kept a low profile in this election. The presumptive nominee told NBC News’ “Meet The Press” in September that his wife would be on the campaign trail with him “pretty soon.” But to date, she has only made two official public appearances for his campaign: joining him when he announced his re-election bid in November 2022 and voting for him in the Florida primaries in March this year. She has also attended several private fundraisers, as well as a dinner at Mar-a-Lago for Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán in March.


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