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Watch Out Below! Another Boeing LOSES A Piece of Itself on Take Off

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Hello boys and girls. And welcome to today’s episode of Counting Boeing’s Blunders.

In today’s episode we’ll see what goes wrong when wheels aren’t tightened.

Can you guess what might happen?

Earlier today a United Airlines Boeing took off the run way.

You know how sometimes there’s a first time passenger that regrets flying and during take off they wish they could go back?

Well, today that sort of happened…to one of the wheels on that Boeing.

And it returned, by itself, back to the airport. Poor little guy had fear of flying.

I’m assuming everyone on the plane suddenly felt a similar regret.

“Why did I walk onto this plane?”

“Why didn’t I harken unto Winger’s warnings?”

“Does this mean we all get first class dinner and snacks to bribe us into silence?”

People are saying it might be union mechanics. Possibly disgruntled with their employer?

The Gateway Pundit reports:

Another one!

This is what DEI looks like in action.

A United Airlines Boeing 757 lost a wheel after taking off from Los Angeles International Airport on Monday morning.

The plane landed safely in Denver, Colorado.

“United Airlines Boeing wheel fell off after take off from LAX this morning going to Longmont, Colorado! Is this another maintenance issue?! What the heck?! husband was on flight and texted me the pilot luckily landed the plane safely,” a woman said in a post on X.

CBS News reported:

A United Airlines plane landed safely in Denver on Monday after a wheel fell off the plane during takeoff from Los Angeles earlier in the day.

Officials at Denver International Airport said United Flight 1001 — a Boeing 757-200 — landed at DIA just before 11 a.m. after a wheel on the rear landing gear fell off the plane upon takeoff at LAX. No injuries were reported among the 174 passengers or seven crewmembers.

United says an investigation is now ongoing to determine what caused the wheel to fall off. The wheel has since been recovered in Los Angeles.

A Reddit user who claims to have been on the plane says the flight crew did a “GREAT job,” and they only arrived at their gate about 25 minutes later than scheduled.

Archived air traffic control audio shows several other pilots pointing out to air traffic controllers that the wheel came off.



Okay boys and girls, how many wheels did you count falling off the plane?

You are correct! The answer is one.

But keep watching, that number could go up.

Well, that’s all for today’s episode of Counting Boeing’s Blunders.

Tune in next time to see how many more things will go wrong.

Hope none of you plan on flying anytime soon.


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