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Why Are The Boy Scouts Doing Gay Pride Now?

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Nothing is sacred in this country anymore, which is evident by how children have been targeted by far left propagandists promoting things such as “pride.”

The Boy Scouts of America is an organization that has unfortunately become a target of such evil.

Two months ago, the Boy Scouts rebranded their name to ‘Scouting America’ in an apparent attempt to distance themselves from their checkered past, which includes allegations of sexual abuse against children.

During Seattle’s infamous pride celebration, a contingent of the scouts were seen participating in the parade.

Weird timing, right?

This same parade featured the usual suspects such as disgraced US soccer player Megan Rapinoe, as well as several individuals who dressed and behaved inappropriately.

Here is some of the footage of the event:

This group of lowlifes were not far behind the Scouts:..

As made evident by Not the Bee, this is reality right now:

A Post Millennial reporter took a video at the Seattle Pride Parade and found it to be led by none other than the Boy Scouts.

Right behind the scouts was Grand Marshal Megan Rapinoe: Pictured below making an obscene sexual gesture in front of a bunch of kids:

This comes after the Boy Scouts of America officially changed their name to “Scouting America” back in May of this year in order to distance themselves from a checkered past, and to become more “inclusive:”

The Gateway Pundit reported on that story in May:

The Boy Scouts of America has announced a major rebranding as it transitions to “Scouting America,” marking the first name change in its 114-year legacy.

The move is part of the organization’s bid to distance itself from its troubled past marred by a torrent of sexual abuse claims and subsequent bankruptcy while simultaneously embracing “inclusivity.”

The Gateway Pundit reported that the organization was nearly bankrupt after a series of woke decisions, including changing its policies to allow gay leaders and allowing girls to join. Those decisions had a major impact on the organization’s bottom line.

This change is yet another surrender to the ongoing “woke” agenda permeating longstanding American institutions. This is another surrender to political correctness, prioritizing superficial inclusivity over the core values that once made the Boy Scouts an iconic organization.

Let’s get this straight…

Two months ago, the Boy Scouts changed their name in order to distance themselves from a history of alleged sexual abuse.

Now, here they are in Seattle marching in a parade celebrating the sexuality of a bunch of confused people?..

Several people pointed out the history of sexual abuse within the Boy Scouts through the years.

Others commented that forcing children to participate in the “pride” celebration itself should be considered child abuse:

Along with the allegations against the Scouts, the organization has been embroiled in a bankruptcy plan throughout the year.

The Hill reported earlier this year on a $2.4 BILLION bankruptcy settlement, which noted that more than 80,000 men have filed claims of sexual abuse against the organization:

The U.S. Supreme Court is allowing the Boy Scouts of America’s $2.4 billion bankruptcy settlement to proceed after decades of sexual abuse allegations.

The court lifted a temporary pause imposed by an appeal by more than 100 former Boy Scouts who opposed the agreement, Reuters reported.

Justice Samuel Alito temporarily paused the settlement last week, allowing the court more time to decide the request to block the settlement from going forward. The decision Thursday overrides Alito’s pause.

Last March, a District Court in Delaware rejected arguments that the more than $2 billion bankruptcy plan for the organization wasn’t proposed in good faith.

More than 80,000 men have filed claims with the Texas-based organization, saying they were abused as children by leaders all across the country.

The times have clearly changed..


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