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UPDATE: Man Arrested For “N*tting” On A Woman In A Dollar Tree Store

This is an update to a story we first brought you yesterday.

In case you missed it, it’s truly vile and deplorable, but here it is…[WARNING: nasty and graphic]:

“He n*tted on my leg!”

What a charming man.

Of course I say that with as much sarcasm as I can muster.

The man is a filthy animal, and many of you suggested he was worthy of the Woodchipper.

While I am not calling for that, I can't say I fully disagree.

This man has demonstrated he has no ability to fit in to our society, none whatsoever.

He's also demonstrated he isn't very bright, because that hairline of his and face in general is awfully distinctive.

How he thought he would just do this and then literally run away and not get caught is beyond me, other than to say this man may not only be sub-human but he might be actually mentally handicapped?

I truly don't know, only speculation.

But the good news is with the help of the Internet he was found almost immediately -- or to state it as accurately as I can, the police have arrested a suspect they believe to be the man in the video above.  All suspects are innocent until proven guilty or until admitting guilt.  Ok, got that disclaimer at out the way.

Meet Gary's the report from Collin Rugg:

JUST IN: 35-year-old Philadelphia man Gary Miles has been arrested for “n*tting” on a woman in a Dollar Tree store.

The update comes after rapper Meek Mill offered $2,000 for information on the suspect after the video of the incident went viral.

According to police, Miles voluntarily surrendered on Wednesday evening after the video went viral on X.

"The PPD extends its gratitude to the public for their assistance in locating Mr. Miles," the Philadelphia Police Department said in a statement.

Good job, X.

To echo my friend Collin, "Well done, Internet!"

There is no update on the poor woman or whether she has successfully been able to wash that leg.

I mean, I'm sure she has tried, probably taken 20 showers, but let's be honest....some animal randomly does that to your leg inside a Dollar Tree and even after 20 showers I have to imagine it still feels very unclean.

Poor lady.

Here was our original report from yesterday:

"He n*tted on my leg!"

File this under EWWWWWWWW!

We're all just trying to have a society here -- at least most of us are, minus the guy I'm about to show you -- and I'm just trying to run this website and cover the news....

And as I try to do that I log into Twitter and what do I find right on the homepage in the Trending section?


To quote the current Resident: "Come on, man!"

Trending now in "Crime" -- yeah, I'd say so!

Do we have a law on the books that protects against going into a Dollar Tree and having a man do this to you randomly in some aisle?

Has Congress written up that law yet?

I hope so, because this guy is NASTY!

Here's the video, and thank you for censoring out of respect to the victim -- and mostly out of respect for us so we don't have to see what was left on the leg:

Collin Rugg reports the following:

NEW: Philadelphia police are searching for a man after he 'relieved himself' on a woman's leg in a Dollar Tree store.

The man can be seen running from the store before the woman shows what he did to her leg.

"He n*tted on my leg!" the woman can be heard saying.

Police say the man is a black male, 25 to 30 years old and about 6 feet tall.

Full video player here:

The comments are absolutely hilarious....

Well done, sir:

Now, now, Juanita, let's not blame this on the Dollar Store:

Is this worthy of the Wood Chipper?

I think the woman would say yes:

Meanwhile, the Police have asked for the public's help in identifying the man in the photo:

That seems to be an awfully distinctive hairline, I have a feeling we will have his identity in no time....

And then how do we wrap this all up?

Did the woman preserve the "evidence" for the DNA test?

And more importantly, can y'all class it up a bit so this is the last story like this I have to cover for a while?

Thank you in advance!


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