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JUST IN: President Trump Challenges Biden to a Golf Match!

President Trump has just challenged Joe Biden to an 18-hole golf match that would be “bigger than the Ryder Cup or even the Masters!”

Speaking at a rally on the Doral golf course in Florida tonight, Trump offered to give Biden “10 strokes a side” and offered to donate $1 million to any charity of Biden’s choosing if he loses (not likely.)

Watch Trump’s challenge to Biden here:

From Fox News:

After the two presidential candidates got into a heated discussion about their golf handicaps, former president Donald Trump now wants to walk the walk.

At his rally at his Doral course in south Florida, the 45th president challenged President Biden to a golf match, even offering $1 million to a charity of Biden’s choice if he were to lose.

“I’m also officially challenging crooked Joe to an 18-hole golf match right here on Doral’s Blue Monster, considered one of the greatest tournament golf courses anywhere in the world, one of the great courses of the world,” Trump said. “It will be among the most-watched sporting events in history. Maybe bigger than the Ryder Cup or even the Masters.

“And I will even give Joe Biden 10 strokes a side. Ten strokes, that’s a lot. That means 20 strokes, in case you don’t play golf. And if he wins, I will give the charity of his choice, any charity of his choice, $1 million. And I’ll bet you he doesn’t take the offer.”

Along with the golf match, President Trump challenged Biden to another debate “this week.”

Independent said:

Donald Trump challenged Joe Biden to another presidential debate “this week” and a golf match that he claimed would be “bigger than the Ryder Cup or even the Masters” during his latest campaign rally.

Trump said he wanted to take on Biden in a debate that would be “man to man, no moderators, no holds barred.”

The former president took to the stage at Trump National Doral Golf Club in Miami, Florida – which he described as “one of the greatest golf courses on Earth,” shortly after 8pm ET, in front of large cheering crowds.

At his first major rally in more than a week, Trump blasted Joe Biden over his poor performance in their debate last month, saying that it had been “even according to the fake news media, the most decisive and overwhelming defeat in the history of presidential debates.”

Biden has remained adamant that he will stay on in the race for the White House, challenging senior Democrats to run against him at the Democratic National Convention, and saying that only “The Lord Almighty” could stop him from running.

We all know who would win both that debate and that golf match.

Regardless, folks on social media seem like they’d love to see it:



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