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FEC Filing Sparks Rumors of Gen. Flynn as Trump’s VP, Flynn Weighs In

Now here’s a curious story.

Turns out a Federal Election Commission filing named General Mike Flynn as Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential.

And it’s gone viral.

Flynn shot it down immediately.

He took to X and said, “I just saw two unauthorized FEC filings referencing my name.They are fake news!”

Earlier this year, he hinted he wouldn’t dismiss the idea being VP.

So this helped stir up the belief that this rumor could’ve been true.

But as of now, that’s not the case.

The mystery of Trump’s VP pick remains just that; a mystery.

Who could fault the hearts of the hopeful?

These two would make a dynamic duo!

The Gateway Pundit reports:

An “unauthorized” Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing that named General Mike Flynn as Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential pick has gone viral on social media. The alleged filing, dated July 2, 2024, was immediately debunked by Flynn himself.

The former National Security Advisor took to X to dismiss the rumors.

“I just saw two unauthorized FEC filings referencing my name. They are fake news! I don’t know anything about them, and my office has alerted the FEC,” said Flynn.

Earlier this year, Mike Flynn hinted he would not dismiss the idea of joining the Trump ticket as a Vice Presidential candidate if the opportunity arose.

An audience member raised the question of a Trump-Flynn ticket during a Q&A session at the screening of “Out of Shadows and Into the Light.”

He revealed that in 2016, he was among the final four candidates considered for Trump’s Vice President, alongside Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich, and Mike Pence, who was eventually selected. Flynn’s revelation that he was the only Democrat among these finalists added an unexpected twist to his response.

Flynn expressed his deep-seated convictions about the country, shaped by his upbringing and personal beliefs, suggesting that a proposition like the Vice Presidency would be challenging to decline.

“A question like that is a very, very hard question to say no to,” he said.


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