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BREAKING: Nigel Farage WINS Seat in British Parliament

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Today was the U.K.’s general election.

Although it seems that Britain is set to decline even further, with their left-wing Labour party having won big, and the current PM predicted to step down tomorrow morning, there is some good news to report.

Nigel Farage, leader of the anti-immigration Reform party and ally of President Trump, has finally won a seat in Parliament.

This was his 8th election attempt.

Check out the breaking news:

Nigel Farage just posted this, following his win:

Reuters reports:

Nigel Farage, leader of the right-wing Reform UK party, won a seat in the British parliament for the first time on Friday in the seaside English town of Clacton-on-Sea, as voters deserted Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party.

Farage, whose career of anti-immigration, pro-Brexit campaigning has made him one of Britain’s most recognisable and divisive political figures, comfortably beat the Conservative candidate Giles Watling who had previously held the seat.

His surprise entry into the election a month ago, having initially ruled out standing, boosted support for Reform UK across the country. That helped scupper Sunak’s hopes of closing the gap on the centre-left Labour Party, which is on course for a huge national victory.

“There is a massive gap on the center right of British politics and my job is to fill it and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do,” Farage said after the result was announced.

“My plan is to build a mass national movement over the course of the next few years and hopefully be big enough to challenge the general election properly in 2029.”

The New York Times added:

Nigel Farage, a supporter of former President Donald J. Trump, a driving force behind Brexit and Britain’s best known political disrupter, was elected to Parliament for the first time.

The new insurgent party he leads — Reform U.K. — was projected in the national exit poll to have captured four seats, more than many analysts had predicted, in an electoral system that typically punishes small parties. His party has been buoyed by an anti-immigration platform.

Mr. Farage won by a large margin in Clacton, a faded seaside town, where pre-election opinion surveys had suggested he had a strong chance of winning. He had tried and failed seven times before to be elected to Parliament.


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