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Judge Rules To Keep SECRET The Covenant School Shooter’s Manifesto

The ‘transgender’ shooter, Audrey Hale, wrote a manifesto.

Some of it has been seen, thanks to it being leaked.

But a judge, L’Ashea, ruled against releasing the whole thing.

She wants it to remain a secret.

Don’t let the public see it!

She says it has to do with copyright laws.

Wants to make sure the public doesn’t see the writings of the sadly mislead girl that succumbed to transgender propaganda.

Didn’t help that she was already dealing with mental issues all the way back in 2001.

And so the coverup continues.

I present to you, America, the judge that wants to conceal truth:

But hey, at least she has one of those circular lights that all the Tik-Tok influencers use, right there on her desk.

After all, you gotta look when making your rulings, right?

The Gateway Pundit reports:

Tennessee Judge I’Ashea L. Myles has ruled that not one page of the writings by the Covenant school shooter, Audrey Hale, will be released for public review. Why? Sounds like a cover up. Who is being protected?

The ruling is an insult that helps no one. The cat is already out of the bag. Audrey Hale was a mental patient from the age of six when in 2001 Hale’s parents turned her over to the mental health “experts” at Vanderbilt University Hospital.

And had it not been for the leaked information from a law enforcement source to the Tennessee Star reporters, we’d have no idea the amount of psychiatric drugging that was being conducted on Hale.

But first we must take a step back and wonder why Hale’s parents found it helpful or necessary to turn over their daughter’s writings to the Covenant School and the parents of the victims.

Why? Mom and Dad Hale knew their daughter was a mental health mess for many years. Mom and Dad Hale knew about the psychiatric drug experimenting that was done on their daughter. In fact, Norma Hale is reported to have told investigators that Audrey had to “go through a series of medications to find one that was appropriate for her.” Really?

How many mind-altering drugs was Audrey subjected to before the mental health experts found the one that was “appropriate for her.” Just when was that eureka moment?

Given that four mind-altering drugs were found in Hale’s bedroom by investigators, it appears that the eureka moment never happened. The question is how many times was Hale prescribed psychiatric mind-altering drugs, when did the drugging first begin and how often were Hale’s prescriptions tweaked over two decades to try and “find one that was appropriate for her?”

What Hale wrote in her diary must be a humdinger or why else would it be so protected. It’s already been leaked that Hale wanted to kill her father. Is there more detailed information about that incident that the parents want withheld?

Or did Hale write about her psychiatrists and her frustrations with the number of drugs she was being fed? Because of this judge’s decision, nobody knows and, perhaps, never will.

But this is an interesting case not just because of the withholding of important information about the shooter, but also from the standpoint of who should be held responsible for Hale’s murderous behavior.

Look at all that justice in the photo below.

If that lady can wear her rainbow cult symbol, can a Christian judge wear a small cross lapel pin, or an equally loud Christian scarf?

Sad to see what happened to a girl that had so much potential.

We really have to guard what goes into our kid’s minds.

There’s an all out war for them.

Garbage in, garbage out.


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