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Nikki Haley Issues Warning On Biden’s Possible Replacement

Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has warned Republicans to prepare for Joe Biden’s resignation as Democratic presidential nominee.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Haley said, “They are going to be smart about it. They’re going to bring somebody younger, somebody vibrant, somebody tested.”

The former Governor of South Carolina added, “This is a time for Republicans to prepare and get ready for what’s to come because there is no way that there will be a surviving Democratic Party if they allow Joe Biden to continue to be the candidate.”

“Our enemies just saw that they have between now and Jan. 20 to do whatever it is they want to do,” added Haley.

Check out what Fox News reported:

Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and Trump primary challenger, warned Republicans should prepare for Democrats to replace President Biden with a candidate who is “younger” and more “vibrant,” while repeating her push for cognitive tests for all candidates for federal office.

“They are going to be smart about it. They’re going to bring somebody younger. They’re going to bring somebody vibrant. They’re going to bring somebody tested,” Haley told the Wall Street Journal Saturday.

“This is a time for Republicans to prepare and get ready for what’s to come because there is no way that there will be a surviving Democratic Party if they allow Joe Biden to continue to be the candidate.”

Some Democrats have also called on Biden to drop out of the race after his debate performance against former President Trump.

In reference to Biden’s performance, Haley said, “Our enemies just saw that they have between now and Jan. 20 to do whatever it is they want to do.”

Per Newsmax:

Former Republican presential candidate Nikki Haley warned Donald Trump to “get ready” for the impending change she predicted the Democrats are about to spring on the 2024 election.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Haley said the Democrats need to drop President Joe Biden from the ticket following his less-than-impressive debate performance on Thursday night.

“They are going to be smart about it. They’re going to bring somebody younger. They’re going to bring somebody vibrant. They’re going to bring somebody tested,” she said.

“This is a time for Republicans to prepare and get ready for what’s to come, because there is no way that there will be a surviving Democratic Party if they allow Joe Biden to continue to be the candidate.”

Despite a caustic primary relationship, it appears Haley and Trump have moved on from their primary battles to confront what they deem a larger threat, that of a weak American president. Haley was concerned that our nation’s adversaries saw Biden’s frail mannerisms as a green light for mischief.


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