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Here’s How We’re KICKING DEEP STATE BUTT! Can You Join Us?

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Tonight I went live on Rumble and Twitter to tell everyone how we’re kicking butt and taking names!

Deep State butt, that is.

We’re no longer just sitting back and taking it….

We’re fighting back (peacefully and patriotically) and we’re gaining ground.

Let me just get you right into the video so you can see it yourself.

Watch here:

Backup here:

Now the big question…..

Can you join us?

We’re better together and we just crossed 200,000 people who’ve joined on with us!

But our goal is ONE MILLION so we’ve still got a lot of work to do.

Can I count on having you join us?

It’s invite-only, but the good news is I have the invites.

You can request your FREE invite right here đŸ‘‰

Let’s do this together!


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