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CNN Host Dumbfounded By Biden Campaign’s Response To George Clooney: ‘What’s The Point?’

After hosting a multimillion-dollar fundraiser for Joe Biden, actor George Clooney did an about-face by writing an op-ed in which he called on the president to step down.

It was yet another blow for the incumbent octogenarian, who has faced significant opposition from his own side of the aisle in the aftermath of a disastrous debate performance last month. B

The Biden campaign reacted to Clooney’s remarks with an apparent attack on the actor, but CNN personality Jake Tapper wasn’t sure what the statement was intended to prove.

As Fox News reported:

CNN White House correspondent Kayla Tausche reported that, according to a Biden campaign official, it was Clooney who apparently lacked stamina.

“Biden aides point to an aggressive travel schedule in the coming weeks. He’s set to go to Michigan on Friday, Nevada next week, as well as an aggressive fundraising schedule with events planned in Texas and Colorado and two in California as proof that he is not going anywhere,” Tausche said.

She added, “And in response to those comments from George Cooney, Jake, a campaign official who attended that Los Angeles fundraiser tells me that George Clooney left three hours before the president. So clearly the gloves are off.”

After a pause, Tapper asked, “What does that mean, George Clooney left three hours earlier? What‘s the point?”

Tausche responded, “The point of that is to suggest that Biden’s stamina is better than Clooney‘s and Clooney didn‘t have eyes on the entire event. That‘s the response to the Clooney op-ed.”

“Okay,” Tapper responded with raised eyebrows and what sounded like a chuckle.

Clooney’s op-ed received a lot of attention on social media this week:

Donald Trump even joined in, per The Hill:

“So now fake movie actor George Clooney, who never came close to making a great movie, is getting into the act,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social. “He’s turned on Crooked Joe like the rats they both are. What does Clooney know about anything?”

“Clooney should get out of politics and go back to television,” the former president added later in the post. “Movies never really worked for him!!!”

His remarks come after the Hollywood star wrote in a New York Times op-ed, published Wednesday, that the president’s party is “not going to win in November with this president.”

Clooney, a long-time Democrat and top fundraiser for the president, called Biden a “friend,” but said the incumbent had changed.

“I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend and I believe in him. Believe in his character. Believe in his morals,” he wrote. “In the last four years, he’s won many of the battles he’s faced.”

Here’s some additional coverage from The Hill regarding Clooney’s comments, among other problems plaguing the Biden campaign:


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