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Trump Discusses VP Pick In NEW Interview With Sean Hannity

President Trump appeared in an executive interview with Fox News Host Sean Hannity on Monday night, and in the interview, Trump discussed the qualities that are needed for a good Vice President.

During the interview, Trump did not mention who his Vice President pick would be but rather explained the qualities that make a good Vice President.

Trump stated that the person he picks should be able to run the country as the President due to the Vice president being next in line if something was to happen to him.

He also shared they must be good on the campaign trail and help him get elected.

Watch here:

Vin News had these details:

Former President Donald Trump appeared on “Hannity” tonight, providing insights into his considerations for a potential vice-presidential running mate if he decides to run in the 2024 election. During the interview with Sean Hannity, Trump discussed the qualities he is looking for in a VP candidate and hinted at some names that are being considered.

Trump emphasized that loyalty and alignment with his political agenda are paramount in his search for a vice-presidential candidate. He noted that the ideal candidate must be someone who can effectively carry forward the policies and principles that defined his previous administration. Additionally, Trump highlighted the importance of having a VP who can energize the Republican base and attract independent voters.

While Trump did not explicitly confirm any specific names, he provided hints about some individuals under consideration. Among the names mentioned were Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Trump praised DeSantis for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his strong stance on conservative issues. Noem was commended for her leadership in South Dakota and her staunch defense of individual liberties. Pompeo, a close ally of Trump during his presidency, was noted for his foreign policy expertise and strong leadership.

Trump also discussed the strategic aspects of choosing a VP. He mentioned that geographical balance could play a role in his decision, as selecting a candidate from a different region could help broaden the ticket’s appeal. Furthermore, Trump indicated that he is looking for someone who is not only a strong campaigner but also capable of stepping into the presidency if necessary.

Watch the full interview here:


“I Have Not Gotten The Call,” Rumored Trump VP Candidate Says [WATCH]

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) said on NBC News‘ “Meet the Press” that he has not “gotten the call” from President Trump about being his running mate.

“We’ll let the media know if I ever get that call, but most importantly, we’re just trying to work to elect Donald Trump and whoever the vice president is,” Vance said.

“It’s the policies that worked and the leadership style that worked for the American people. I think we have to bring that back to the White House, and I’m fighting to try and do that,” he added.


In the interview, anchor Kristen Welker asked Vance if he would contest the results of the 2024 election.

The Ohio Republican reportedly said he would not as long as the process is “free and fair.”

“We will use constitutional processes to challenge issues if we think there are issues, but if it’s a free and fair election, we will do what the constitution requires, and we will accept the results, and I expect the results to reelect Donald Trump,” he said, according to Newsmax. 

Per Newsmax:

However, Vance disagreed with show anchor Kristen Welker when she said refusing to concede feeds into skepticism about the national election process.

“I think that feeding into people’s concerns about the electoral process is that one-half of America’s political segment won’t support legislation to allow illegal aliens to vote and you have to present I.D. for anything in this country,” said Vance. “What I think undermines people’s confidence in the electoral system is when the media is incurious about obvious examples of progress about the electoral system.”

He added that he wants to work so people have more confidence in their election results.

Vance also on Sunday called it “interesting” that the “media and the Democrats have lost their mind” over Trump’s statement that he will appoint a special prosecutor to go after President Joe Biden and his family, should he defeat the president in November.

“Donald Trump is talking about appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Biden for wrongdoing,” said Vance. “Joe Biden has done exactly that for the last few years and has done far more in addition to to engage in political opposition.”

Further, the senator said, there are “many instances of wrongdoing” that have been identified by the House Oversight Committee.

Vance is widely reported to be on the shortlist of Trump’s VP candidates.

NBC News reports:

Vance, an Ohio Republican, is among three Republican senators on Trump’s short list for a running mate and has emerged as a top finalist alongside North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, sources told NBC News.

Rubio, in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” similarly said that Trump has not made a decision on his VP pick.

After host Dana Bash noted that the Constitution says presidential electors can’t vote for a president and a vice president from the same state — posing potential conflicts for Rubio and Trump, both of whom are Florida residents — she asked whether Rubio would be willing to move to another state or resign his Senate seat if Trump chooses him as his running mate.

Rubio dismissed the notion, saying it’s “presumptuous” and that he has “no idea” whom Trump is going to pick as his running mate.

Pressed again by Bash about whether he has thought of the possibility of leaving Florida or the Senate if he is chosen as Trump’s running mate, Rubio again said he thinks “it’s presumptuous to talk about any of those things in public” because Trump has not made a decision.

Whoever Trump selects for his running mate, it’s reportedly only days until the American people learn his choice.

Prior reports suggest Trump will unveil his VP at the Republican National Convention next week in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

An alleged flyer for a fundraiser stated Trump will appear with the “nominee for vice president” on July 18th.

Date When Donald Trump Will Announce VP Revealed?


NATIONAL POLL: Who Is Your Top Choice For Trump's VP?



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