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Supreme Court Rules On Steve Bannon’s Request To Delay Prison Sentence

On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected former Trump adviser and host of the War Room Steve Bannon’s request to delay his prison sentence.

Bannon previously filed an emergency appeal to delay his sentence, but the Supreme Court rejected his petition without comment.

Bannon will now report to prison on July 1st, where he will begin a four-month prison sentence.

Two years ago, a Federal Court found Bannon guilty of Contempt of Congress for refusing to testify before the J6 Committee.

Here’s what AP reported:

The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon as he appeals his conviction for defying a subpoena in the congressional investigation into the U.S. Capitol insurrection.

Bannon filed an emergency appeal after a judge ordered him to report to prison July 1 for a four-month sentence for defying a subpoena from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack. The court previously denied a similar request from another Trump aide.

The appeal was originally directed to Chief Justice John Roberts, who oversees such requests from Washington. He referred it to the full court.

The court rejected it without explanation, as is typical. There were no noted dissents.

Defense attorneys have argued the case raises issues that should be examined by the Supreme Court, including Bannon’s previous lawyer’s belief that the subpoena was invalid because former President Donald Trump had asserted executive privilege. Prosecutors, though, say Bannon had left the White House years before and Trump had never invoked executive privilege in front of the committee.

Per The Hill:

The Supreme Court ruled Friday that Steve Bannon must begin his four-month prison sentence on contempt of Congress charges as his appeal proceeds.
The one-sentence order, which had no public dissents, keeps in place Monday’s deadline for the onetime Trump strategist to report to prison, rejecting Bannon’s emergency effort to delay it.

It makes Bannon the second Trump White House aide to serve prison time in connection with defying a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee. Peter Navarro, a former trade adviser to Trump, began his sentence in March after his emergency appeal at the Supreme Court similarly failed.

Two years ago, a federal jury in Washington, D.C., convicted Bannon on two counts of contempt of Congress for failing to appear for a deposition before the Jan. 6 panel and refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents.
As Bannon appealed, his trial judge had enabled him to delay his sentence because of a federal law that keeps defendants free if their appeal presents a substantial legal question likely to result in a reversal or new trial.


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