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In Post-Debate Rally, Trump Tells Virginia Voters To Ask Themselves THIS Question

Anyone who watched last week’s presidential debate witnessed a distressing level of cognitive impairment in Joe Biden’s disastrous performance.

But Donald Trump has made it clear that his focus isn’t on mopping the floor with his rival on the debate stage.

He appeared at a packed campaign rally in Virginia over the weekend and urged voters in the state to consider the bigger picture.

As the Daily Wire reported:

“The question every voter should be asking themselves today is not whether Joe Biden can survive a 90-minute debate performance, but whether America can survive four more years of crooked Joe Biden in the White House,” Trump said, according to Fox News.

Biden, who easily bested Trump in Virginia in 2020, now only holds about a two-point lead in the state, according to an average of polls.

“Our case to Virginia is very simple,” Trump added during the rally. “We will seal the border, we will make the American Dream affordable again, but we will bring back the American Dream, something you don’t hear about anymore. … Under my leadership, we had the greatest economy in the history of the world … during my term, we had gasoline down to $1.87 a gallon.”

Around 10,000 reportedly attended the rally where Trump spoke for about 90 minutes.

Millions of voters nationwide seem to already have their answer, as evidenced by the flood of social media posts that emerged in the aftermath of the debate.



Biden finally found the energy to address a crowd for a full 18 minutes, during which he referenced his debate meltdown but attempted to convince North Carolina voters that he’s still capable of serving another term in the White House.

According to the Associated Press:

Biden appeared to acknowledge the criticism during a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, saying ”I don’t debate as well as I used to.” But he added, “I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done.” Speaking for 18 minutes, Biden appeared far more animated than he had the night before as he excoriated Trump for his “lies” and for waging a campaign aimed at “revenge and retribution.”

“The choice in this election is simple,” Biden said. “Donald Trump will destroy our democracy. I will defend it.”

Here’s how the Trump campaign responded to Biden’s debate performance:


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