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Grenades Reportedly Found In Carry-On Luggage Prompts Evacuations At Airport

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An airport in Hawaii was evacuated after Transportation Security Administration agents reportedly discovered two grenades inside a 41-year-old man’s carry-on luggage.

Officials evacuated the terminal and bomb squad investigated the items.

“The Hilo International Airport experienced a brief halt in operations” police said, according to CBS News.

Akito Fukushima of Kanazawa, Japan, was arrested for first-degree terroristic threatening.

Bomb squad determined the grenades were inert, meaning they weren’t dangerous.

“A Japanese man was arrested by police in Hawaii for hiding two grenades in his luggage, and Hawaii’s Hilo International Airport was suspended and evacuated in response to the incident. The incident occurred yesterday (9th), involving a 41-year-old Japanese man, and airport security personnel found a grenade in the luggage when checking the man’s hand luggage,” FL360aero wrote.

“The airport then activated an 80-minute evacuation response, and the police bomb disposal team later examined the grenade and confirmed that it was inert,” it added.

Per CBS News:

The flight he was trying to board was to a destination outside the U.S., police noted, but they didn’t say which country it was heading to or what his ultimate destination was.

“Police remind the public that replicas of explosives, such as hand grenades, are prohibited in checked and carry-on baggage,” they added.

Fox News reports:

At 6:45 a.m., Fukushima was arrested and transported to the police department’s East Hawaii Detention Facility.

The Hawaii Police Department reminded the public that replicas of explosives, such as hand grenades, are prohibited in checked and carry-on baggage.

Operations resumed at the international airport at 6:50 a.m., TSA said.


This is a Guest Post from our friends over at 100 Percent Fed Up.

View the original article here.


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