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Anti-Abortion is Antisemitic? LAWSUIT by Jewish Women Claiming Religious Freedom

No abortion access?

That’s antisemitic! Apparently. Who knew?

Three Jewish women have filed a lawsuit to ensure they have the right to murder babies.

Why, you ask?

Because they claim it’s part of their religion.

And the following is one of the main writings that is used for their pro-abortion beliefs.

It’s from Sanhedrin 72b, a passage from the Babylonian Talmud.

(They don’t have individual verses, rather its numbered in chunks, like chapters in the Bible)

“If a woman is in hard travail, one cuts up the child in her womb and extracts it member by member, because her life comes before that of the child. But if the greater part was already born, one may not touch it, for one may not set aside one person’s life for that of another.” – Sanhedrin 72b

Central Conference of American Rabbis states their interpretation:

Sanhedrin 72b–where the law of the destruction of the child is cited…He says that as long as it (baby) does not go forth “into the air of the world” it is not considered a nefesh (alive) and, therefore, may be slain to save the mother.

From this we might conclude that an unborn fetus or infant is not considered a being, and may, if necessary, be destroyed.

Does that mean if you’re against abortions in the state of Florida, that you’re committing a hate crime? Someone call up Gov. DeSantis and ask.

Yahoo News reports:

A Jefferson County judge has ruled against three Jewish women who argue that Kentucky’s near-total abortion bans infringe on their religious freedom and their ability to safely carry out a pregnancy.

Jefferson County Circuit Judge Brian Edwards on Friday issued an order tossing out a lawsuit brought by Louisville residents Lisa Sobel, Jessica Kalb and Sarah Baron, who have all experienced challenges to becoming mothers.

He said the women lacked standing to bring the case and granted summary judgment to the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office, which defended the state’s abortion laws.

“We applaud the Court’s decision to uphold Kentucky law,” Attorney General Russell Coleman said in a news release Friday evening. “Most importantly, the Court eliminates any notion that access to IVF services in our Commonwealth is at risk. Today’s opinion is a welcome reassurance to the many Kentuckians seeking to become parents.”

But Aaron Kemper, an attorney for the women, said that is not his reading of the situation.

“This doesn’t offer any protection for IVF whatsoever,” he said in a brief telephone interview. “We are definitely concerned.”

Kemper said his clients “are hurt and disappointed” by the ruling, and they plan to appeal.

“After thirteen months of waiting, we received a nine page decision that we feel fails to comport with the law and makes numerous obvious errors,” he said in a written statement. “Our nation is waiting for a judiciary brave enough to do what the law and our traditions require. Our clients demand that we continue the fight and we look forward to review by higher courts.”

Kentucky’s two abortion bans took effect in the summer of 2022, after the fall of Roe v. Wade, and both are still in place today. A six-week ban, or fetal heartbeat law, prohibits pregnancy termination after a fetal cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks gestation, and a separate trigger law bans abortion except when it’s necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman.

Sobel, Kalb and Baron sued the state in October 2022, arguing that these “unintelligible” laws give preference to Christian beliefs in such a way that diminishes their rights and religious freedom as people of Jewish faith, who believe life begins at birth, not conception. They also argue the bans are “intentionally vague (so) that ordinary people cannot understand what conduct is prohibited.”

Kalb and Sobel have had children by way of in-vitro fertilization, and Kalb currently has nine “frozen” embryos in storage, in the event she does want to have more children, according to the lawsuit.

Baron, who was 37 at the time the lawsuit was filed, has two children and wants a third. But the threat of pregnancy complications — a pregnancy is considered “geriatric” and higher risk over the age of 35 — are compounded by doctors’ limited ability to respond with the standard of care, because of the state’s abortion restrictions.

Even if a fetus is nonviable, if the pregnancy poses no risk to a woman, abortion by way of pre-term induction is illegal under Kentucky law. This has led many women with nonviable pregnancies to travel out of state to access what is medically considered routine care that’s recommended by their doctors.

As it stands, “Kentucky’s current law related to reproduction has discouraged (Baron) from having more children,” the lawsuit reads.

What’s more, they argue the bans’ lack of exceptions for cases of rape, incest and fatal fetal abnormalities violate their religious beliefs.

“While a fetus is deserving of some level of respect under halakha, the birth giver takes precedence,” their lawsuit reads. “Jews have never believed that life begins at conception. This belief belongs to certain Christian groups.”

On a NPR podcast, here’s a quote from is.

Host, Goodman: All three women in Kentucky’s case are Jewish, and according to them, Kentucky’s ban endangers not only their health, but their ability to practice their religion. And Sobel and the other two women are left waiting.

Sobel: My life is on hold. And I can’t do anything.

No abortion, no life?

Hmm, seems ironically fitting. That’s what abortion is, no life.

Interesting that it’s truly part of their religion, ‘a Jewish value’.

Doesn’t seem compatible with religions that oppose abortion.

Maybe thats why 74% of Jewish voters vote Democrat?

To keep their abortions?

Here’s a disturbing video…



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