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Wait, Pete Buttigieg Is Not Actually Gay?

EDITOR’S NOTE: We cannot confirm or deny if Pete Buttigieg is indeed gay or not.  By all public accounts, he claims to be gay and appears to be married to a man.  That seems awfully gay.  

Ok, buckle up folks, this is a bit of a strange one!

You know “Mayor Pete” of course?

Our current Transportation Secretary?

I know our Transportation system is at all time lows and functioning horribly, but that’s his current job.

Oh and he’s a very proud gay man.

At least, that’s what we’ve all been told.

Tucker Carlson, however, claims he has information to the contrary.

Just go ahead and watch this short clip:

Full video player here:

But it’s actually kind of interesting the more you dig into it a bit….

You actually start to find a lot of chatter, like this article from The NewYorker from 2020 claiming there is strong “Queer Opposition” to Pete because he’s not gay enough:

That’s odd!

Or this extremely strange clip saying he’d like to take a pill that would make him not gay:

Thou dost protest too much?

I don’t know.

Not related to being gay or not gay, I also stumbled upon this which does look a bit odd:

Gotta end with a laugh….

This post claims Pete is not gay, but only because he’s not actually a man in the first place! 🤣

For real though, who eats a Cinnabon like this?

Crimes against humanity!

p.s. you didn’t really think I’d end this article without including one of Norm Macdonald’s most brilliant observations, did you?

This proves why Norm Macdonald was not just the funniest man on the planet, but also a genius.

This is truly a brilliant observation, and of course Norm finds a way to make it hilarious at the same time.

Watch as he educates Andy Dick on why bisexuality and gayness doesn’t even actually exist….and you have to watch for Andy Dick’s face at the end of it.  You can see the dots literally connecting in realtime as he processes what Norm just said.

WARNING: very graphic language:

Backup here:


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