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WATCH: Joe Biden Mistakes 4th of July for Christmas — “Ho, Ho, Ho!”

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Happy 4th of July, everyone!

On this day, nearly two and a half centuries ago, our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, laying the foundation for our free and beautiful country.

And today, our so-called ‘president’ Joe Biden mistook Independence Day for Christmas…

“Ho, ho, ho!” Biden greeted the crowd as Kamala Harris almost (“accidentally?”) introduced him as vice president.

Watch for yourself:

The New York Post reported on Biden’s gaffe-filled White House 4th of July celebration:

President Biden made several odd gaffes and misstatements throughout the official White House Fourth of July celebration, appearing confused at times and puzzlingly greeting the crowd with a hearty “Ho ho ho! Happy Independence Day!”

The president, 81, and first lady Jill Biden were joined on stage by Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff. Harris introduced the “extraordinary” President Biden who then began a short statement of well-wishing for the holiday.

Biden looked more sprightly than during his much-maligned June 27 debate performance. But his statements weren’t much more coherent despite being louder in volume.

“We gotta do what our founders did: show the world we’re a nation of dignity, honor, and just devotion to one another,” he said before telling the audience to enjoy the fireworks.

As Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” blared, the group made their way off the stage.

Biden, bringing up the rear, suddenly paused his gait mid-step, seemingly unsure to whom he should hand the microphone.

You truly can’t make this up, folks.

We’ve reached levels of satire that can’t be parodied anymore…

Check out these reactions:


At this point, we have to wonder: is this real?

Or an act?


Or, maybe we got it all wrong and Joe Biden wasn’t actually impersonating Santa Claus at all…



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