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Hunter Biden Sues Fox News, Here’s Why

On Monday, Hunter Biden sued Fox News.

Joe Biden’s son Hunter accused the network in his lawsuit of committing “fictional miniseries.”

The lawsuit further stated Fox News has launched “an effort to harass, annoy, alarm, and humiliate him, and tarnish his reputation.”

The lawsuit comes after Fox News launched a miniseries called “The Trial of Hunter Biden” that reported on his drug use, foreign lobbying, and sexual promiscuity.

Here’s what Yahoo News reported:

Hunter Biden on Monday sued Fox News and its parent company over their production of a fictional miniseries that attorneys for the president’s son called “an effort to harass, annoy, alarm, and humiliate him, and tarnish his reputation.”

The miniseries, called “The Trial of Hunter Biden,” is described by Fox as a mock trial that seeks to show “how a possible Hunter Biden trial might look,” and includes several sexually graphic images of Hunter Biden.

In their suit, filed Monday in New York state court, attorneys for Hunter Biden accuse the network of “politically motivated attacks against the President and his family” and the “unlawful commercial exploitation of Mr. Biden’s image, name, and likeness.”

They accused the network of unlawful dissemination of an intimate image, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and unjust enrichment. The complaint requests a jury trial, compensatory and punitive damages, and the disgorgement of any profits from “The Trial of Hunter Biden.”

“This entirely politically motivated lawsuit is devoid of merit,” a Fox News spokesperson said in response to the suit. “The core complaint stems from a 2022 streaming program that Mr. Biden did not complain about until sending a letter in late April 2024. The program was removed within days of the letter, in an abundance of caution, but Hunter Biden is a public figure who has been the subject of multiple investigations and is now a convicted felon.”

Per AP:

Hunter Biden accused Fox News in a lawsuit of unlawfully publishing explicit images of him as part of a streaming series.

The president’s son filed the lawsuit Sunday in state court in Manhattan over images in “The Trial of Hunter Biden,” which debuted on the streaming service Fox Nation in 2022. The series features a “mock trial” of Hunter Biden on charges he has not faced and it includes images of Biden in the nude and engaged in sex acts, according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit claims the dissemination of intimate images without his consent violated New York’s so-called revenge porn law.

“Fox published and disseminated these Intimate Images to its vast audience of millions as part of an entertainment program in order to humiliate, harass, annoy and alarm Mr. Biden and to tarnish his reputation,” according to the lawsuit.


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