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Pentagon Press Secretary ADMITS Biden Lied During Debate

The Pentagon’s Deputy Press Secretary has addressed Biden’s claim that no members of the U.S. military have died under his watch.

While holding a press conference, Deputy Press Secretary of the Pentagon Sabrina Singh admitted service members have died under Biden’s leadership.

During last night’s debate, Biden claimed he’s the only president this century not to have any troops killed under his term.

After initially avoiding the question, a reporter asked Singh very directly, “This is a question to the Pentagon: Has President Biden had service members die anywhere in the world while he’s been in office?”

Singh responded, “We have certainly had service members pass during this administration.”

Watch here:

Here’s the moment Biden made the claim:

Per Fox News:

President Biden claimed during the CNN Presidential Debate Simulcast Thursday night that he is “the only president this century” and “this decade” that did not have any troops “dying anywhere in the world”—failing to acknowledge the 13 fallen service members who were killed during his administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

Biden answered a question from CNN debate moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash related to the economy. He went through former President Trump’s tax cuts and the economy under his predecessor’s administration.

“The greatest economy in the world? He’s the only one who thinks that,” Biden said of Trump. “I don’t know anybody else who thinks they have the greatest economy in the world.”

“He had the largest tax cut in history–$2 trillion—he raised the deficit larger than any president has at any one time,” Biden continued.

But Biden shifted to Afghanistan.

Biden said Trump “didn’t do anything” about Afghanistan.


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