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Trans Non-Binary Runner Qualifies For US Olympic Team

Nikki Hiltz, who identifies as a transgender non-binary runner, has qualified for the U.S. Olympic team.

Hiltz was born as a biological female but identifies as a transgender non-binary.

Hiltz qualified for the Olympic team after running the 1500-meter run in 3 minutes and 55 seconds.

Here’s what The Daily Mail reported:

Nikki Hiltz, a transgender non-binary runner qualified for US Olympic team after winning the Women’s 1,500-meter race at trails over the weekend.

Hiltz, a biological female identifying as transgender non-binary, set the meet record with their run at 3 minutes and 55.53 seconds. In doing so, Hiltz broke the record set by Elle St. Pierre in 2021.

They also won the 1,500-meter race at the 2023 US Championships to foreshadow their Olympic berth.

Hiltz’s partner is another groundbreaking athlete, Emma Gee, who was the first out LGBTQ+ athlete to compete for Brigham Young University.

Like many distance runners, the two are based in Flagstaff, Arizona, where they are frequently seen running the area’s many trails. Track Town USA has referred to Gee and Hiltz as one of the sport’s ‘power couples.’

Per Breitbart:

Runner Nikki Hiltz, a biological female who identifies as “transgender and non-binary,” has earned a spot on the U.S. Olympic team after winning the women’s 1,500-meter on Sunday.

Hiltz also set a track record with her time of 3 minutes and 55.53 seconds, breaking a record set by Elle St. Pierre in 2021, Fox News reported.

“I told myself, I’m not going to think about all the love and support (I have) until 100 meters to go,’” Hiltz said on Sunday. “And then, at that moment, you can let it all fill you up and push you to the finish line.’ That’s exactly what I did, and I think that’s what brought me home.”

Hiltz went on to claim she was competing for the gay community.


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