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CAN’T MAKE THIS UP: White House Claims Biden’s Disastrous Performance Was Due To “Cheap Fakes”

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has once again blamed “cheap fakes” for videos floating on X, showing Biden in a weakened state.

On Friday morning, a reporter told KJP, “There seems to be a rash of videos that have been edited to make the President appear especially frail or mentally confused.”

KJP responded, “They are cheap fake videos. They are done in bad faith.”

Watch KJP here:

This isn’t the first time the White House has claimed cheap fakes are putting Biden in a bad light.

Per The Washington Examiner:

The White House is countering Republican attempts to paint President Joe Biden as in mental decline with a strategy that casts GOP-cut videos of his alleged stumbles as misinformation.

Biden’s advisers even believe they can go on offense with their own social media scrutiny of apparent missteps by former President Donald Trump on the campaign trail.

Voters have consistently cited Biden’s age as a concern as they weigh whether to give him a second term as president. Trump, his Republican rival, is not much younger, but Biden’s seeming forgetfulness, reinforced by a bombshell report from special counsel Robert Hur earlier this year, has become a focal point in the 2024 contest.

The Republican National Committee has found viral success amplifying the narrative by sharing clips of Biden at official and campaign events from its account on X, while the Trump campaign has taken a similar approach.


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