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Today’s Gospel Message: “When I Am Afraid”

Happy Sunday my friends!

We take this moment to take a quick break from the news and bring you a wonderful Gospel Message just like we do each week.

And like usual, we go to our good friend Pastor Robb:

Today’s message is titled, “When I Am Afraid”.

There are many times when we all feel very afraid and scared.

There are many verses in the scripture that tell us about what fear can do to us.

We will go through these scriptures today and teach on the topic of being afraid.

We all know how devastating fear can be for us. It can often be demoralizing and make us afraid to move.

The Lord does want us to be afraid. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 56.

Whenever I am afraid I will put my trust in you. Let the weak say I am strong. Amen.

May this message today bring you much comfort in whatever you are facing.

The Lord is much bigger than any problem that we can face and He has always promised to be with us.

Let’s continue our prayers for President Trump as he continues to stand strong for all the true patriots.

May God bless you and make a way for you.


Pastor Robb Goodman Sr Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA.

Please enjoy:


Ascending The Heights of Zion, With Pastor Robb Goodman

Happy Sunday everyone!

I have a wonderful message to share with you as is our custom around here on Sundays.

This is our good friend Pastor Robb Goodman bringing us a wonderful Gospel message:

Today’s message is titled,  “Ascending the Heights of Zion.”

The last few weeks I’ve been teaching about being delivered from the power of darkness.

Today’s message is different but in order to climb up to the place of God’s holiness we must separate ourselves from the lusts of our flesh and live according to God’s righteous standards.

We cannot do this with knowing what the Word of God says.

What will happen as we ascend up Zions Holy Mountain?

We will become more and more like Him. My prayer is that this message will touch your heart in a very unique & special way.

God bless you & May God bless We Love Trump website & Telegram pages too!

Pastor Robb Goodman Sr Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA

Please enjoy and share with someone who needs to hear this:

On a related note, don’t miss this if you haven’t seen it yet.

So powerful….

Trump Gets Prayed For In JESUS’ Name

Shortly after giving a speech, Trump stopped by Zestos a burger and ice-cream restaurant in Columbia, South Carolina

Trump ordered a chocolate-dipped cone and said hello to the customers and staff at Zestos.

One woman who was behind the counter at Zestos even offered to pray for Trump to which Trump replied “go ahead”.

The woman would begin her prayer by saying “Lord I pray in the name of Jesus…”

Watch Trump get prayed for here:

Here are some more photos of Trump’s visit:

Dan Scavino put together an awesome video of Trump’s visit watch it here:

I can’t help but also remember this moment…

FLASHBACK: Melania Trump Recites The LORD’s Prayer

Yes, this is from 2017…

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t wonderful!

I bet you’ve never seen Barry and Michelle do this, have you?

Please enjoy this short clip of Melania Trump making a rare moment on stage…

And how does she use it?

To recite the LORD’s Prayer on Easter back in 2017.

So incredible and the crowd goes absolutely insane afterwards.

It’s what We The People want…

Not a Pastor in the White House, but a man and a family who love God, fear God, respect God, and most importantly a man who doesn’t just refer to “God” but to Jesus Christ by name!

More on that in a minute…

First, let’s enjoy this wonderful prayer led by Melania…watch it right here on Rumble:

Now let’s do one more for everyone who says “Yeah, that wasn’t Donald up there…he doesn’t even know the words!”

Ok, that’s a very judgmental spirit and all I can tell you is I’m standing with this guy…👇

Watch here on Rumble:

And there’s always one guy who ruins the party right?

The Poindexter.

The Dork.

Well, today the Dork Award goes to “NotSorry” who posted this:

Yeah bud, that was a 12 second clip.

For the full 2 minute clip, you’ll see he says exactly that: all honor goes to Jesus Christ!

Watch the FULL clip here on Rumble:

Don’t you miss this?

I know I do!

Mr. Trump, it’s time to come back!

And I’ll give you one more before I go…

Remember this great moment?

KEEP IT GOING: Your Prayers For President Trump, Now Over 150,000!

Yesterday we sent out a call to all Prayer Warriors….it’s time to pray for President Trump!

The time has never been more critical as we hit a turning point for his return.

We sent out the call and you answered!

Hundreds and then thousands of prayers began coming in….and they’re not stopping.

Now over 150,000 and counting on our way to One Million!

That’s right, we have a mission to have One Million people praying for our President.

Will you please help? 👇



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