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Will Joe Biden’s Sister Valerie Have Final Say On Joe Biden’s Future

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On Sunday, Joe Biden met with his closest advisers and family members at Camp David to discuss his political future.

Biden’s youngest sister, Valerie Biden Owen, was included in those meetings.

According to the Daily Beast, Valerie is the only person who can keep him out of the race.

The Daily Beast reported, “The only people with any real chance of persuading him to bow out now, some suggest, are sister Valerie and best friend Ted Kaufman.”

Per The Daily Beast:

A beleaguered Joe Biden was holed up in Camp David on Sunday, reportedly preparing to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with close family members—although not, perhaps, with the one he should actually be talking to.Three days after a disastrous performance in Thursday’s first presidential debate against Donald Trump, the 81-year-old faces a torrent of calls—including from friends and former supporters—to drop out of the race for the sake of the nation.

But even those considered genuine Bidenworld “insiders” cannot agree on who might be best-placed to counsel the president as he faces the most consequential decision of his life: his wife of 47 years, Jill Biden; or the woman who has been at his side throughout his long political career, younger sister Valerie Biden Owens.

It was Jill who escorted a shellshocked Biden from the stage after the TV debate in Atlanta on Thursday and who has been at his side ever since at a series of campaign stops and a big-dollar fundraiser in the Hamptons that was brutally overshadowed by speculation on his future. The first lady is with her husband at the presidential retreat in Maryland this weekend, along with their kids and grandkids.But for many Democrat insiders, Dr. Biden is simply too close to her husband to ever bring herself to wield the knife on his career.

The only people with any real chance of persuading him to bow out now, some suggest, are sister Valerie and best friend Ted Kaufman.One Democratic official, briefing Axios on condition of anonymity, said the only way to ease Biden out of the race would be to let him to go with dignity, persuade him that he has achieved what he set out to achieve as president and should hand over to a new generation. Only Owens and Kaufman enjoyed the family trust enough to be able to do that.

Per Axios:

Forget the pundits. Ignore New York Times editorials and columnists. Tune out people popping off on X.

The only way President Biden steps aside, despite his debate debacle, is if the same small group of lifelong loyalists who enabled his run suddenly — and shockingly — decides it’s time for him to call it quits.

Why it matters: Dr. Jill Biden; his younger sister, Valerie Biden; and 85-year-old Ted Kaufman, the president’s longtime friend and constant adviser — plus a small band of White House advisers — are the only Biden deciders.

This decades-long kitchen cabinet operates as an extended family, council of elders and governing oligarchy. These allies alone hold sway over decisions big and small in Biden’s life and presidency.


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