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UPDATE: Thomas Massie Gives Update On Deceased Wife…Creates WAY More Questions Than It Answers

I want to be sure I treat this with the dignity and respect it deserves, for so many reasons.

First of all, I really like and respect Thomas Massie.

But even for someone I don’t like, losing a loved one and especially a spouse who just died suddenly, is a horrible tragedy.

I also want to say I truly have no idea what happened here.

But it sounds like neither does Thomas Massie, and that’s raising a ton of questions (and eyebrows).

First let me show you his Tweet and then we’ll discuss it.

It’s been two weeks since my lovely Rhonda passed and I am still devastated, but the four wonderful children she brought into this world and nurtured so perfectly have surrounded me with love and comfort.

Over 1,000 friends and family attended her services and/or sent flowers and other tributes to her memory. I want to thank them and those of you who have prayed for us and who have honored Rhonda in other ways.

Our family has cried hard and we have laughed at happy memories of her. With the help of others who have experienced similar losses, I have accepted I can get through this but I will never get over this. I don’t ever want to lose her memory.

Although I first reacted with indignation to internet conspiracy theories about her death, I’ve since been amused because I know Rhonda would have laughed, and if I were on the outside I might have similar concerns. Without violating her privacy, I can dismiss some of those theories by disclosing: she did not take the COVID shots (we were both seropositive by the time they became available), our house is very secure, family was in the house the night she passed, and an autopsy has been conducted (we do not yet have results).

I have joked that after poring through hundreds of photographs of us since high school, the only credible conspiracy I can offer is a gorgeous girl who was a literal genius conspired to make a congressman, who would be steerable by no one but her, out of an awkward nerd by taking him as her boyfriend at age 16 and committing to decades of continuously molding him into something better. #sassywithmassie

I am returning to work for the people of Kentucky’s Fourth Congressional District, and I beg your forgiveness for the votes I missed during this difficult period. With Rhonda no longer with me, I will strive to summon the grace and patience and wisdom she quietly and selflessly dedicated to the effort of serving you.

Ok, so with all of the disclaimers listed above in mind, let’s dig into this a bit.

First, I want to address the people who are going to say “Why are you even talking about this?  Leave the poor man alone!”

Allow me to address that head on….

I certainly don’t want to bother or harass him.  Not at all.

But you see, many of us have been red-pilled and woken up at some point in the last 10 or so years.

And part of getting red-pilled and waking up is you realize that what you were doing before, which for many of us was trusting authority, not asking any questions, just assuming everyone means well and has our best interest at heart, especially those in Government, and just going about our day watching Football or playing video games or living our lives in general….simply wasn’t working.

That kind of living in ignorance WAS truly bliss, but it allowed this Satanic (and I do mean Satanic) Deep State to grow right under our noses and no one said a thing….or even noticed!

So I’m sorry but the days of just “not talking about it” are over.

I also want to say that this article itself likely falls into exactly the category of “internet conspiracy theories” Massie posted about….and I’m ok with that.

Ok, so now to the main question: So what exactly happened?

Usually when you hear “Died Suddenly” in recent years, it means one thing: the Clot Shot took you out.

But in this case, Massie ruled that out.  As we suspected, they did not take them.

So it’s not that.

Massie himself seems to say he has no idea what caused it, which means it was not some sort of known illness that she was struggling with.

So take that off the table.

So if it’s not the jab and not any illness Massie himself was even aware of, what causes a middle-aged, otherwise seemingly healthy woman to drop dead?

Well, if I were a “conspiracy nut” talking about “internet conspiracy theories” I MIGHT think it slightly strange that Thomas Massie had recently just gone on a huge PR tour, going on Tucker Carlson’s show and others, and very vocally coming out against the Federal Reserve and against AIPAC.

In general, and I’m just speaking based on historical statistics, those are probably the two entities that you do NOT ever want to speak out against, let alone so loudly.  Let alone, introducing a literal Bill into Congress to End the Fed.

Oh, I support it 100%!


But most people in history who have gone up against the Central Bankers have lost….very badly.  Many lost their lives.

In fact, the only other group that I would put in the camp of being so highly dangerous as taking on the Federal Reserve or AIPAC would be Bill and Hillary Clinton.

CLINTON KILL LIST GOES UP? Clinton Airport Executive Killed In Shootout with ATF Federal Agents

Perhaps it will end up being nothing and the autopsy will show some normal medical cause.

But I'm sorry, I still find it highly suspect.

And even if it ends up being a "heart attack" or cancer or something seemingly natural, we're just not naïve enough anymore to not at least question it.

After all, you do know about this, right?

Don't believe me, listen to this CIA whistleblower from 1975 admitting they have the "heart attack gun" technology:

Even ChatGPT basically admits this technology exists, although it then claims there's just wild conspiracy theories.  Sure, sure they are.  Is anyone buying that?

There have been numerous conspiracy theories and rumors about intelligence agencies like the CIA having advanced methods for assassination that can mimic natural causes of death, such as heart attacks. Historically, some specific claims include:

  1. Heart Attack Gun: In 1975, a CIA whistleblower testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee about a purported weapon that could induce a heart attack. The gun allegedly used a frozen dart laced with a toxin that could cause a heart attack and leave little to no trace.
  2. Biochemical Agents: There have been various reports and theories suggesting that intelligence agencies might use biochemical agents to induce fatal health events that appear natural. These could theoretically be administered through darts, aerosol sprays, or even contact with the skin.
  3. Poisoning: Various poisons can be difficult to detect and might mimic natural causes of death. For example, certain toxins can induce symptoms similar to a heart attack or other natural health conditions.

While these theories persist, it's essential to approach them with skepticism. Confirmed cases of such advanced assassination techniques are rare, and much of the evidence supporting these claims comes from conspiracy theories or unverified testimonies. Officially, intelligence agencies like the CIA do not admit to using such methods for assassination.

Now ask yourself this: if they had "heart attack gun" technology in 1975, what you think they have now, 50 years later?

You would have to be wildly naive to the point of ignorance to believe they don't have highly sophisticated ways to kill someone....with no trace.

Is that what happened here?

Was a message sent?

I have no idea, but I do know that I'm no longer ignorant to the possibility.

How about you?

Here was our original report:

Rep. Thomas Massie Announces His Wife Has Died

Extremely sad news to report....

Rep. Thomas Massie just announced his wife has died.

Please keep the family in your prayers.

Rep. Massie had recently become very popular, suddenly being covered in many articles here at WLTReport and recording a fascinating podcast with Tucker Carlson.

While I don't in any way mean to imply anything wrong or untoward at all, it is strange how tragedy seems to strike people just as they start to achieve a lot of notoriety.

It's a cruel world.


BREAKING: US Congressman Thomas Massie Says The World Is Going To Stop Using The US Dollar As The Global Reserve Currency

Heads up folks!

For over two years, I've been warning you that the US Dollar is in trouble and at risk of losing the World Reserve Currency status.

If you don't know how serious that is, I'll explain down below in just a minute.

It's not just some mundane academic thing that only economists care about....

No, you're going to care a whole lot about it when it happens because your quality of life and standard of living will plummet when that happens.

So we've been warning you for over 2 years this was coming.

When I say "we" I mean me and my longtime guest Bo Polny who has been telling you each time he comes on my show.

When Bo first started talking about this over 2 years ago, many of you thought it was crazy talk and could never happen....

Fast-forward to today and you now have a sitting member of Congress, Rep. Thomas Massey, telling you it's not only possible but it's happening right now:

Buckle up folks, it's about to get VERY rocky!

And now allow me to explain why you should care....because it's going to greatly affect your standard of living:

BRICS Creates New Payment System, Will Compete Against US Dollar

Heads up folks, this is a big one....

Just as Bo Polny has been warning you, the U.S. Dollar is under serious attack and may soon be taking a nasty plunge.

It's not by accident, it's by design.

The nations of the world, particularly the BRICS nations, are tired of the dollar-supremacy and have been wanting to dethrone it for a long time.

Until recently, that's been impossible due to our strength in America, but Joe Biden is swinging the door wide open for our fall.

Or perhaps it's an intentional implosion from within?

Either way, this is real and very bad news:

JUST IN: BRICS Reveals Blockchain Alternative To The Dollar

Now don't tune out on me when we start talking economics....

Because this is going to affect your life in a big way.

If you're a little confused about why the U.S. Dollar is so important, you need to see this.

It's the "petrodollar" and it's the reason we have such a high standard of living here in the USA.

But when it falls?

Worse than the Great Depression -- and here's that word again: overnight.

Watch this and I think you'll understand:

Larger video player here:

And here is NPR of all places, confirming exactly what Glenn Beck, Bo Polny, me and so many others have been telling you:

The dollar is the world's currency: It dominates global business.

Economists call it the "global reserve currency," a fancy title the dollar got about 80 years ago that has brought some pretty serious perks to the U.S. economy.

But could the dollar get knocked off the top spot? There are challengers emerging, and history shows that countries whose currency dominated the globe can fall from that top spot pretty fast ... even over the course of a few days.

How it started: timing + muscle + lots of gold

The U.S. dollar did not luck its way into the top spot.

It was a carefully engineered plan that unfolded in the mountains of New Hampshire nearly 80 years ago.At the time the British Pound Sterling was the international currency. A title it had held for decades.

The dollar's rise happened pretty suddenly at the Bretton Woods International Monetary Conference in 1944. Bretton Woods was a gathering of world leaders at the end of World War II. They came together to try and establish an international system for trade and finance, to help bind the world together and increase prosperity for all.

Now with that in mind, here's what's coming:

You HAVE to watch this one:

The BIS and central banks worldwide continue to accumulate gold reserves, setting the stage for a gold revaluation in 2024 🏦

BRICS is working on a new payment system based on cryptocurrency and blockchain as they stockpile gold 🏅

In the coming financial century we will return to gold-backed assets, but this time valuable assets will be tokenized!

#XRP will bridge valuable, gold-backed currencies -

Everything has been planned for a long time...

Did you catch the GOLD part?

What do I keep telling you....all the big players right now are buying gold.

Not just buying it but stockpiling it!


Central Banks....

They're all buying as much as they can get their hands on.

That's all well and good for them but what about you?  And me?

Let's talk solutions...

Because I can't leave you hanging just with doom and gloom.

As always, I leave you with SOLUTIONS!

You may have noticed Glenn brought up gold.

In fact, you've probably been hearing a LOT about gold.

There are many credible rumors saying gold will back the new reserve currency that's about to emerge...wouldn't THAT be interesting!

Gold has been the ONE currency to have stood the test of time.

Literally "God's Money" it has never gone to zero and by all accounts never will.

And the Central Banks know it.

I always say: watch what they DO, not what they SAY.

There's a phrase on Wall Street called "talking your book".

It's a pretty evil thing...

Basically what it means is while you are telling the world one thing, you are secretly doing the exact opposite behind the scenes.


Because if you can make the entire market panic (retirees, workers contributing to 401ks, people trying to get ahead with investments), then you can swoop in while they're panicking and buy on the cheap!

Vice-versa, if you can create euphoria, you can get the public to buy in at exactly the wrong time....all while you cash out.

It's what Wall Street has been doing forever.

And history is repeating itself right now with Gold and Silver -- in my opinion.

For the last year, central banks across the globe have been buying up as much gold (and often silver) as they can acquire without raising alarm bells.

Now, we see why.

The recent bank runs and ongoing collapse of the U.S. banking system was anticipated by the "elites" and the central bankers who run things behind the scenes. They saw it coming and knew the best way to protect their assets was through physical precious metals.

So...the only question is, are you going to do what they TELL YOU or do what they DO themselves?

It's why Jim Cramer is wrong almost EVERY time on CNBC.

His job is not to give you great Financial Advice.

I sure hope you didn't think that.

No, his job is to "talk the books" for Wall Street and get the narrative out that they want!

Even if it's wrong -- like it is over and over and over.

So, what can you do?

You can do what the Central Banks are doing...get some Gold and Silver.

Precious metals.

God's money.

I just talked about precious metals this week with Bo Polny and now I'm bringing you a solution that you can utilize right away if you're so inclined...

Oh and here's the best's from a faith-driven, conservative precious metals company whose mission is to help Americans tap into the rising precious metals market through self-directed IRAs backed by physical precious metals. And while this service is not unique to Genesis, their adherence to Biblical stewardship of money makes them singularly qualified to receive a sponsored recommendation from this site.

Unlike most companies offering similar services, Genesis deals only with physical precious metals.

So important.

They do not offer "virtual" or "paper" gold or silver.

Oh, and you know who else loves these guys?


Literally Superman, Conservative Actor and the man who once played Clark Kent on ABC, Dean Cain.

Check this out:

With Genesis and their depositories, customers can see and touch the precious metals that back their retirement accounts. When it comes time to take distributions, Genesis customers can cash in some or all of their precious metals or have them delivered to their door.

Central bankers aren't slowing down. In fact, nations like China and even U.S. states like Tennessee are quickly but quietly buying up gold to back their own treasuries. When the writing on the wall is this clear, it's understandable why these governments are moving quickly to get ahead of any potential economic catastrophes in store.

Working with Genesis is the best way our readers can explore the physical precious metals market through self-directed IRAs. It benefits us as well when our readers work with this America-First company.

Visit or call 866-292-0443 today.

Don't wait too long, according to Weiss we have more bank failures right around the corner.

You know what has NEVER "failed"?

Gold.  Precious metals.  Indestructible.

There's a reason they call it "God's money".

Watch this for more:

Stay safe!


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